How To Deal With Parental Alienation: Unhealthy & Toxic Parents

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*Apologies for my lighting. Time for a new camera!

Would you ever harm your children by pitting them against your spouse?

Would you prank your children in such a way that it causes emotional and psychological distress?

Would you create, in your children, an unhealthy amount of fear and agony only to gain a leg up and keep them guessing about who you truly are?

Perhaps you would not. But a lot of unhealthy and psychologically unstable parents would.

In this video, I discuss tips you can use to help you or someone you know deal with parental alienation. Parental alienation often includes the intentional (or unintentional) manipulation of innocent children in the middle of a terrible separation or divorce. Learning how to manage an unhealthy parent using this "tactic" is truly important.

Sadly, some parents are completely oblivious to patterns of parental alienation. The perpetrator of parental alienation may have absolutely no clue that they are isolating their child or ultimately harming them. Other parents may know exactly what they are doing but lack the empathy needed to feel guilty.

I welcome your questions and comments here.

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Thank you for speaking out about this little known vile form of child abuse. The more people speak out and educate others about parental alienation, the sooner we can save the millions of children suffering at the hands of a disturbed, alienating parent.


You are so knowledgeable; great information Tamara!


Thank you, you really know what you're talking about !


I miss my children so much. I know life isn't fair and I'm not entitled to my sons but it hurts. I'm in agony and can't take the pain anymore.


Individual counseling for the parent helps. However, counseling for the child, especially a teen, is simply not possible when the other parent has totally alienated the targeted parent; forcing counseling will make matters worse.


I'm not sure whether to feel under attack or offended. I'm HIV+ and lost my mother when I was 6 years old. My aunty now takes care of me as that was my mum's request. My aunty got married to my dad but they are now separated, there is a lot that I won't go into but I can relate to this. In retrospect to the highlighted video about the prank parents, I have birth to my son in Feb 2017, he had to take medication to prevent my Hi v antibodies from affecting him I said"this carpet is gonna suffer " and all over the world I have seen the 100 monkey effect take place. I don't and I thank God my child is not HIV+ because I know everyone thought I wanted him to that's why I said it. I use to through up because of how strong the medication was. No body knows the devil's I deal with so what is the point of making my trauma YOURS!!!!


Támara Hill what do you think of Dr.‌ ‌Craig‌ ‌A.‌ ‌Childress‌ over 10+ years of Parental Alienation work on YouTube? :-)
