AMAZING WAYS TO GET RID OF SKIN WARTS | Skin Wart Removal Tips - Dr.Nischal K | Doctors' Circle

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Dr. Nischal K| Appointment booking no: 080 2338 0138
Consultant Dermatologist & Dermatopathologist | Nirmal Skin & Hair Clinic, Vijayanagar,Bangalore
Skin wart, lot of time there is lot of confusion with regard to skin warts. Sometimes people think the skin tag is a wart, some people think wart is a tag. So what exactly it is ? There are two things, both warts as well as the skin tags are small skin growths which are on the skin. Both of them are not symptomatic, means they don't give you any pain, itching, anything, except you see some growths on the skin. how do we commonly differentiate? The growths which are skin coloured, which are soft which are smooth, commonly happening in the root of the neck or underarms are usually skin tags,. They are technically called as Acrochordons. Whereas wart are also skin coloured, they are fleshy, sometimes they are smooth and they are flat, they are are called as Verruca Plana or Flat Wart or they are vegetating or they are like fingers projecting. That is called as Digitate Wart or it can be a Single projection called as Filiform wart. So warts they are usually flat surfaced, they are like a plate which is kept on your skin or it can be projecting like a cauliflower or a finger like projection.
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Thank you for sharing this information Doctor . Could you please share any ointment which can help us to destroy warts


Thank you doctor for the professionalism with which you do your work. You listen to your client and you always put their needs first, to ensure they live another day healthily and Vibrant. Cheers to you my doctor, I celebrate the way you do your job. If it was up to me I would give you the award of being the best doctor. Thank you doctor for all you Dr Odija for curing my genital warts

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I must say I have enormous respect for you (Dr Obaz) considering the manners in which I received my complete treatment for Hpv after taking your medication. God bless you for coming through for me Doc


Guys I had to come here and tell you how mine fell off. Saw another video. 1 tbs baking soda and castor oil. Make like a toothpaste paste. Place on the skin tag. Mine 7 days fell off completely


Thanks so much Dr.ademise for helping me get back to my normal state after suffering from genital warts for over 4 years


I have to admit, I was initially wary of the multitude of eccentric individuals on YouTube making outrageous promises. Therefore, stumbling upon your review was a true genital warst. It was presented in a straightforward and comprehensible manner, instilling in me the confidence to go ahead and make the purchase. Dr Odija thanks for your herbs work man :.


Thank you doctor. One question are skin tags and warts caused by the same thing?


Can u please make Vedio on pigmentation 😢....
How we can rid from dark spots completely...
It will be your most kindness


OMG I tested positive for genital warst after having a horrible outbreak, and feel the same way you described in your interview. Listening to you sharebyour overcome experience gave me the glim of hope I needed to hear. I am glad that there is people like you out there who just want to help other people who are struggling with the same issues. Your words gave me the courage I needed to hear today to know that it's ok. I can still be myself and now I'm enjoy my life the way I am supposed to. it is a blessing i came arcsso you dr odija channel ✓✓.


Can you suggest any cream for removing sir?


This treatment is so costly. It is not so easy as you said,


Can you tell how can we get rid of veruca plana ? I have warts on my forehead for a long time. I treated with some ornaments suggested by doctor but it didn’t remove


Nice vedio, but my Warts came back after I got rid of them through lazer, infact they are more in numbers on my hand ...also started on my face small ...I am scared how to treat it permanently, I am on steroids from some time for neuro issue can it be reason???


Very nice information explaination by u very very clear, thks sir
God bless u


Please tell me what the treatment is because I could not translate and I am from an Arab country. I suffer from warts and they cause me psychological illness. I heard in a video that the warts come back after they are removed. I want a final solution.


Hi Dr. How can we get a virtual consultation with you? I have a lot but little warts but is unesthetic and my gynecologist detected me POC 2 years ago and since that I appear with more warts and my hair is more drying and I Fell my hair when I take a shower I don't have this situation 5 years ago. What can I do ? Do I have to visit endocrinologist?Thank you by the way.


Sir, my warts have started spreading from my forehead to cheek bones.. how can I get rid of it.. please tell me I am very scared due to this.


Is using salicylic acid + lactic acid 17% effective?


Any food recommendations that can help to fight against the warts?


I have wart in my hand I did laser treatment but no use after some months it came back what should I do ? 😞
