The ONLY Way to Get Rid of ROACHES - Tenant Left Cockroaches; Landlords, Don't Make These Mistakes!!

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Roaches are the stuff nightmares are made of, and if you are a landlord long enough, you will need to know what to do when one of your units gets roaches. In this video I tell you how to identify roaches, what not to do, treatment, and prevention. Follow these steps and cockroaches will be a thing of your past.

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If one lives in a building and you keep a clean place ...the person above you, below you, beside you has them will also have get them. No matter how much you keep a clean dry place


I'm pretty sure burning the building to the ground and salting the ashes would work as well.


I moved into a new apartment and was immediately horrified on how many roaches were there. I called the office and they sent out Blue beetle time and time again and it seemed that I just could not get rid of the roaches. Started doing a little research on my own and got some gel baits and some gel syringes and that didn't work either. As a matter of fact I wasted a couple hundred dollars with that stuff. Did some more research and, I came up with boric acid! I know boric acid is dangerous to pets and humans but if you put it behind your microwave and behind your refrigerator it will be safe. I put boric acid only in a few places and the roaches went away and never came back! I lived at that apartment for 6 years and I never saw one more roach after I placed the boric acid!


I’ve never had a roach problem until now . And I’m ready to cry .


As a pest control technician, I highly suggest when using the gel bait, DO NOT place in strips. Put a ton of small rain drop sized dabs in cracks in crevices in cabinets, etc. roaches mouths are very small and they have an easier time eating the bait in smaller sizes


I’m a Certified Pest Control Operator and your advice is solid. One thing I will add is that you should change your gel bait every six months so that the roaches can’t build a tolerance. My company switches back and forth with Maxforce Gel and Advion Gel. Also make sure the dead roaches are always cleaned up as the other roaches will cannibalize the dead. If the dead died from exposure to the bait then the cannibals will build tolerances to that poison.


Excellent video. Here's a tip I learned from my property management company. To help keep roaches out of electrical outlets (and going between units), put child safety plug protectors in all unused plugs.


As an appliance technician who constantly moves around appliances who also lives in an old apartment which does have a roach infestation I am unfortunately going to have to disagree with some points of this video. In my particular building we have noticed that the majority of the roaches are coming from the drains and gels would be completely useless on bathtub drains and kitchen sink drains also I have never had good luck with gels as gels have a tendency to dry up very quickly and just become hard as a rock and roaches will not feed on it. Unquestionably the majority of roaches that enter your building or homed are coming via Plumbing because they are looking for water and they're looking for heat and will usually follow the plumbing pipes right into your home through the cracks around the pipes that come out of your walls in both your kitchen sink base cabinets and your bathroom vanities as well as the drains from both the bathtub and all sinks. Also as an appliance technician the number one heat spot that I find roaches is actually your oven range control board on the back of your range and not the compressor on the back of the refrigerator. The dirt. grease and food particles which no one hardly ever cleans in back of the oven range will attract roaches as well. Pull out the oven range and clean thoroughly behind it. OKAY NOW for my most hands down effective method of killing the majority of roaches is the VICTOR phermone glue traps which are harmless to humans and animals but very harmful to roaches. Roaches cannot Escape once entering and touching the glue traps and they will die quickly or within a day or two. Over my lifetime of being landlord restaurant by owner and the apartment I live in now I have killed hundreds of roaches using these glue traps more effective than any other method that I have used other than bombing an entire apartment late at night time. Glue traps can be placed anywhere including right on the edge of the drains of any of your sinks and they will definitely catch and kill roaches. You can buy these Victor glue traps on Amazon and they are not expensive. Also recommended if you want to get into the sinks and drain is to use either baking soda or diatomaceous earth in wash down the drain with white vinegar also very effective in killing roaches. Finally putting a roach powder or boric acid powder on the inside of your cabinets on the back side of your appliances and even around your baseboards will help immensely. I have nothing against anyone who uses gel baits but I think anyone will find that a combination of methods works better than just one method and yes you'll have to repeat every one to two weeks until the infestation goes away I wish I could post the pictures of my Victor glue traps just to show you how incredibly effective they are. Good luck and the only good roach is the dead Roach


This is great advice! My apartment unit had a mild roach infestation, and I was successfully able to eliminate them myself. I kept my apartment Monica Geller clean, used roach bait, sprayed the exterior, and sealed up any cracks in my kitchen with caulk. Also, I suggest drying out then plugging up the kitchen sink and storing away pet food and water bowls at night. Remember: never spray an insecticide in spots you place roach bait. It will drive them away from that area!


