Could Someone Astral Project Into Your Dreams? | Astral Projection is Real

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Do you experience nocturnal warfare? Are you being tormented in your dreams? Do you wake up exhausted, or with scratches or bruises on your body? It could be astral projectors attacking you while you are sleeping and unable to fight back.

Twice in the past five years, I’ve had witches astral project into my room. Both times, I had sleep disturbances and woke up with scratches on my body in places that I could not physically reach.
Keep in mind, these witches claimed to be Christians.

It won’t happen a third time. I learned how to shut it down and now I am going to teach you!
Astral projection is creeping into the Body of Christ. Spiritually hungry believers are being deceived so-called “Christian” books and courses that teach people how to leave their body at will. They are essentially exploring the seer dimensions and spirit realms illegally. Jesus is the only door to the supernatural.

Obviously, astral projection is demonic but it’s finding a home among Christians who don’t know what the Word of God says about the dark side. We are indeed in a time when people are deceiving and being deceived (see 2 Timothy 3:13).

We do not need to be afraid, but we need to be equipped to speak the truth in love—and ward off astral attacks from witches, warlocks and Christians who have been blinded by their hunger and impatience to experience the supernatural.

In this three part series, you will learn:
-The difference between legitimate and illegitimate out-of-body experiences
-What astral projection is not—and what it really is
-What back doors in the spirit are
-How astral projection works (so you can avoid falling into the trap)
-Christian testimonies of those who escaped the snare of astral projection
-What astral attackers want from you
-Signs you are under astral attack
-Working with angels against astral projectors
-Evicting astral projectors from your home
-Stopping astral attacks
-Prayers to bind astral projectors
And much more!

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Yes, this is real and so is Astral rape. Although the Deliverance ministry just addresses Spiritual spouse. I wish more delilverances ministries recognize that this does happen.


A guy from my work has become a little obsessive and told me he will astral project to me at night. I prayed the blood of Jesus over me, and broke soul ties with this guy. I told him to leave me alone.


Well, this is one reason why I constantly pray abd plead the blood of Jesus everyday over myself, my home, my family and friends and over everything that concerns me in Jesus Christ mighty name, Amen. 😌


This happened to me! Two African men living in Haiti astral projected into my bedroom. They said to me, “Shhhh, don’t wake the children.” My Spirit was standing in their hut in Haiti! I woke up from this and remembered John Ramirez said to cut the silver cord! I was worried I was going to kill them, but the Holy Spirit was insisting to me “do it!”…and I did!…I shared the experience in John’s inner circle at the time. Within minutes of my post I heard an angel cover my room. I’ve never heard an angel, but I knew it landed and it’s wings were covering the span of the ceiling over my bedroom. I believe someone saw my post and prayed to the Lord to send angelic assistance. I believe it may have been John, it happened so fast.


One time I woke up but I woke up in my spirit. I sat up out of my body and swung my feet around to where they were on the floor. I looked to the left and seen myself laying there. 😯 I looked to my right and I seen an angel enter my room with a medical cart. The angel started bandaging my legs and applying a thick oil all over my legs. After that the angel left and my spirit laid back down in my body! I didn’t make myself do this or will to do this- so it was just wild! I feel like the angel was protecting my legs or my “walk”. Crazy! ❤️


YES! I am SO beyond grateful you posted this.


I wonder how do you tell the difference if it is a familiar spirit that looks like a person I know or is it the actual person projecting in my dream


Why do these people who, supposedly, "alert" people about astral projection keep talking about it being imposed on others ONLY when asleep?! THAT IS Astral projection can be imposed on people EVEN WHEN THEY ARE


My body has tried to astral project a few times without me wanting to. I don't know why. I have never intentionally wanted to. I always fight to wake up and then it stops.


I've experienced this. In different ways, but one time I was just laying in bed, not asleep, with my eyes closed. And so I was awake when someone, I could not see was above my head. They spit on me. I felt it hit my face, but no actual spit. The next day some sickness tried to come on me. I prayed it off.


I've had this happen to me, even recently twice and didn't know what it was called. I did pray and seal my home. They left and haven't been back. I know who it was.


Timely Word Prophet Thank you. Was praying for my brother today who's on life support. I was praying in tongues but praying as if I was ministering the things of God to his spirit. I've learned recently information about spirit travel, have not done it.. Thank you for clarity. I don't believe what I was doing was that..? because I was praying in tongues the perfect prayer of the Father. But in my mind I was ministering to my brothers spirit which is states away...


My father haven't heard from my mother and I was so worried about my mother cuz no one has seen her for sometime. I was so worried about my mom, now mind you I know nothing about astral travel but I was so worried and concerned about my mom not intentionally but I wanted up in another state in the same room that my mother was in and I was looking at my mom she was in the hotel room she was rocking and it was as if I was up high looking down at her body and how about my mom started looking around the room as if she felt my presence but you cannot see me. So when my Spirit returned back to my body I told my father I seen my mom and she's alright. 3 days later my mom called as if she knew that we were worried about her, now remember when I told you I was astral traveling when my spirit wind up in the room with my mom, it was as if she felt my presence. My spirit left my body at unaware I chill my spirit enter back into my body is when I realized it


If the christian alters their mind. I see that as being shipwrecked for the rest of their lives! Ecc. 12:6 & 1 Cor. 15:44 are the two verses dealing with the soul body. Most career oriented occultists know of Ecc. 12:6 but not 1 Cor. 15:44.


I saw in a dream a woman that I know who calls herself a prophetess, sitting on my dresser with her legs swinging listening at a conversation I was having with my aunt!!! Amazingly I was cognizant in the dream and I said within myself “Does she think I can’t see her” When I awakened I prayed and cut off all communication with this lady.


I am having this happening now and would appreciate prayers to stop it


Please give more clarity on this because I was born this way. I have been astral traveling since a little girl even now when I go to sleep this happens to me I don’t know how to do it. I have never practice doing it. It just happens to me and it’s very scary, so how is this bad when it’s happening naturally?


4 weeks ago I had a dream that I went to heaven and I saw a kingdom built in the clouds and the sun was so bright. I saw waterfalls falling out of the mountains and pouring out of clouds. I saw God in my dream. In the dream heaven was so beautiful there were many rooms and many houses. When I looked down, all I saw was a big body of water.


Cancel the covenant made with the demons that they made. Information from John Ramirez


I’m going to have to say I DISAGREE as someone who has had out of body experiences in the form of astral travel and other from an extremely young age. Christian through and through sometimes great trauma can cause us to involuntarily Leave our body and astral project. This is neither occult nor Christian it just is. It’s a result of what happens when the spirit no longer feels safe in the body. Still happens to this day I’ve just gotten better at stopping it.
