This Is The Biggest LETTING GO Mistake! ⚠️

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This is the biggest letting go mistake that people make when trying to use the letting go technique... Watch this before trying to let go!

Julien Blanc (AKA JulienHimself) is a Swiss-born, U.S.-based self-help speaker, entrepreneur and transformational coach.

Since 2010, he has been traveling around the world and has personally coached tens of thousands of clients face to face... Empowering them to create massive success in their lives!

His record-breaking programs Transformation Mastery, Transformation Mastery Live, Transformation Mastery Live Advanced, Transformation Mastery Academy & Transformation Mastery Mentoring help people around the world achieve the HEALTH, WEALTH, RELATIONSHIPS & HAPPINESS they deserve!


This Is The Biggest LETTING GO Mistake! ⚠️

How to let go! In this short, Julien Blanc (AKA Julien Himself) exposes the top letting go mistake that people make when learning how to let go and trying to let go... Learn how to let go the right way using the letting go technique!

There are 3 steps when it comes to letting go:

1) Be aware of what you want to let go of
2) Allow yourself to experience it fully
3) Let it come up and let it out

#julienblanc #julienhimself


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This is the biggest mistake when it comes to letting go! ⚠️



Letting go means letting go INTO the feeling, not pulling away from it…great vid, super important topic and I wish more people could hear about this


To me it comes down to a mindset shift that takes place when you stop resisting. Your inner mind says, “ok, I didn’t realize this wasn’t a scary thing after all. I’ll stop worrying about it then”. Once you embrace the fear, let it happen, your mind/ego will get the feedback it needs and realize it’s ok, we aren’t going to die.

It manifests itself in so many areas of life. Whether your trying to deal with public speaking anxiety, approach anxiety, or overcoming an addiction. Your mind is capable of dropping the fear. But it needs feedback from the real world to get there. And you can’t do that by avoiding it or resisting. Embrace the chaos.


Jesus Julian, this is exactly how I’ve been thinking about it for a long time, I’ve just tried to breathe it out and have labeled it as bad. I guess it’s just natural though right? Thank you….


So true! Some people aren't meant to stay in your life. Stoo fighting it. Stop even talk about it and them. Even stop saying their name too. It's not to you it was for you. To teach you your worth, teach you, and help you be a stronger person. I have learned to thank it for teaching me so many lessons. It has made me a stronger person today.


Yep🙌🏼🙌🏼 it’s processing something that we’ve been resisting and then it is transformed and gone.


I've been having the thought recently that thoughts that make you feel bad, be it memories or negative beliefs, are very much akin to physical scabs. The more you pick at them or think about them, the more likely they are to turn into scars. Meaning they will never leave, they will change you both physically and mentally. The only solution is to let it heal over time. It's hard to resist because scabs become so itchy, or you feel self conscious about them, though when the new skin or new thoughts form, it's no longer an issue.


I mean ypu gotta blame whoever gave that name. I feel it should be more so as embracing the feeling.

When i sit down to let go.

I basically do it in 3 steps

Be aware of what im resisting
Accepting rhat it exists ans allowing it to take over and just sittinf with it aslong as it takes.

Sit with it until it feels you are ready then take a deep breath and let go. You know you are ready when you feel light


Whatever you resist persist. It's maybe one of the hardest concepts to ever grasp :)


Damn... I finally get it. Letting go is dealing with it by letting it do what it do.


Just went through a really tough breakup and this is exactly what I needed to hear!


Thank you, Julien, you helped me very much!


Letting go is actually Letting go of the resistance
Love the message 💯


I knew this but great reminder. Allowing surrendering embracing being at peace with it forgiving it seeing it is letting go. All is good all is love all is pure. Then focus on something else


I'm learning this, life is about learning and unlearning. If there's something stuck within us it's something we need to learn and unlearn from. Always growing and evolving.


honestly i beleive in this even before watching this..and now after watching this it feels really good


Thanks for reminding me about this. I've heard this advice before and used it and it has worked every single time. This is one of the best pieces of advice I've ever gotten.


Thanks 😊 evaluation of my meditative state letting go is the act of not doing


thank you for this. 🙏
im having a hard time of letting go ..
and this vid. pop up..
its just stop resisting


I appreciate Julien and his advice. I have learned alot about emotional resonance.