What to expect in the final stages of heart failure? 13 Signs and Symptoms of Dying #hospice

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What to expect in the final stages of heart failure? 13 Signs and Symptoms of Dying
#death #dying

Heart Failure is a chronic disease of the heart. This means that there is no cure and it is expected for the heart to slowly lose it's ability to function properly. The worse the heart functions, the more a person will experience symptoms of heart failure. Some people never reach the final or terminal stages of heart failure, others do.

End Stage Heart Failure or Congestive Heart Failure can cause a number of symptoms at the end of life that may be different from someone without heart failure. In this video, we will talk about what to expect when someone is dying of heart failure and the symptoms to expect at the end of life. It's important to note that every person is different, and therefore the severity of the symptoms described in this video may vary from person to person. Not every person will experience all of the symptoms discussed here, but if a person has end stage heart failure, they will likely experience many of them.

I hope this video will be a resource for you and provide you with education to start to prepare for the dying process and terminal heart failure.

00:00 What to expect in the final stages of heart failure? 13 Signs and Symptoms of Dying
01:21 What is Heart Failure?
01:44 How does the body compensate for heart failure? (in the early stages?)
02:50 What does it mean when someone says heart failure is a "chronic disease" or "chronic condition?"
03:42 Heart Failure Symptom number 1 : What breathing symptoms to expect in End of life heart failure
04:05 Heart Failure Symptom number 2 Heart failure and anxiety
04:24 Heart Failure Symptom number 3 Heart failure and coughing
04:44 Heart Failure Symptom number 4 Heart failure and wheezing
05:03 Heart Failure Symptom number 5 Why does the person with heart failure have swollen legs
05:26 Heart Failure Symptom number 6 Heart failure and sleep
05:47 Heart Failure Symptom number 7 Heart failure and weaker
06:27 Heart Failure Symptom number 8 Why does the dying person with terminal heart failure stop eating?
06:52 Heart Failure Symptom number 9 Heart failure and nausea
07:06 Heart Failure Symptom number 10 What urinating symptoms to expect in heart failure?
07:18 What is Urinary Incontinence and why does it happen in heart failure?
07:52 Heart Failure Symptom number 11 : Heart failure and heart racing
07:59 Heart Failure Symptom number 12 : Does the person with heart failure have chest pain?
08:13 Heart Failure Symptom number 13 : Why is the dying person with heart failure confused?
09:19 End Stage Heart Failure How long Can a Person Live? Timeline to Death for A person in the last stages of heart failure

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✨To prepare for the death of your dying person, check out The 6 Most Important Things To Do Before They Die Mini-course👇

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Dear Caregiver, It's Your Life Too: 71 Self-Care Tips To Manage Stress, Avoid Burnout & Find Joy Again While Caring For A Loved One

Katie Duncan is nurse practitioner & death coach. She is the founder of Death Care Coach, a company offering end of life care coaching and support to help families better navigate the end of life journey and ease the dying process.

#palliativecare #endoflife #heartfailure #heartdisease
Рекомендации по теме

My mom was diagnosed with heart failure 20 years ago. She is 81 now. She has had many good years. She lives on the second floor and climbs the stairs (carefully) several times a week. She loves to go to the beach and stand barefoot in the sand. She also loves to ride the cart around Costco for the free samples. She takes the dog out and sometimes goes to the senior center for lunch.
I'm not writing this to brag. I'm only saying... if there is the heart failure diagnosis, don't give up. My mom fought off cancer, even after the diagnosis of 75% heart failure. Cancer free for over 5 years. (She had a mastectomy.)
She also had her heart stop. They recessitated her and she was on life support for three days. That was 10 years ago.
So, though it is true, many don't get much time after the diagnosis, some people can still live many good years. Don't give up.


I'm now 38 years old and I'm already suffering from CHF. My heart got slightly big because of Cardiac Effusion. The walls of my heart were filled with water. My legs got swollen. I have whooping cough. I cant sleep. I can't eat. I always look at my only son who's 1 year old now. And pray to God deeply and profoundly asking Him for His Mercy.


My husband passed last Tuesday. We were going to het something to eat when he started complaining about being very hot. I opened the windows but he kept complaining about being hot. He then tore his shirt off and was gasping for air. He said" I cant breathe" and was calling for his mother to help him. I was high tailing it to the hospital doing 80mph cause when i called 911 they had put us on hold . (A damn shame). It took me 10 minutes to get to the hospital. When i arrived at emergency I ran in there screaming "help help my husband is having a heart attack"!. He went into a seizure foaming at the mouth. They put him on the table trying to rececitate him but after 25 minutes they were unsuccessful. My husband was suffering for a long time and he wanted me to be with him always. I'm glad I was there to try to help After 25 minutes they had to call his time of death. May Derrick Ramey R.I.P. I'm gonna miss you so very you don't have to suffer anymore.... See you next lifetime. ❤❤❤❤


I was diagnosed with end stage heart failure at 44yrs. Had pacemaker defibrillator installed with EF factor of only 15 percent. In 2014 the Dr's wanted to install a VAD. This is an external heart pump. I refused! Now at 61 I'm still doing well! I go canoe camping and alot of portageing! I enjoy life and hope this brings a little encouragement to others out there! I believe that my Lord Jesus is the one who keeps me here to be the caregiver for my wife who had a hemorrhagic stroke!


