How To Shoot A Layup For Beginners! Basketball Basics [SECRETS]

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How To Shoot A Layup For Beginners [SECRETS]! Basketball Basics

Making layups can be hard when getting started in basketball.

There's the footwork, the dribbling, the gather, the timing of all that, and of course making the shot.

I see a lot of beginners struggle because they're jumping off the wrong foot, picking up the ball at the wrong time, jumping from too close or too far, losing the ball, traveling, or just flat out missing the layup.

Those are a lot of potential problems, but in this tutorial you'll get simple drills to eliminate all those issues and quickly learn how to comfortably make layups step by step.

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Рекомендации по теме

I like how he got straight to the video and didn’t spend half the video just talking


Thank you! I'm may not be a beginner but my weaknes in basketball has been layups. This will really help for tryouts! :)


1:35 overhand 10 reps each side
1:45 nothing but net 10 each side
3:24 one step layup, keep ball on the side
6:16 two step layups 10 each side
7:35 add dribble, push then step to gather the ball
8:46 correct reps


As a 35 year who has never been particularly active and has only started playing basketball again, thank you so much for this. It’s clear and easy to follow. As a rightie though, still stuck with trying to make overhead shots with my left hand, which is freaking murder


thanks coach, i needed this for tomorrow game!


I impressed my brother by learning how to do a layup and I also need this skill for some tryouts im doing tomorrow. Thanks coach.


Caution, overhead release is extremely easy to block if your a short guy... practice underhand if below 5'10


I put all this into practice and BOOM! I got the ball in. Great Help thanks!


This was a awesome video, taking the time to work on something very fundamental and simple is always a plus, thanks coach for this vid, great teaching 👍🏽


You explained this way better than my elementary school gym teacher. Can't wait to get on the court and practice this!


I think if you want to be more flashy and have more finesse you could go with the underhand layup but if you’re a beginner/not good at layups then definitely go with the overhand


Try a one leg for the shooting drill after the starting drill. It really helps you develop the balance and move the focus away from the shot so you can do it easier.


I am practicing for national selection, I'm not a beginner but I need to improve my layups... this helped me a lot ! Thanks !


thank you coach my brother watch this video and now he knew how to do lay up

My dude, ur an excellent teacher, u truly break every aspect down so as all can understand. I actually always wondered why in so many games, 2 me anywayz, most layups look like one step 2 many r taken.... i now understand why it appeared that way, it's all bout that pivot foot, ... just as long as that ft (ie; coming in from the left, ball up on ur left side, and u can take that 1st step w ur left, just after u launch off w that right ft make sure not 2 let that left ft hit the ground till the balls out of ur hands. Tru thanx for making that so easily understandable.) I also like ur lil tips, like getting comfy just taking ur shot from under the rim, practicing ur footwork w/out the hoop, and 2 try n keep in mind that ur layup hand and corresponding leg/knee are attached by an invisible rope. At 39yrs old, being i haven't even held a bball in a decade, ihave 2 say, ... it's most def not like 'riding a bike'. So getting bak at basics is most def what i need. So again, u have my thanx, as well as a new sub. Stay up brother.


Thanks going to work on this tomorrow in the gym, been working on my jump shot for a wile and it’s gotten way better, now need to work on my lay ups because I can’t lay up for shit.


Coach can you make a video on how not to look stiff dribbling? My friends tell me I look very stiff dribbling the ball


I know this video is from a year ago but thank you, all my life I have played soccer but basketball always caught my attention even though i was very bad a it, thanks to videos like this with a good explanation step by step I can improve and play something different and not just limit myself to see others do it, again thank you very much


I'm still thinking of what layup I will use, thanks!


Thnx sir, This help me for my competition....
