Calvinism's Undeniable Irrationality

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In short, the Bible does not support the ideas of Calvinism.


The truth is that the 5 Points of Calvinism when taken together create a 6th point which sums it all up. The 6th point is the logical conclusion of the preceding 5 points. The 6th Point of Calvinism is nothing more and nothing less than the following: God created the majority of mankind for no other purpose or reason than to be born into the world to live without Him and then to pass away into eternal separation from Him where they will be tormented eternally in the everlasting unquenchable Lake of Fire. And He did this for His good pleasure or perhaps it was just a slow Wednesday.  THAT is the 'god' that Calvinist's serve and believe in.

That is NOT the GOD of the Bible but a 'god' of John Calvin's deluded mind long before turned over to a reprobate mind, regardless of any real truths he may have espoused or quoted. Calvin was no different than the Catholic Pope's who burned people at the stake for disagreeing with the teachings and practices of the Vatican. Luther like Calvin also burned people at the stake for disagreeing with him.

The bottom line is none of them founded their orthodoxy & orthopraxy upon the eternal Word of God and the real Gospel of Jesus Christ. Anti-Semitism was brought into the Protestant movement via the Catholic teaching of Replacement Theology which lives to this day in churches and denominations in the Western World. Part and parcel of the teachings of Calvin (and Luther are rife with teachings from the Nicolaitans which came from the Vatican via their teachings which still rear it's ugly head in the 60's Shepherding & Discipleship movements which invaded the Charismatic movement and now is intact in the Ecumenical movement.

In the mid 90's it took me 5 minutes to explain this to one of my life-long Christian friends who had been in ministry since we left high school in the 70's. He had been taught Calvinism in Bible college and some of the churches he attended as a young man. He turned into a full on Calvinist and taught it anywhere he could. He told me to leave his house and not to call him. A few days later he called me in tears and confessed to me that he had gotten on his knees with his Bible in his prayer closet where he sought the Lord for the truth of these matters.  The Lord met him there on his knees and revealed the TRUTH to him. He emerged triumphant and renounced Calvinism and embraced me as a younger brother who had saw it from a logical viewpoint and a scriptural stand that believed that God isn't willing that any should perish or die without Him. The belief that the Bible means what it says when it says "whomsoever will". Calvinism is a CULT - pure and simple! It is mothing more and nothing less. And it is from the pit of Hell!


A lot of people say that you need good works to be saved because faith is dead without works. I think this is a contradictory statement in itself because in one breath, such people state that only Jesus can save us by his death on a cross while in the next breath they are saying that we need to obey God in order for our faith to save us. So is it Jesus who saves us, or Jesus plus works? I've always been of the opinion that working out our salvation with trembling is because we are already saved by faith in Jesus, not because we are being saved by doing good deeds. I think we need to already have salvation before we can work it out. This is totally different from actually doing good deeds to get into heaven.
