Developing Empathy for those with Autism | Lucía Murillo | TEDxUniversityofRochester

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Dr Murillo talks about the inclusion of autistic individuals into society and what steps we can take to achieve it.

Dr. Lucía Murillo is the Assistant Director of Education Research at Autism Speaks. Her career focuses on autism research, early childhood intervention, public health and advocacy for underserved communities around the globe. Her work includes community-based participatory research, a method in which community stakeholders collaborate and drive local research priorities. Dr. Murillo has spent over twelve years providing relevant and culturally-responsive services to children and their families, particularly to Spanish-speaking communities in the United States and Latin America.

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I will like to put my 2 cents on this issue from my dual perspective. I am an occupational therapist by trade and an autism self advocate on the side. The strengths based approach has been a leading principle in occupational therapy treatments for autistic individuals. I am also a byproduct of these treatments and I am a fan of such. I think what you said is pretty much spot on.

Now onto the mentorship part. I believe autistic individuals can benefit from mentors. In some instances, I think we should find some for them. But in some instances, having autistic individuals be self directed to find their mentors are not bad ideas. I know I did... and I am glad I have a say of who my mentoring team will be composed of. Because I am self directed, my mentors only intervened when I really screw up or I know I truly need guidance. Through the support of my mentorship, I am able to become the first OT to do 2 TEDx talks.

So all powers to strengths based approach!
