Deconstructing Calvinism -- Episode 21: Pillar Proof Text James 2:14

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This lesson provides an exegesis of James 2:14 and refute the TULIP position that this verse supports "perseverance of the saints" by showing that faith must generate a life of fruitfulness otherwise it is not "saving faith."
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Sometimes, in the NT the word "salvation" denotes sanctification (Phil. 2:12). Sanctification, on the other hand, is synonymous with striving for perfection (Heb. 6:1). So, when James writes that the faith of Abraham was made perfect by works, I think he means that through works his faith became mature. In other words, James wants his readers, as do other Apostles, to grow in maturity through active fulfillment of God's will for them.


What Lexicon do you use or recommend? I’ve not used one but would like to start. Thanks again for the good studies you are posting!
