She's a cheat / cheating but you still love her , Do this now

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Your mind knows what to do but your heart isn't budging. She's cheated on you but you're still in love with her. Do this now

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That feeling when your partner cheated and you don't have the courage to leave him or her so you just dealt with the pain and live everyday asking questions about your worth. This pain is different from the cheating one-- living and seeing him everyday anticipating when will he or she do it again. Your videos are incredibly well done. No critique, thanks for doing this *Johnsonspy*


I wish I have had someone telling me all this before I got married. My husband of 25 years used to behave like a dictator and all the red flags were there. Emotional abuse is a serious problem in a relationship. From emotional abuse, cheating started.THANK YOU *Johnsonspy* for posting this time to get me all the evidence.


Thank you my friend. I just found out the girl I’ve been with for a year cheated on me. I loved her more than I loved myself, and I ended up losing myself to the relationship. When I caught her in the act all she did was laugh and smirk, and it absolutely killed me. What was crazy is that she would tell me all these wonderful things, like how she wanted my children, and how she wanted to marry me and build a home with me. I keep blaming myself, but from your video I see that this was a blessing in disguise. You’re right, I deserve so much better, so thank you for putting out videos like this. It helps so much with the recommendation *Johnsonspy* . Much love my friend, take care


He got home from work I told him how I seen him randomly in his tow truck with a girl not woman lifting her head from his lap. He was profusely claiming that wasn’t him. After 21 years I’m more than sure I can. Recognize my husband and the next car over so cuz I wouldn’t pretent like always I believe him he put me in between bed and dresser choking me swear to god it’s true about seeing your life flash before your eyes I begged for my life for him to let go. That was last year since then I have on going nonstop anxiety. 3 days I threw him out I’m running never looking back. Thank you so much for your advice. Just confirmed from everything you said that I am definitely making the right choice because he fits every thing you have said. Your a amazing man *Johnsonspy* lucky woman your wife.


Even if you let her come back you can't trust her fully like before. It's gonna be worst relationship than been before.


You really helped me. My intuition was screaming at me. She was looking through my phone so I asked to look through hers. Before she did this she started deleting messages. I messaged the guy she was texting and he told me they had been seeing each other regularly when we were together. We were days away from getting married. I really dodged a bullet.


If a woman cheats on you respect yourself and let her go and be with the guy she cheated with, never you simp or settle, never let a woman who has screamed and moan under the heat of another man mess you up. No matter how beautiful she is be a man and let her go, it's not easy but that's what a real man with dignity will do. Hanging around will be setting yourself up for more pain and disrespect, once a cheat will always be a cheat.


My 8 years women cheated with her manager😢 i forgave her it took her less than 2 months she did it again with the very same guy. It's time i let go


One thing I’ve learned from getting cheated on.. is holding a grudge is the worst thing ever.. knowing another guy smashed your chick is heartbreaking.. and knowing another guy has a one-up on you is something that can make a dude insanely pissed.. BUUTT forgiving makes it easier to attract another person.. holding a grudge gives the person who was cheated on a bad vibe.. and others can sense this.. forgiving the cheater but not forgetting what they did was the best option ever.. I can smile and be positive and others sense positive energy making finding new people much easier.

Hope this makes sense


Time to move on, evidently she don't have enough respect for herself if she's having affairs outside of the relationship. I've finally moved on from my ex wife and life couldn't be any better & blessed with a woman that puts in the same amount of energy into me as I do her. Everything happens for a reason fellas


I came here looking for reasons to continue while in my heart I know for a fact that I'm never going to forgive for what she did


Relationships are BASED ON TRUST and if your partner cheats, they lost that trust and as difficult as it is, better move on.


Betrayal.... is one of thee hardest feelings to get through....
Keep pushing gentleman 🙏🏻


Whenever a woman cheats the relationship is never the same it's not worth it to get back together


There is no excuse for cheating my wife of 20 years did this and I tried to stay but can not I'm done and I'm leaving she decided to have an affair instead of coming to me and talking about her alcoholism and trying to save our life I'm sickened by her and don't even want to look at her.


Forgiving ur girlfriend after she cheated is hard! But forgive her and delete her number. Block her on all platforms.


Let her go! You will realize the wisdom of this action later on.


I wish there was more people like you to stop all these cheaters, they need serious jail time for that, especially when they take money from you in the relationship, keep doing what your doing *Johnsonspy* on the internet put the wind up these low life oxygen thieves. Love what you guys do keep up the Great work mate well done respect....


Kindly note that I will never give you a phone number to contact me on. Please beware of fake Jessica OS accounts looking to scam you. The only way to have any direct conversation with me is via my Patreon account. . Stay safe guys!


If she cheated, I cannot move on with her. She's considered unpure to me, I cannot stay in a relationship after they cheat, no matter how much I love her. Just walked away from a cheating lyer. I cannot do it. And she was the love of my life. I'm gone...
