Top 3 Letting Go MISTAKES! The Letting Go Technique By David Hawkins Explained (How To Let Go)

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Here are the top 3 letting go mistakes that people make when trying to use the letting go technique by David Hawkins... Watch this before trying to let go!

Julien Blanc is a Swiss-born, U.S.-based self-help speaker, entrepreneur and transformational coach.

Since 2010, he has been traveling around the world and has personally coached tens of thousands of clients face to face... Empowering them to create massive success in their lives!

His record-breaking programs Transformation Mastery, Transformation Mastery Live, Transformation Mastery Live Advanced, Transformation Mastery Academy & Transformation Mastery Mentoring help people around the world achieve the HEALTH, WEALTH, RELATIONSHIPS & HAPPINESS they deserve!


Top 3 Letting Go MISTAKES! The Letting Go Technique By David Hawkins Explained (How To Let Go)

In this video, Julien Blanc (AKA Julien Himself) exposes the top 3 letting go mistakes that people make when learning how to let go and trying to let go. Whether that's trying to let go of the past or trying to let go of negative thoughts... These 3 mistakes will prevent any kind of permanent transformation! Learn how to let go the right way using the letting go technique by David R Hawkins!

There are 3 steps when it comes to letting go:

1) Be aware of what you want to let go of
2) Allow yourself to experience it fully
3) Let it come up and let it out

#julienblanc #julienhimself


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Dallas was awesome! This was great and excited to see our collabs from Dallas, Houston and Austin drop soon too. -Owen


I believe letting go is so challenging because our evolutionary instinct as mammals is to HOLD ON, to be attached. If an infant doesn't cling to the mother, it will fall and potentially die. An overarching tenet of mine is "TENSION IS THE ENEMY"... physical tension as well as intellectual, language-based densities. The subtle onset of tension can be a subliminal process. Any tension you are communicating to the people you interact with will be perceived as well, even if they can’t overtly see it.


Ive been letting go properly because of your new videos these past couple of months. Its really keeping death on your mind that brings out the ALIVENESS in you and depth of experience. The at easeness ive been feeling in social situations is surreal, its almost freaking out about how fast im reowning parts of myself and taking up more space in my body. It all started on your 21 day challenge btw😉🙏🏿


Great advice but also keep in mind that this process is super confusing and the ego is so slippery. Julien kind of plays the role of the guy who’s “arrived” and I get that’s how you sell programs like this, but I’m sure he’s got a long way to go as well. I’ve been letting go for 5 years now and there’s been months where I thought i was letting go when I was actually resisting. The first 3 years were super transformational and blissful. Over the last 1.5 years some super deep shit has been coming up that I wouldn’t have been able to handle 5 years ago. This is a long game. If you listen to Michael Singer or David Hawkins talk about their experience with this, they frequently mention periods in their growth where years would go by and blocks or dark feelings remained. This is the hero’s journey, and it takes patience. You’re going to get off the bike and fall off so many times and there’s going to be so many points where you think it’s not working anymore. Just keep chipping away.


Crazy how simple it really is to make a change. We all have it but seem to be distracted and misinformed through others and our own negative thoughts.


Lot's of real stuff in this vid. "Make letting go enhance your life, not let it be an excuse to shelter yourself."
Thanks Julien


This video just told me that I'm letting go properly lol thank you. I have been watching your videos for a while now.


It's interesting what you say about relaxing into the cold shower rather than fighting against it. For the past six months, I've been taking yoga classes which involves holding intense, deep stretches for a long period of time and there always comes a moment where I am in agony and I have two choices: to continue resisting or to embrace it and relax into the posture. And I find that relaxing and embracing the posture helps immensely and relieves the pain in a way. Two small examples but I think the overall point is quite relevant to the act of letting go.


1. Just scratching the surface on what your holding onto instead of going much deeper, all the way back to the earliest time you felt emotion or sensation of X by looking into your subconscious as a-pose to simply breathing it out

2. Letting go without taking action the act of action and letting go are synonymous with each other

3. You don’t make it leave you allow it to leave, what you resist persists, try allowing the entire sensation of a cold shower happen without psyching yourself up and “beating it” just let it happen


🔥🙏 Julien getting the real info out to the people. I think everyone could learn from this and i’m excited to see how much RSD can grow as you move away from pickup as it has that negative connotation even though you guys are the real deal.


I noticed in your language, by backing up aka zooming out on the niche issue of dating, to the broader of the issues, you can help more people in a more PC way as it is. You've been on this game and at the leading edge of marketing that works.


You're not my dad, there's nothing you have that I don't already, but you're the man, Julien. THANKS


Thanks for the continuous realness Julien! 🙏🏼


fell in every trap myself, especially Nr. 1. Thanks Julien!


Your transformation mastery course explains this perfectly too, as I've haven't fallen into any of these traps so far. It was life changing, thank you Julien.


Haha that first letting go mistake reminds me of Owen talking about people who base their identity on being "spiritual", attend the retreats, meditate, etc. and the complete loss of composure they experience the first time life throws them a curve ball 😭😂 Great video bro, you accomplished in less than 13 minutes what Hawkins couldn't do in a lifetime, props to him of course for laying the foundation 👌



This Is a Life changer... Thanks too much!


The 21 year challenge so good!
It felt like a year because I changed so much


I didn’t understand ‘breathe into it’s as letting go. I understood that actually it’s good to cry and not suppress the crying. I never cry so I understood that crying can help let go. Maybe I completely mis understood book
