Disappointment (How to Get Over Disappointment) - Teal Swan

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A great many of us on this earth expect disappointment in our lives. We live painful lives of constriction. And the restriction we suffer from is the restriction of joy. We do not let ourselves get our hopes up. In fact, we do not let ourselves feel positive emotion because feeling positive emotion makes us feel vulnerable to hurt.

Most of us who expect disappointment, experience ourselves as a disappointment. We experience ourselves this way because growing up, we felt as if we were a disappointment to our parents or teachers or some other authority figure. We are hyper critical of ourselves. Nothing we ever do is good enough to mean that we have worth and value.

The basic fear that lies beneath the surface of those who expect disappointment is the fear that powerlessness is the truth of our existence. This powerlessness stems from the belief that you do not create your own reality. The only people who fear disappointment are those who think that they do not ultimately have control over their lives.

In this episode, TEAL explains how to overcome the expectation of disappointment and then explains what to do when we experience an actual disappointment.



Teal Swan is a revolutionary for personal transformation and is one of The Most Spiritually Influential Living People in the world. As a renowned author, speaker and social media star, she travels the world teaching self-development and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain.


Meditations, Books, Merchandise & Frequency Paintings:


Beginning Song:
Kuan Yin's Mantra (c) 2002 Lisa Thiel

Please note that I do not respond to posts from this site. Please promptly reach out to a mental health practitioner near you discuss treatment options. My teachings on the subject of suicide are meant to supplement your treatment with a mental health practitioner and should not be in lieu of such treatment. The information contained on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for such professional medical or mental health advice. Always seek the advice of your own licensed and qualified medical and mental health professionals. The information provided in this site and in my videos should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of any mental health condition. A licensed physician, psychologist, and/or mental health provider should be consulted for a diagnosis and treatment of any and all medical and mental health conditions. Please immediately call your physician, mental health professional or 911 for all emergencies.
Рекомендации по теме

Every time I watch one of your videos I just wonder how you could put so much truth in so little time. It is like every sentence is right on the spot. Amazing...


Honestly, sometimes, I cry from the sentiment, and heartfelt messages, her words speak to my heart...and I am so grateful.


I got over disappointment when I found your channel. Thank you!


Wow, I am just in shock. Accepting the thought that "what disappointed me was not actually what I wanted on the first place" helped me heaps. Thanks for that!


I love you Teal... you are just too good!  And the depth of the wisdom you share... is breathtaking :)


This is why I see Teal as a second mom for me <3


Teal, It’s been said so many times by others already, but you’ve changed my way of thinking and my self regard ie my reality has shifted and I don’t know if you’ll receive this message but from the bottom of my heart I want to thank you ❤️


0:43 1) expecting disappointment 1:06, 2:02, 3:03, 4:54 5:26 fear: belief in powerlessness 5:55 you create your own reality 🎳6:30— does not matter to you, lesser resistance 8:30 worrying and deserving with expecting disappointment

2) what to do when we are disappointed 8:54: 1) express, feel admit to it 2) 9:42 gain some perspective w/o invalidating your emotion of disappointment 3) 10:13 don’t take it personally “did i deserve it?” 4) 11:01 whats the silver lining? lets find approval/positive aspects about it 5)12:03 art of non attachment, practice of trust and allowing the Universe to deliver your desires without an outcome in mind 6) 12:51 make a new plan, whats to change now to get what I want? Nothing wrong switching midstream 7)14:00 whats going right and I am grateful for me now? 8) 14:53 dont take action, take a break. Take time to move through into slightly different vibration before deciding. Take baby steps after 9) 15:48 “When God closes a door, He opens a window” be open to new unforeseen opportunities 10) 16:24 never give up, its a ditch stop towards what you want 17:04😊


I really needed yo hear it! As a kid who had good grades my parents would often tell me i could do “better” my dad would at times make fun of me infront of his relatives or friends and that made me always feel not good enough and focusing on disappointment became a focus instead of what I was brilliant at! I need to re parent myself and focus on the good


By watching Teals videos we are meeting our own aspects of self. And how good we can feel about ourselves when this aspect is beautiful wise and enlightened. As to many of you her videos came just at the right moment, and I had many breakthroughs until one day it hit me - that was me creating that help for myself - that is my aspect which was talking and making me feel empowered. And that was the most liberating and powerful thought. Think about that. Isn't it fantastic to know that- that you are no less than and no more than Teal. It is you.xxx


When I accept myself completely and, when I do not create expectations in others and I am not attached to outcomes, there is no disappointment. There can not be.


You can tell this lady is highly intelligent


BINGO! I think that's it! I've even said so way back in the past! "Don't get your hopes up too high and you won't have too far to fall." Thank you, Teal! You have great wisdom!


What an excellent video! I listened to it when I felt deeply disappointment and it helped me immediately to move through it and own the situation as my creation.
Wonderful. Thank you, Teal


With inspiration, act so there's no pain.
Live for purpose. Never give up.


Mind blowing. “Finding approval for what has disappointed” and understanding that things are happening for us not to us. I know I’m a little late to the game, but these two helped a lot with clearing your mind and understanding.


I've been really struggling with a painful disappointment in a relationship for the last two months. Your video really helped me. Thanks 


I live with the relocation mistakes I made especially within the past 8 years. I live with the disappointment of knowing that I blew my opportunities to live where I'd be happy at. Now I must live in this city I feel like I hate for probably several more months. However I know I can't give up because like you said in your video giving up would be even more painful then the misery I'm experiencing now.


That was so helpful, thank you! I've just gone through my first big dissapointment in my life I felt helpless and did not know where to start from to heal my self. These steps are perfect.


She's so insightful and spot on on every topic. But after listening to a dozen videos, this one just lifted SO MUCH weight off my shoulders, chest, all over my emotional body... I started searching for answers as it got to a point that I cant handle my meltdown in front of happiness anymore, it's just ridiculous! This is the one aspect I didn't expect and I almost skipped this one! We need text books with guidance like this in school, could save a lot of chronicle tragedy!!!!
