Bissell Green Machine Cleaning Maintenance and Troubleshooting No Water Coming Out Cleaning Hose.

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Here is how I clean and maintain the Little Green Machine Bissell Cleaning Machine.

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We watched the video, then my brilliant wife submerged the head in vinegar and swished it around and all the unreachable gunk in the head came right out. looks great. Thanks!


I wished my plastic top popped off for easier cleaning. Attention Bissell engineers when you come out with another model


Obviously, if people would clean as well as they can (taking it apart to dry before storing, or store while apart), it wouldn’t rust, clog, or fall apart so soon. I’m glad I watched this!


I just cleaned mine out I’ve had it a few years and never gave it a deep clean. It smelled so gross I gagged twice and had to run outside for air. But we were about to throw it out lol. Saved $100!


so the clear plastic cap doesn't come off! Thank you


I don't recall getting hose cleaning attachment the clear cap on brush assemblyactuallydoes come off so .... What about white parts in dirty water tank i cant find a way to clean that ?


I tried to clean mine, and that head is still has dirt stuck in it. I have used everything that I have to dislodge the hair from the head sides, even the vacuum. Uh, why couldn't they make it with a removable plastic cover. There's got to be an easier way to use this thing. Plus, people said this thing doesn't dry out compelling mold to grow in the thing. It's not my favorite thing, but it does help, for instance, sanitized a lot. I used it for my carpet, couch, and to clean a few pillows. Maybe I will put a review on the manufacturing side so they can adjust the price and the attachment head. Thanks for your video and troubleshooting tips


"Here's how you clean the head. You actually don't." 😂


I put about an inch of water in the bottom of my sink and run the vacuum through after each use, it seems to clean the hose and nozzle really well. I used to struggle keeping it clean so I bought a new hose and nozzle and started this process and I have not had a dirty nozzle since and it take 1 minute to do!


I got mine a few weeks ago because the reviews were so good and it’s not working at all like I thought it would even a new coffee stain it isn’t taking it all the way out. I’m gonna try this and hope it helps


I’ve had multiple shampooers and I can tell ya now, you need to run clean water through the hose attachment sprayer or the cleaning solution will dry and gum up the hose. Happened to me numerous times. Running a new rubber hose through the hose isn’t a big deal on a lot of models, but running clean water through it is much easier…


I have an older Little Green Machine model 1400K and the dirty water tank looked pretty disgusting. I was able to get it pretty clean with hotwater, Dawn dish soap, and a skinny bendable bottle brush. I spent way too much time trying to clean the brush head and I gave up and spent about $12 for a new replacement head that easily comes apart for easy cleaning. It is part # 1600055 and is well worth the money if you have an older model like mine.


My problem is that even though I vacuumed before using the machine, i got hair and some large debris inside the dirty water tank. Is there a way to open the white plastic part to really clean inside the dirty tank? Thanks!


For those trying to clean the nozzle head, there's a tab inside the head that can be pushed down. After releasing the internal tab, just pull gently on the front of the clear plastic part to release the other two tabs and it should slide out.

Edit: For those who don't have the internal tab, try this. Thoroughly inspect the edges, inside and out. Try to pull up or pry on all of the edges. Don't force anything too hard. If that doesn't work, look for a screw and try to unscrew it and see what that does. Try opening the attachment along the seams. If everything fails and you really can't get it off, just pull up the two tabs on the front and swish some water inside to release the caught hair and stuff.


Since i had to clean up dog diarrhea, the thought of doing all this in the kitchen sink is😳. Using the bathtub! Im happy to have had the Little Green Proheat machine for years! After having dogs and cats, this is a must. I always worried about how to really clean and sanitize it well.


These videos are great! A quarter million views for a video of “a guy who isn’t quite sure how to do it, showing you, what you probably already tried”


Major design flaw on the brush. Nearly impossible to clean. Should pop apart. Typical of modern design engineers. Never actually use the products.


Thank you so much for this video! And for the fantastic comments....I didn't wash out my machine after using several times...I've learned my lesson...after attempting to clean it the container that collects the dirty water is much better but still isn't perfect...also I was concerned about the amount of the cat/dog hair that had collected in the nozzle that I couldn't get out...but after reading some of the wonderful comments I realized the clear plastic on the end of my machine actually does come off! So now that part is clean too but unfortunately I guess i can't really clean the hose...however I'm a happy camper. Thank you everyone I appreciate you all...


Boiling water in a bowl
Soak the brush head for a few min
Give it a good shake a presto clean just like brand new


I love the green machine but it is dumb that the plastic does not come off knowing it’s going to become dirty
