How Do I Deal With A Settlement Offer From A Car Accident?

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How Do I Deal With A Settlement Offer From A Car Accident?

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I learned the hard way with getting suckered into an "ambulance chaser".
Rule of thumb: If they have to advertise, then they don't have enough people vouching for them (word-of-mouth) for a reason.


Dave started talking, sounding a firm attorney from Cullin and Dykman, saying: Let me do the talking lady. Lol


i was on the other side of this. a little while back i was driving on a rainy road at night and the person in front of me stopped short and my car slid. no airbags were deployed and nobody reported immediate injury. the paint on their back bumper was scratched and a piece of the grill of my car was bent, but we were all checked by paramedics and drove off in out desperate cars. about four months later they asked for 200k due to back damage and future disability claiming they are no longer able to work. i know this is something the insurance company will work to reduce but i’m still in shock and unsure of what to do in this situation


I’m in total debt car payments credit cards. Eventually I’m probably going to lose it all. I am on disability I know I shouldn’t be in this position with very limited income. Should I just cut my losses. Give up the car. Stop payments to cc etc.. I can barely pay my utilities. I’m way over my head.


I don't think this girl should settle. She should get all the money she can from this person. If she hasn't got a lawyer, it seems they know it was such a bad accident they should pay her before she sues and gets more than they are willing to give




What if you have uninsured motorists and the other party rear ends you but they don’t have insurance?


Actually, Mr. Ramsey, you were a great help! This woman probably suffered a traumatic brain injury which is going to leave her permanently impaired. Checking with friends or a trusted person in the community like a pastor is a great way to get the right attorney.


Lawyers will be eager to help because they will charge at least 20% of the settlement and it goes up from there. Divide the actual hours worked on your case into what the lawyer makes and you'l find that they are getting thousands of dollars an hour. Get hurt and can't work and the worst parasites in the country will descend on you from every direction.


Get a lawyer!! Do not negotiate on your own. You could have your medical bills paid from the MedPay portion of the insurance- yours or theirs. Many things are not common knowledge that an attorney needs to advise you of.... and what state you are in has a bearing on all of it! I know this, cuz dealing with the very same issue.


Wow my Daddy gave me the same advise my son in law gave me recommendation but my pastor was my next go to


I got into an accident on 11/06/2023 it wasn't not my fault, so four weeks ago I took my car to a bodyshop, and after a week they declared my car totaled but had no price value yet. And I keep calling and messaging the insurance, so after 3 weeks they answer my call and they tell me my car is worth $10, 000, which is fair value, I thought, until the insurance tells me
I need to pay the bodyshop plus the bodyshop storage fee. On that 10k Just imagined, my car has been sitting on the bodyshop for almost a month doing nothing, just making the storage fee bigger and bigger until they decided to answer my call after 3 weeks, and this is what I get from the at-fault insurance.

I hope there's anyway to make the insurance pay the fee and labor the bodyshop did out of the $10, 000 settlement I got because I still owe my car $3, 000. I'm' almost finished paying off my car for 5 years, then this is what I get.


Adjusters will write what they can see. An adjuster will never write for something that is "probably damaged under there" without seeing it. Having a body shop tech there won't help if the damage is hidden. That said, an adjuster isn't doing that to cheat you. Adjusters seeing a big hit on a car that isn't torn down, know full well that they'll be going back to the body shop to write a supplementary estimate for additional damages underneath those surface components. The most important thing is to have a competent body shop performing the repairs. If the estimate unfairly undercuts labor hours, or is missing required operations, that body shop manager will submit a supplement and negotiate with the adjuster for the right parts and repair. The vast majority of adjusters truly aren't being dishonest or duplicitous with you. A substandard repair will just end up costing the company more in the long run through additional inspection, double purchasing of parts, or court costs.


Look over Google reviews of the law firms in your area.


How does she find an attorney? Sheesh, some poor guy backed into me because I had stopped for some pedestrians. No injuries, just car damage but I was getting unsolicited letters from attorneys for weeks afterwards.


Hey I just had a question. I’m 19 working full time not going to school. Have over 6k as of right now invested into dividend paying stocks adding into it every 2 weeks understand compounding. My question is that Should I get Financial university to expand my knowledge about money or if that’s more for older people that are in debt or if I should get something else . Not sure if that made any sense but Thanks🙏🏼🙏🏼


I have a car loan, and im trying to remove someone off the title so i can refinance it. The title is my name AND her name and i cant get her to communicate to get her off of it. Ive paid the whole thing myself so far. Its my ex from years ago and ive had no luck getting her to go with the process. Its 483/month with 17% interest. I owe 13k still on it. Anyone know how i can remove her even tho its in both our names? I got approved for a refinance but they cant go all the way thru until shes off of it.


I have a feeling, she wants more money


Best advice is find someone who went to college and got a degree, espeically in law and is licensed.


We are not looking to help this lawyers clients without them getting a complete understanding of what lawsuit loans are. Redwood Funding is the cheapest funding company in the country. The website has the guaranteed repayment schedule. Use it to compare to ANY other company in the country. Unlike what the lawyer in the video says, Redwood Funding does NOT compound the interest AND has no fees, ever. The rate is fixed at 15% for every six months you have the money. No other charges at all. It is non recourse, like this lawyer requires. I know this because I own the company. I am a lawyer in good standing and can vouch for the above. Would be happy to explain the above to the lawyer in this video.
