Bissell Big Green Pet Plus Carpet Cleaner Review Tutorial Maintenance Tips & 1st Model Comparison

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A review, demonstration, and tutorial of the new Bissell Big Green Pet Plus carpet cleaner. Without getting into higher-end professional equipment, this is the best carpet cleaner available.

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I've owned a lot of carpet cleaners through the yrs, and I can say, although this cost a good amount, it's 100% worth every dollar spent.


Just ordered mine today! Got new carpet installed and having 2 younger dogs it will be a life saver when cleaning messes!


After reading/watching many reviews that rated the Big Green Professional highly, I wanted to purchase one, but it's out of stock everywhere. The Pet Pro and Commercial are the only ones available right now. I wanted the Professional because some reviews said the new handle/button on the Pet Pro isn't as comfortable/ergonomic. Your review convinced me that I should have no issues with the Pet Pro, so I went ahead and bought it. Can't wait to try it out.


just bought one and tested, i am very pleased with the results


Thank you for the very good video. This comparison is exactly what we were looking for. We have been renting the Big Green from Lowes for the past several years and when we saw them for sale online. We noticed two different models. Your video showed us what the Bissell site does not. Going with the Big Green Pet!


I use a vacuum dusting brush to hand-scrub stains when necessary. I use the shampoo solution for stain removal. I just pour it directly on the stain from the bottle, undiluted. Works like a champ for most stains. Using an enzyme pre-spray before using the extractor is also a good tip. If you have a CRB machine to scrub it in before extracting, even better! Words coming from a professional. After extracting, user is supposed to go back through (generally) with an acid rinse only to remove any remaining detergent residue and reset the pH balance. This keeps the carpet from getting sticky and getting dirty again afterwards.


This has been the best review video I have ever watched. No fluff and packed with a ton of relevant information. Thank you!


Purchased the Big Green Pet Pro. Thanks for this great review! The second pass with cold water only sounds like a worthwhile tip.


I have found that when cleaning the machine, I take to the car wash and lightly rinse the brush on the bottom which significantly helps for my next cleaning session. Thanks for the tips Sir.


Professional Carpet Cleaning Routine:

1. Vacuum first.
2. Pre-spray with enzyme prespray, and scrub in with CRB unit.
3. Spot clean the remaining stains.
4. Use extractor with cleaning detergent
5. Use extractor again with an acid rinse solution to remove residue and reset pH.
6. Rapidly dry by: setting fans up pointed at carpet; turning a/c down; using a dehumidifier on high speed (especially in humid environments).

This isn’t a once size fits all solution, but for most carpet cleaning, this is the basic routine step-by-step.


Folex is the absolute best! Glad to know I can safely use it in my new carpet cleaner. We purchased the original one and just received it today. Guess I know what I'll be doing this weekend!! Hope it works like I want it too. Paying $300 every couple of months to have it cleaned was getting a bit pricey.
Thanks for the tips! 😄


I just wanted to say that you did such an amazing job producing this video. It was informative and very easy to follow along to. Thank you sir.


Didn’t know to rinse. Thanks! Just used my Bissel Big Green Pet cleaner today for first time.


Renting the Big Green is a great value. After cleaning with the detergent, it's definitely worth going over a second time with just hot water and again with just suction. Pretreating is definitely worth it on the obvious soiled sections.


I just got the pet version of the big green and it works so good. Only draw back is it can’t be angled to get into corners.


Great video. Just bought the older model (all i could find in Australia) to replace our hoover spinscrub dual-tank machine - since i was utterly disgusted with how disposable it was when I took it apart to try and fix the brushes not spinning. The hoover uses air suction to spin a small impeller which is geared down to turn the scrubbing brushes. But the gearbox which does all this is a mixture of metal shafts through plastic and metal on plastic cog meshing and there is no water resistant seals, so over time water got side the gearbox, the metal rusted and swelled. Just some really horrible head scratching elements to the design. And the waste water tank was quite fiddly to take apart and clean properly. Handle also broke and I repaired that a few times. Anyway the Big Green looks to be very simple and straight forward construction wise, I think It should last us a long time. Always good to see products where in the manual it shows you how to open it up and replace parts (like the belt for the brush roller)


Rug doctor works great My machine lasted 3 year That's pretty good considering I only get 6 months out of a carpet machine cleaners
Purchase big green recently will see how that goes


this video was exactly what i was looking for when look at both the machines. thanks!


I want the original Big Green to save wear and tear on my Proheat, which I love dearly. I'm going to use the Proheat in tight areas and the Big Green for wide open areas.


Hey Corey, thanks for putting this vid out. I have been wondering about this cleaner and if it was worth upgrading for the regular big green. I’ll definitely hold off myself now thanks to your review. One thing I noticed was that the new handle design does look more ergonomic as you mentioned but doesn’t look as robust. Is it as beefy and robust in your opinion? Always enjoy the vids!!
