Free Grace Theology Explained | Bibleline | Pastor Jesse Martinez

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Free Grace Theology is not a system of Bible interpretation. It is the logical conclusion drawn when the Bible is properly studied. It is not Calvinism or Arminianism, nor is it a denomination. Free Grace is the truth.

Bibleline is a ministry of Calvary Community Church in Tampa, Florida and is hosted by Pastor Jesse Martinez.
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I came out of false teaching but I asked God to show me the truth and today I can say I am saved by His grace because of Jesus.
Thank you, Heavenly Father!!


I serve God faithfully out of love and gratitude for the free gift of salvation, certainly not because I have to.


*_PURE GOLD!_* Thank You Pastor Jesse for the clear *_Simplicity Of The Gospel!_*


Great teaching Jesse, by the way brother, I am 72-& and winning Souls in the number one thing on my plate every day.
I pray for opportunities to witness all the time because that's where my heart is focused on getting the gospel to a lost & dying world.
Thank you again for such clarity in the simple gospel. ❤️🙏👍


Dr. Thomas Cucuzza of Northland Bible Baptist Church in St. Cloud MN is another fine teacher I would recommend. Thanks for this message of the free Grace of God!


Thank you pastor for your bold, biblical beliefs and your thoughts on politics. I 100% agree with you! I’ve also been in countless debates with folks who are in the “you have to earn the FREE GIFT of salvation” and I know this sounds prideful but I’ve never lost a debate only because I speak what the Bible says! Keep it up, pastor!!


I am not a free gracer, but I do acknowledge that it is the pure gospel

Great video !


I have 54 years in Christ, and sadly 30 of those years, I was mixed up in Lordship Salvation. I learned of the Gospel when I was 7 years old, and as a young man, I was "Galatianized" into that lie.

There is always a "but" in any works salvationist "gospel". They blow kisses to Jesus, and His sacrificial death. A typical Lordshipper will tell you that Jesus' sacrifice was an example of selflessness and obedience even unto death. They are making themselves into false christs.

When I was in that heresy, Matthew 7:21-23 used to TERRIFY ME. Of course typical Lordshippers/Arminians love to throw those verses at people who aren't solid in Grace, and I tell them to show me in verse 22 where those people ever trusted Christ alone for salvation, but instead, they trusted their own works to save them.


This is one of the few teachers that actually teach the word faithfully. While I am a strong advocate myself of researching other view points, I will always search for the truth itself. That being both dogmatically and ontologically. You remind me of a few other teachers like Dr Gene Kim, Robert Breaker, Thomas Cucuzza, Kent Hovind, and a few other really strong dispensationalists! I can not thank you enough for calling out lordship salvation because it is, in my estimation, the biggest heresy that has been seeping into the church for a long time, especially since Billy Graham. I’m gonna keep watching you because you clearly care about what God’s (Word) and word actually teach! God Bless and have an amazing day! Much Love:)


Always a blessing to hear solid truth! Keep it up Pastor! You reminded me of all those late night debates in the dorms of Clearwater Christian college. Crazy how many embrace reformed theology and it's crazy how many say they are saved by grace, but teach a false Gospel of works.


Anybody else here ever get mixed up in the hamster wheel of the “salvation prayer”? I must have said that thing like 2, 000 times. It was always presented by pastors as some kinda magic chant you say and “poof” now you have salvation! The idea of just believing seemed impossible to me at one time but not anymore! God knows our thoughts so of course why wouldn’t believing be enough??


Faith rests in the past. Love is lived in the present. Hope looks forward to the future.
Love binds faith and hope together.