Told my landlord never sent the pesticide guy in my place the had him for 20+ years and still had roaches. Went to True Value hardware and bought a large container of Boric Acid. Cleaned behind everything including pulling out all drawers etc.
Placed liberal amounts of Boric Acid in all their favorite places. Never had roaches again in my Apt. 100% truth.


My house is super clean and all of a sudden we have them. I am ready to cry. Thanks for the video


Solid advice. I work for Terminix and I for the most part use these methods. An important thing to remember for sure is you have to keep your home clean. Especially your target areas. Having kids don’t make it easy at all but the effort has to be made. If they can’t come out and feed on your food they will have no choice but to come and eat your gel bait


I had roaches when I lived in Detroit. I can tell you from my own experience ... The gel bait works fantastic! My neighbor and I treated our homes, and 2 of the elderly couples that lived in the building. I would say around 2 weeks later, I noticed dead roaches. A couple more weeks, and I rarely seen any. After another treatment, they were completely gone. This stuff was amazing. 4 apts treated in a 12 unit building. Works magic. I did the bait once a month for the rest of my time on the lease. The landlord was happy they were gone. He went and got a box of the stuff for all his buildings.


Thank you so much for naming names

I really appreciate when people say "use a high quality product" and then actually tell us an example.

Because clearly i have no idea what you're considering "high quality" unless you tell me.
Thank you!


Pretty solid advice. You won't however, take eggs with you if you step on them. Roaches lay eggs in an Ootheca. It's an encasement with eggs inside (think suitcase). Each ootheca has lined segments that hold 2 first instar nymphs. Each ootheca can hold anywhere from 50-80 roaches, but if you step on it, you will kill all of the babies inside. Vendeta Plus also has an IGR (Insect Growth Regulator) which will prevent roaches from being able to reproduce or molt properly. You will notice that the wings will not develop properly. Last thing about the bait, don't waist your time with 1'' strips, roach mouthparts are located at the bottom of their head. Would be equivalent to humans having our mouths under our chins. Roaches cannot eat large pieces of food, so best course of action is to place pea size bait every 6" in areas of activity.


When I first moved into my apartment in a multi family dwelling, the place was absolutely crawling. I bought boric acid powder, made it finer by passing it through a flour sifter then put it back in its container and "puffed" it absolutely everywhere, including the entire hallway, from the front entrance to the building straight to my unit. Within 10 days, there was not a roach to be found. That was 17 years ago. Our landlord just rented the store on the ground floor to a tenant that sells second hand furniture. After 17 years, the roaches are back, in a MASSIVE infestation. I just bought several containers of Boric Acid.


I had a roach problem in my kitchen and I had no luck using the gel and the raid and everything. I did some research and people were making a big deal out of boric acid powder, sometimes known as roach powder. I found when the light was off the roaches would crawl over the countertop. I put a light dusting of boric acid all over the countertop and after a few days of doing this they disappeared


I managed a housing facility and the best thing I used to quickly get rid of roaches is a combination of gel bait, glue traps and cover up all drains to eliminate a water source.


We had a bad roach problem. They started getting into the cars when you transferred stuff from the house and to the car. We put gel bait all over the house and cars and it worked like a charm. They go straight to the bait when you plant them


Had them from a neighbor's apartment when I lived in NYC (Manhattan). Mid-1970's.
One freezing winter night I turned the heat off and stayed over at a friend's.
None were there when I went back the following morning and they did not return.
Pipes didn't freeze, either.
