Did Augustine Corrupt The Church With Gnostic Doctrine? Beyond Augustine Documentary - Jesse Morrell

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John Calvin wrote, "Augustine is so wholly within me, that if I wished to write a confession of my faith, I could do so with all fullness and satisfaction to myself out of his writings."



I also used to be a Calvinist. But the spirit behind Calvinism isn’t the Holy Spirit. Thank the Lord for deliverance me from the lie from the enemy.


I used to be a Calvinist as well. After reading Spurgeon as a young convert I was decieved into it but as I continued to read the Word I came out of it. Calvinists have an interpretation of Scripture which comes from Calvin and Luther, which comes from Augustine, which ultimately came from Gnosticism. Romans 1 says that man is "without excuse" and therefore he cannot be totally inable to obey God. That would be a perfect excuse for sin. So Romans does depict man as able to choose the contrary.


I’ve been wondering for years why Calvinists cling to Augustine so much, and how they could seemingly ignore certain teachings of the church fathers. This was a fantastic video. Thank you!


God is purging the Platonist/Gnostic/Greek philosophies from the body of Christ slowly but surely and will continue to do so as we expose them and affirm the truth of the scriptures. Thanks for this very informative video.


The Bible says all we like sheep have gone astray, we have all turned to our own way, therefore the Lord laid on Him the iniquity of us all. You don't deserve hell because of the nature God gave you at birth but because of the sinful choices you made after birth. That is why you need forgiveness through Jesus.


I thank God that I stumbled on this. I have battled this cult of calvinism for over 25 years yet never knew where the heritic calvin got it from. This is so healing for me. Thank you soooo much for the time and effort you put into this teaching.


Well put together. Wish I had known this years ago. Thank you very much for sharing truth! I attended a Bible College in my youth, was taught Augustine and Luther. It never added up then. I thought I was a Christian, I thought I knew Christ. 7 years ago, a true Man of God taught truth. I found out the Bible says over and over and over again we have a free will. A choice to obey or disobey. I found out that I must die to the flesh and fleshly desires daily, only by willingly submitting to Christ every day. For Samuel told King Saul, obedience is better than sacrifice. When the psalmist said he would set no evil thing before his eyes, it was a choice. Christ said that those that loved him would obey him. Those that love Christ will as Christ said, take up their cross daily and follow him. It is a choice, a free will. He would not have said that all liars would go to hell if it was not a choice. He would not have said that all adulterers would go to hell if is was not a choice. For Christ went further in is preaching to say that to look upon a woman with lust in your heart made you adulterer. If thoughts and intents of the heart are judged then it is a choice. If hating a person is the same as murder, it is a choice. When we were told to by Paul to bring every thought captive into the obedience of Christ, then it is a choice and a free will. Thank you Jesse and stay strong and steadfast. The Bible declares over and over that we would be hated of all men. Set your face like a flint. Few want to hear the real, gospel truth of the Bible, but there are a few of us. It has been a very lonely walk, but I wouldn't change a thing. Such joy and intimacy with Christ, I do not need the false fellowship of others.


So grateful this is STILL HERE 12 years on🙌


This is such important information. I pray that everyone will favorite this video and share it with others.


Praise God! Yes, it's been a long time coming. This was filmed over 2 years ago. I started editing it before this past Christmas of 2012 and it too much longer than I thought to edit it. But I am really glad with how well it came out.


Actually, it says right there the "drawing of the father" is teaching from Him, which He gives to "all." The problem is that not everyone learns from the teaching the Father gives them. God teaches us, thus influencing our free will, but not everyone submits and yields to that influence. Jesus said that if He was lifted up, He would draw all men unto Himself. And the Bible says the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared unto all men, teaching us, etc. God wants everyone to be saved.


Thank you for a most convincing video. I was a devoted Calvinist thinking it to be the early church's teaching. Taught to despise Erasmus and all free willers, it's hard to unlearn and do a 180. I must be a child of the church, may she shine .


The acts of Augustine and Calvinists to torture those who disagreed with them is pretty condemning of their theology.


That Early Church bishops and Christians dropping that sublime wisdom, to the glory of our God!

Thanks, Jesse! You're an apologist par excellence!



I appreciate this most in-depth video. Thank you for this wholesome video.


This is very well put together and super informative. Thank you!


I have to wonder if Augustin was what we call today an alcoholic & sex addict & struggled for answers as to why he couldn't quit. He was trying to define & understand his own feelings of not being able to control his addiction. Pure speculation on my part, but I see folks these days building theology around sin they can't get free from (although God's word clearly calls it sin). They can't get free so they just put their own spin on it. They try to say, "Oh this isn't really sin."


Wow! I can’t thank you enough for making this video! God bless you!


Very well done, citing sources and making a great presentation coming in under one hour time this is one of the best documentaries on this very important subject.
