How To Get Rid Of Squirrels?

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To get rid of squirrels, don't miss my 10 tips.

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I feed them .177 pellets and their gone


I hate to say this, but whoever made this video has probably never had to deal with any serious squirrel problems. There isn't a trick in the book they have not figured out. Good luck.


There's only one way to get rid of squirrels and that's to get rid of the squirrels


Air rifle + good aim = food for the cats and more food on my trees for me. Squirrels are the number 1 cause of fires in homes also. They are not meant to live around human dwellings. Do what you need to do and don't feel bad. A good scope and some practice will give you instant kills and you won't have to feel bad about the animal suffering. If you're a gardener and worried about disposal they make great composting material and fertilizer. Too much Disney in these comments and not enough common sense.


#11 - Air Rifle #12 - Squirrelinator 😁


I use a .22 air rifle and I solved my problem. You just have to keep them in check. If you have sensitive feelings just have some drinks before you go to dark mode lol


This is not getting rid of squirrels. This just deters them temporarily.


I have a plastic owl decoy with a motion sensor.When something gets close, its head will spin around and it screeches.Its eyes also light up green for keeping night time pest away.It works great, but you need to move it around fairly often.Cost around $35-40, but worth every cent.I also live in a rural area though, so when the owl fails, a .410 works like a charm.


My favorite tip is: Get yourself a good hunting dog. I have 2. Had chows b4 since they're my favorites, but the smooth-coat JRT is all legs and fast as greased lightning. Her first Spring season, she took an average of 12-15 squirrels a week on our little quarter acre. My back yard looked like a killing field - which in essence it was until the squirrels - or at least the brighter ones - learned to keep out. Her stepsister, a little mini Beagle cross, can't catch a squirrel to save her life, but she runs around all day out there (except winter) with her nose to the ground, searching out and consuming burrowing varmints. Every time the weather first warms up, the dog food bill drops dramatically the first couple months. Of course I'm kept busy filling up holes in the yard all the time, but that's easier than dealing with the tree rodents. And it's a remote tiny town, so no HOAs to worry about.


This has nothing to do with how to "get rid" of squirrels. It is entirely about how to "prevent" them from getting into your yard or house. Please re-title this video!


Wish anybody all the best with ANY of these "tips". I have a open 1.5 acres of land. There is no deterring them other than .177 pew pew.


I moved from Brazil to California and this summer I wanted to start growing vegetables at my garden, I just planted a couple tomatoes in bigger pots and got some other vegetables like strawberries and they ate everything, I don’t even know if my tomatoes will survive. They haven’t left any leaf, I thought they were cute, but I got so mad with those pests, mainly after all hard work and love you put on it. I know I’m being irrational thinking like that, but I just hate them. I’ll try some of those tips, like getting a net that they aren’t able to clim to cover all my plants. It won’t be aesthetically nice but I hope it works to keep them away, maybe I try some repellent, but I need to be careful because I’m growing food. Thank you for the information!


This comment is going to be the only information on the web about a particular squirrel problem - EATING MY LOG CABIN! I built it of white northern cedar in 1993. I had no problem until I had it stained in 2017, using a name brand log cabin finish. Squirrels immediately began chewing on every surface they could reach - literally hundreds and hundreds of spots - all the log ends, soffit and fascia, porch railings, floor, etc. I tried coating the cabin with alum and with zinc oxide, both bitter substances. Nothing. I shoot them but I'm only at the cabin part time so most of the time they are free to eat it. I tried giving them their favorite food, sunflower seeds, but they will not touch the seeds when they can feed their addiction to the stain. It IS an addiction, because I can shoot my 12 gauge at them, miss by a few feet, and they will return in 15 minutes. I have all the footage I need to make a video but I'm afraid of the inevitable legal attack from the paint company. If only there were other people talking about this . . . . I have investigated all the useless rodent poisons on Amazon, read all the silly suggestions about mint and pepper. My squirrels are not interested in food, only in the drug they are getting from the stain. I would love to coat the cabin in strychnine but it's too dangerous . If you read this far and you have a log cabin, all I can safely tell you is to not stain it with anything that includes the word "LOG", and you will be avoiding the product that ruined my cabin.


Our squirrels are angels!! And we certainly have over 20!!


"Tiger urine"? I'm picturing someone with a test tube sneaking up on a sleeping tiger.


They are rats with fluffy tails. Carry fleas. Make pets very infested.


They seemed to be enjoying diging up my pepper mint planter. So for me mint didn't work. 😀😀😀


Allium! Are you serious? My entire bed around my patio is ONLY allium...squirrels dug them up! I got one...ONE ...flower this year!! Not only that, but I also have netting and thick mulch over that area and we have two dogs...squirrels are THE most troublesome pest we’ve ever had!


Don't have Oak Trees like I do here in Illinois. They get the acorns that fall from the trees and bury them all over my yard. The squirrels may make good yard aerators and store food for the winter, but still they are pests when you want a good looking yard.


I've tried all of these methods. The only one that works is a pellet gun.
