How To Treat Fibromyalgia with the Spinal Flow Technique

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Fibromyalgia is a painful condition that can involve extreme muscle, joint and tendon pain throughout the body. ♨️

It can also create headaches, stress, poor sleep and low energy. 😞

I have observed that this stress can cause a blockage in the Base and the Pause Gateways ❌

When we release those blockages, Life Force Energy can flow through the spine, restoring health and shift your pain. ✅

The Spinal Flow Technique helps practitioners assess and release spinal blockages, making it an effective way to treat not just fibromyalgia but a wide range of complaints and conditions. 🙌🏽

It’s based on my research and experience treating clients from all over the world for over 20 years.

If you’re experiencing fibromyalgia, a certified Spinal Flow Practitioner can help you release the blockages in your spine. ✨

Check out the link in the caption below for more information. 👍🏽

If you’d like to learn the Spinal Flow Technique then I also have a website with more information about how you can build a successful practice while living a life that you love.

My life’s mission is to share the methods I use to
- Help You Heal
- Train You to Heal Others using the Spinal Flow Technique

Every week I share TWO free FB Lives:
Monday = Tools and Techniques to Heal Yourself ✨
Thursday = How to Help Others Heal using the Spinal Flow Technique 💫

In the about section, you will find links to
A FREE Spinal Flow Technique Masterclass
The Spinal Flow Technique website
How to Find a certified Spinal Flow Practitioner
Join my FB page to watch my lives
Learn which conditions can be effectively treated by the SFT

Yours in Health and Healing

With love

Dr Carli Axford
Founder - Spinal Flow Technique

NOTE: we don’t give advice on social media because we really need to see you! A certified Spinal Flow Practitioner can assess your condition and provide a treatment plan for your unique pathway to heal. See the link above to find a practitioner near you ❤️
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