I know this video is 2 years old, but i just wanted to say, i completely agree with pastor jesse about feeling uncomfortable with ending a conversation with someone who isnt free grace and says: "we worship the same thing." Because its not the same thing. I got into a discussion with a works salvationist and he got so frustrated with me because i disagreed with his beliefs. He asked me why i couldnt just accept the fact that his beliefs are different? I said to him "because your eternity depends upon it!" I dont understand the thought process when they say "lets just agree to disagree because we are both going to heaven even though we believe in different ideas about how one is saved." NO! Absolutley not so! And i dont mean that in a pompoud, arrogant or prideful way. It is quite literally your eternal salvation at stake if you dont get it right. Salvation, as the bible says multiple times, is OF CHRIST ALONE! if you dont believe that and you think your works get you there, im sorry and sad to say, you worship an idolistic version of jesus who tells you that you can be good enough to get to heaven on your own. That isnt the jesus of the bible. He said "I AM THE WAY, THE LIFE, AND THE TRUTH. NOBODY COMES TO THE FATHER BUT BY ME." He didnt say together with your help, i am the its christ alone or nothing.
I almost think people who say that arent very confident in their beliefs because if they were, theyd be saying the same thing to us. That salvation must be by works. And they arent 100% confident in that, but they cant overcome their cognitive dissonance from being taught that from childhood and so they just cave and say "agree to disagree." Its sad really.


My sister is a unbeliever. My friend is marrying her and my other friend is his best man. All 3 are atheists. Please pray for them. I have sent her a video long ago of where Ruckman draws the thief on the cross and simply believing Jesus paid for our sins is what saves us. But after a few days we had a conversation over the phone of our one friend that passed away( she was into the occult, drawing satanic stuff and mocking Jesus, and drawing circles in the forest, and one eye symbolism etc, and I told my sister about those things and she basically got offended of me talking stuff like that about her friend who BTW commited suicide. And in the same conversation she said she respects my beliefs but that she does not want to talk about religion. She also read the Dan Brown books. What can I do to plant a seed? She is getting married next weekend and does not even want a preacher to marry them.


I think I am free grace. I think it is a beautiful doctrine and it makes perfect sense from a biblical perspective and it really shows the simplicity of the gospel. Unfortunately however I am stuck between free grace and the ray comfort "repent of your sins" doctrines. I want to believe free grace however from what I've seen most Christians don't believe it and personally where I go to church, while they are wonderful people and they mean well I am surrounded by people who have bought into the repent of your sins doctrine. From what it seems there are no other churches near me that I know of which are free grace. Most from what it seems believe in repenting from tour sins to be saved. I am praying all the time and learning to trust God however I havn't a clue what to do.


so if all we need is faith without obeying his commandments to receive GOD'S grace why the LORD JESUS CHRIST will send believers to eternal hell because they refused to help other people who need help read Matthew 25:41-46


Ive also had a debate with a pastor over quora, who taught works based salvation and si less perfection to be saved. I refuted him with scripture and told him its faith in christ and there is not a thing we can do to earn salvation. He asked me my age and i knew what was coming next. I told him i am 41 years old and he said, "ive been in ministry for 40 years and ive read the bible multiple times, cover to cover, front to back, and i know the word of God well." I told him that may be that you read it many times front to back, but you are wrong. Ive read it once, front to back and the bible says it is by faith alone in jesus christ in which we are saved." It proves a few things. Age doesnt always mean wiser, and reading the bible multiple times doesnt prove or mean anything if you didnt understand it correctly, and you need the holy spirit to understand much of what is in the bible. When i told him that, he told me he was going to block me and delete the entire conversation. I wasnt speaking out of pride. I was just trying to show him that we cannot do it. We need the holy spirit and we need christ alone for salvation. Its really sad he got so offended that he deleted the whole conversation. Maybe i handled it incorrectly, but hes not the first or only one who deleted my comments about free grace and the true gospel of jesus christ. Its like the enemy is actively trying to purge all information of it.


Somehow I don't believe God will thank us. Does a master thank his servant for doing his duty?


I respect teachers that acknowledge world events and that the government overreach feels end timesy…

Most pastors are pretending everything is normal. Just comply and survive.

But most churches are business’s that want to ingratiate themselves to government.


Excellent presentation on the Free Grace position or rather the Biblical Gospel of Free Grace which is the only way to be sure of Heaven. Eternal salvation = faith in Christ's Finished Work plus nothing.
