Paul Saladino Added Rice & Potatoes to His Diet (and this happened!?)

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Timestamps ⏱

0:00 - Intro
2:23 - 30% Off Your First Order AND a Free Gift Worth up to $60
3:22 - Paul's Rice & Potato Experiment
14:34 - Has Paul Ever Had a Bad Reaction to Fruit?
15:42 - Effect of Sugar in "Healthy" People
19:54 - Should "Metabolically Unhealthy" People Avoid Carbs?
25:54 - More Fuel (food) Gives You More Energy
35:20 - Over 150 Million Americans are Diabetic or Pre Diabetic
36:11 - Constrained Energy Expenditure Model
38:33 - The Benefits of Exercise are Beyond Weight Loss
39:45 - Food Quality Affects Calories Out
41:34 - Energy Flux - Eat More, Move More
48:00 - Where to Find More of Paul's Content
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Thanks for having me on! Results over dogma, and experimentation is valuable. Don't eat rice or potatoes now but the experiment was worth it.


It’s extremely useful that Paul keeps experimenting and isn’t a fan boy of a particular movement, it’s authentic.


I love how Paul validates individuals experience. My husband is an ER doctor and always told me that my observations about my health or my son's health were just an N of 1, not scientific and not valid. Years later we no longer argue about this. I think each person has to do their own research on their own body. Sometimes I do fine with dairy, during allergy season I may need to cut out dairy.... everything is always changing and we must be in tune with our own bodies.


Vegetarian for 23 years, IBS all those years, carnivore for a few months, IBS free.


Thomas and Paul. Birds of a feather. They THINK for themselves. We need more of that guys. The Tube and Net is over stocked with selfmade fitness fanatics. Keep it up gents. Develop, collaborate, evolve and remain open.


Thomas, thank you for allowing Paul to explain himself and talk without interrupting. This was great to see. Great job!


Take a shot every time he says Costa Rica 😂


Whatever you do, do not clip this video. Thomas asked some good questions in here and they covered fit people, fat people, healthy, unhealthy, and the nuisance agree and disagreements. Ya gotta here the totality of the conversation to really get an understanding. Really good 👍 conversation today. 👌


Awesome conversation, I just don’t know anyone that makes more sense than Paul, been experimenting with my diet for at least 10 years and I think he has it bang on. And he can explain it clearer than anyone else I’ve heard speak on it. No pauses no “ahhs” or “umms” between words, he’s an expert. And it makes sense, eating basically what we would in the wild, so grateful for platforms like this


Paul Saladino has two indisputable health traits. His speech cadence is incredibly fast and he’s visibly in great shape.
Couple that with a PHD’s vocabulary and it’s undeniable the guy’s health regime works for him. Maybe what he says works for you too!


Paul is not saying to add rice and potatoes to your carnivore diet, he is saying what he tries. Don't hate the man for trying to make himself feel good. We are all so different and all he is saying it to try different things. I am happy to know every new word people like him have to say. We should all be open to info about improving our health. Just experiment on your own body to try to get the best results. Keep up the good work Dr!!


I've always loved Paul Saladino's enthusiasm, his life is nothing like mine. But his enthusiasm is contagious and charming. 😊


Rice and potatos (and bread) are kryptonite to my body. I wish i found out back then as teenager.


After ten months of 95% carnivore (meat, celery, tomatoes) with high fat I was feeling extremely healthy. I do think that's when my hole system got "reset". I definitely felt like that at the time. I had healed a long list of very specific afflictions in my body. But quite suddenly and soon after feeling my very best, I began to realized carnivore was no longer working in the same way. Upon arising I soon felt like I was having sugar letdowns and I was feeling sort of worn out. I also was not sleeping well. (I'm 78) So for another two months I went on 100% carnivore but the feelings of sugar letdown did not subside and my sluggish feeling got even worse. I consequently did a week of Lion diet but it did not change anything.
I started looking for alternatives and came upon possible cortisol overdose from trying to make my own glucose. At that time I also read the book "Life without bread" which does suggest to keep some carbs in the diet. So I introduced low carbs again in the form of pear butter (self canned - no sugar) in a cup of yogurt, plus the celery and tomatoes, and it did eliminate the sugar letdown. I've been doing that now for three weeks and am feeling somewhat stronger again. I eat the yogurt as a dessert after the protein and fat and I eat an apple before going to bed. I am for sure an N=1 experiment. Still learning!
Guess I am trying to say, if someone does not feel quite right after being carnivore, rethink your strategy. Don't just follow someone. Chart your own course.


This is one of the BEST videos/interviews I have ever watched. I was FULLY engaged and understanding everything, thanks to your previous videos, Thomas!


Great conversation I am glad Paul isn’t so dogmatic with his eating practices. People need this type of messaging so they understand there are many ways to get to and maintain optimal health.


this man is VERY ACTIVE. thats really the cheat code. move more .


A billion asians ate plain white rice with good health until the western diet (seed oils) came into the picture. I think rice is a good source of energy for growing children and it's cheap.


Everyone's chemistry is different.
Eat close to dye, chemicals, instant food etc


What does it really matter if Paul changes his mind? There’s no one particular diet that works for everyone. You gotta find what works for you. Changing one’s mind means that you are willing to learn and experiment.
