How to Update Your BIOS Without a CPU

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No CPU? You can still update your BIOS with some motherboards! Here's how!

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Starting to think Greg is working with google. Second time he’s uploaded a video that I’ve looked for within 2 weeks...


It's nice to see you talking about this feature.
BIOS Flashback is truly underrated!


It has been almost 10 years since I last bought a motherboard and did not know they are so interesting these days! Thanks!


Don't you just love it when you spent weeks and weeks trying to find the CPU you want. When you finally get it, you realize that your board was not compatible without updating the bios. Just bought an expensive x570 board, and a 5800x and now I need to update my bios because my "top of the line" motherboard doesn't support the CPU.


Thank you, Greg. This is good stuff, sometimes reviewers get caught up in talking about $900 graphic cards and $400 cases and so forth, you're really doing a great job here with sticking to the simple-ish matter of BIOS updating.


This is exactly what I needed! I was afraid I had to return any of my new toys, but you saved me from making a n00b mistake. Thanks a lot!


Perfect timing! My friend just built a pc and needs to do a bios update.


This video has definitely given me more clarity and confidence with building my first PC this december. Thanks for the great video!


damn this is good timing, was wondering about this as i just got one of the new ryzen 5000 processors


Thanks for putting this out there, Greg. It has been 4 years since I built my last rig, and this was a great refresher! Please keep videos like this coming. So many tech tubers forget to go back to the basics, especially with how fast technology evolves!


Audiovisual step-by-step. Nice and easy, paying attention to the obvious that may not be that obvious for first timers. Well done.


Quality content, and at exactly the right time! Now all we have to do is wait another 8 months to have the cpus in stock


For reference: CPU does need to be installed for bios flashback to work. (For some motherboards the usb won’t have power sent to it unless there is a cpu to complete the circuit)

Spent about 2 hours trying to troubleshoot why it wasn’t working for me (first time bios flash after switching to amd). The paper manual did not mention the cpu had to be installed but the online manual definitely did!


Thank you for explaining this as this needs to be made more clear by AMD and board manufacturers. They should link to your Video Greg.


Thank you so much Greg, you really dont know how much this is meaning too me as a child i was growing up watching my father and my uncle playing videos games all the time at holidays then my uncle showed the pc world to me when i was still young like 9 to 10 years idk and i was never happier then that day you and LTT inspired me too build my pc and here i am watching your videos too fix the issue after the build my monitor showed no signal thinking why cant my monitor show any signal i fell happy again so i can use my free time again as i loved to do it escaping from reality and spend so much time again with my friends over the internet again thank u so much i fell again like i could doo something usefull again love from austria love ur content


Thank you! Very easy and simple to follow 😄
Build a new PC after around 5 years and paired a 13th gen i7 with a Z690. Was very confused why it wasn't working and showing the dram light but then after watching this, I realised what a fool I was 😅
Worked in a couple of minutes and now I'm able to get into the bios


THANK YOU, been trying to update my bios via flash for a while, a lot of other guys showed how it's done but never specifically said the pc needs to be off
Life saver man


Great info! I don't think I have seen this covered on any other channel before.


I never, ever comment on youtube but you saved my mental health with this video. Thank you!! Not updating the bios was exactly the problem with my new pc not getting any post. This was a great step by step video
