Deconstructing Calvinism Episode 17 -- Proof Texting

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This lesson addresses the shortcomings of proof texting, the approach commonly employed in presenting Calvinism.
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"The underbelly of prooftexting" - thank you for tackling this subject!


Could you please do 1st Thessalonians 1:4


Great series! Thank you. However, Galatians wasn't written to refute obedience to God's Law. It was written to refute salvation by works, which is a completely different issue. In my experience, Hebrew Roots people know their Bibles far better than your average Christian.


Great message! There is a tendency to hear Christians "parrot" what other people have said regarding "certain verses" which tells us that they haven't ever looked deeply into the passages for themselves. We really do owe it to ourselves to do the "hard" work and look into the passages that are handed to us. I was once in JW for 8 years and they base everything they believe off of proof texts and unfortunately Calvinists do exactly the same thing. An online Calvinist used an old testament verse to "prove" that God "creates evil." I did work on the verse and told him that the old King James uses the word "evil" but almost every other bible translation uses the word "calamity" including the new King James. I also gave him the definition of the word. In spite of that he still uses this verse to "teach" others that God is the author of evil and if God Himself says he "creates evil" then God doesn't attempt to get His own self off the hook for evil so we are correct in saying that God is the author and creator of evil. We must all do the hard work! Praising God for you and your ministry.
