How to Get Rid of Little Black Ants using a DIY Ant Killer Solution (Kills Wasps too)

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How to Get Rid of Little Black Ants using a DIY Ant Killer Solution (Kills Wasps too) - DIY Boric Acid and Apple Juice solution. Works great for ants and wasps. (link for boric acid below)


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Boric Acid Granular Powder 2 Lb. Create Your own Solution

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Boric Acid Granular Powder 2 Lb. Create Your own Solution


My mother in law lived in a trailer park and had these terrible. They were worried about their animals. I mixed boric acid with molasses, poured a little in the bottom of old soda cans so the pets couldn’t get to it. I placed them in the planters and tossed a few under the house. They were gone for years.


Years ago I put out two caps with boric acid and sugar and enough water to make a syrup. In about two days they were gone for years. Then about two weeks ago they came back so I did the syrup yesterday and today they have disappeared. Hope they stay gone for years again. 💖👏👏👏🤗


When you see ants trailing to the bait. Move the bait closer to their entry point. Go outside and see if you can find ant trails coming into the houses.
Place the bait outside, seal up the entry points. The majority of time, ants are looking for moisture inside. And they are nesting in moisture areas outside. Solve the moisture sources and you can solve many pest problems.


Also Apparently adult ants eat the liquid but baby ants eat solid, so if you put a piece of waffle or bread into the solution the ants will take chunks of it back to feed the young in the colony.


Thanks for this! Now I can get rid of both of my pet anteaters. They were getting expensive to maintain.


I use Borax and icing sugar - doesn't leave a sticky mess that way and it seems to work.


I didn't have many ants this year, but they were always right near where I was sitting using my laptop. Occasionally one would suddenly appear on my screen and startle the hell out of me. I get the creepy crawlies around indoor insects. But there was never, ever a trail. Most of the time it was just one damn ant. If it had been in the kitchen at least that would have made sense. But no - it would be here crawling on the lampshade beside me or the sofa I'm sitting on or the coffee table in front of me - or in the bathroom on the wall. I found the colony outside and covered it liberally in borax, and the indoors was ant-free for several days, but it didn't last. Even the exterminators' treatment didn't completely eliminate them, which is VERY unusual. I have cats so would have to find a good way to set up a trap with liquid. I'm sort of concerned, though, that next year that sweeeet liquid might attract more of them. Any thoughts, anyone?


That one super ant dragging the huge chunk of food and one of his buddies must work out a lot! LOL 🏋️💪🐜😄


The ants coming into our place go after the cat food we put down for our cats. If our cats don't eat much of their food when it is first put down, ants will basically take it over. Then our cats won't go near their bowls. There are other things the ants go after as well, like what is in the trash can, or in dishes not yet washed. Now some of these things can be solved by rinsing the ants off with hot water, which if hot enough cooks them to death immediately, but these ants are coming in from multiple openings they are able to fit through. Wish I had some Boric Acid, as I would certainly use it in a solution something similar to yours.
Thanks for this video!


I've also had luck in the past using borax in 2 forms, 1) Terro brand liquid ant killer (5.4% borax, 94.6% "other ingredients"); this is a syrup-like liquid that works when the ants are looking for something sweet. And 2) borax powder mixed with peanut butter, which worked when the ants were looking for protein. I've read that depending on the time of the year, they are either looking for sweet food or protein food.
This approach worked for several years of multiple infestations until our last major infestation a couple of years ago. I put out both my Terro and peanut butter mix (placed separately on small pieces of plastic wrap), but several days later the ants were still coming and going in large quantities. I thought about how effective Orthene fire ant bait (a white powder available at my local Walmart) had been for me in the lawn killing entire mounds of fire ants in less than a day, and thought it would be worth a try with my current home infestation of regular ants. So, I located the place in the house where the ant trail disappeared under a piece of tile/carpet transition wood trim. I placed a small bit of Orthene powder (about the size of an English pea) on the floor and went on about my business. Several hours later I noticed a significant decrease in the number of ants. The next morning when I got up I checked my Orthene bait location and I could not see any ants anywhere!
Months later we had another infestation at a different entry point. I placed another bit of Orthene where the ant trail disappeared under the quarter round underneath a window. The ants completely disappeared in less than a day!
Remember, Orthene is a poison, so be careful if you have small children or pets and be sure and place the bait in a way that the little ones can't get to it.
Hope this helps.


Thanks for sharing this! Bought a pound of boric acid today... hopefully get rid of some wasps around here.


Just saw a similar video with about 1/2 coffee cup boiling water, borax (2 spoonfuls) and about 2 spoonfuls of honey mixed in. Trying that right now.


You are awesome! I live in a little old trailer in the forest beside a river and these mofos are hard to get rid of. This is a perfect mostly non toxic solution! 🙉🙈🙊


Get 20 Mule Team soap power it has Boric Acid. Mix sugar with equal parts. Any store has this soap.


I've used a mixture of Borax laundry detergent and sugar (50-50) that works "okay." I'm going to try your method. Thanks.


I scooped out some vanilla ice cream for my dog and failed to put the scooper in the sink in water. It was out on the kitchen counter all night. When I got to the counter on the next morning, the scooper had about 65 million little picnic ants licking up residue ice cream from inside the scooper. The sight of it makes my hurl. What I might do is just mix some boric acid in ice cream and leave it out in a paper plate of the counter overnight. No children to worry about and my little dog can't get on the counter.


Not sure where I picked this up but I also used boric acid and sugar or a little syrup….. it does work great. I do like the apple juice idea. I will try that next time.


You need to consider the air speed in the hose. Higher air speed will carry larger particles. A larger diameter hose is not necessarily better, probably worse as air speed is more important than total volume flow. There are always tradeoffs, the idea of “one” better solution is misguided. It is good to consider both pros and “cons.”


I have a bad trail of them in my kitchen after my plants. Twenty Mule Team Borax washing powder in the laundry section at the grocery store. They started picking up bits and taking them back with them to where they came from.