I have this for years, my Lord keeps me here, have a lot of what you talked about, l have a sinking feeling more now, 88 years old and ready to go to my Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit, l live alone, don’t see people much, l talk to my Lord all the time, Holy Spirit helps me, Life is wonderful with him,


I too have congested heart failure and I know my time is close. I'm not afraid to die since you go straight to God when you do. Now thanks to you (I am so grateful) I know what to expect and how my body is dying now, so I have total peace of mind. May the LORD keep you and bless you for the caring information you give.❤


My mother has CHF and is 96…. She was diagnosed 5+ years ago. She’s in the end stage now and on hospice, but still hanging on to her great attitude.


My mum has heart failure, she has an autoimmune disease and raynauds in her hands. I believe living independently and taking her medication is of course keeping her alive. She is 85 and her doctor said because she has never smoked or been a drinker it has kept her alive longer than most. I pray for more years for her


Up until recently, I thought that heart failure was the same as a heart attack. I am 64 years old and recently was diagnosed with heart failure. I am experiencing about 10 of the 13 signs that you mentioned in this video, however they are not severe at this point. I wanna congratulate you on the way you presented this material. It was easy to understand and I sensed compassion in your tone. Thank you.


My husband passed in February, 2 years ago. We had gone to ER twice when he had chest pain & shortness of breath. He WAS a very positive, busy man. Last ER visit was November they did the "test" to see if he had had a heart attack. He was cleared but never felt well after that. He got more & more short of breath, tired & feverish/sweaty. I wanted to take him to ER but (as I saw 1st hand) they would just "dismiss" him. This was extremely frustrating! Not even an over night for observation.
His "stress test" in October was "fine" but he got worse in the following months.
After like 5 ER & Dr visits it was very degrading NOT to be listened to or taken seriously. 😕 I feel he was ignored and feel so sorry for ANYONE experiencing the same issues.


I'm so sorry for your loss! I'm a new widow too. My husband passed a month ago. He passed from cancer and suffered terribly. It tore my heart out to see. RIP William will love you for eternity.
During this time I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. Life goes


My husband died of heart failure and CAD 10 years ago. At the time I didn't understand what he was going through. Near the end, he had no appetite, would not eat anything. That really bothered me, as I blamed myself that the food I was preparing wasn't what he wanted or needed. Near the end, he was sleeping most of the time. I always expected that he would get better. He died quietly in his sleep. I hadn't expected that he would die. I miss him so much. Your video explains a lot. Thank you.


My friend just called me. She had died on Friday and was brought back 😢 💔 shes having a very hard time and i ask you all pray for her and her soul ❤ her name is Veronica. I love her so much! They asked her if she wanted to die at home or at the hospital. She chose hospital because she doesn't want her children to find her dead 😢 she has every single one of these symptoms and about 18 mos or more ago she was given about 18 mos give or take to live. Shes in better spirits today as shes in hospital getting help. But a heart that weak cannot afford to die😢 pray for her to go be with Jesus❤ i am not ready to lose my best friend 😢


I take care of my wife…about ten years. She is 80. Bed ridden .She has a few of these symptoms … a few. Sleeps a lot. Swollen ankles… slow decline in appetite. But alert, loves sweets and no pain. I watch her like a hawk. But I am 83…slowing down bit. She is happy on the whole.


I was diagnosed with CHF in 2016, last heart attack. I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Thank God I'm still here. I have most of these symptoms. But my oxygen level is at 98, blood pressure is on the low side but my cardiologist found an abnormal in my stree test last week, tomorrow I see another cardiologist to possibly find out what is going on. Please say alittle prayer. Thank you so much.


I have heart failure (64 years old). 80 to 99% blockages in all 5 coronary arteries. Ejection Fraction was 21%. I rejected quintriple bypass surgery, and instead i'm following Dr. Esselstyn's heart diet/lifestyle. Please listen to his lectures on youtube. I have been stable and feeling great with no incidents for 8 months now...


My husband didn’t get any of these symptoms until 2 hours before he died. He was living normal and even changed the shocks on our car that morning. This caught all of us by surprise.


My local GP diagnosed me with heart failure on the basis of swollen ankles.
No BP or pulse measurement, no blood tests, no history other than my date of birth.
At the time I was cycling 15 miles/day and as fit as a fiddle.
15 years later, I'm still not dead and the oedema in the lower legs was caused by a thyroid problem.
Outrageous behaviour by a physician.


I know this doesn’t really make a terribly sad situation any better but sometimes it’s better to die of a heart issue than to live til an old age and get dementia. My mom is 90 and has moderate dementia - she is aware of it and she hates it - she’s ready to go. There is longevity on both sides of my family but honestly if I could just go in my late 70s, or when I can’t get around too well anymore, that would be ideal. But God has a plan for all of us and I trust Him and know that He will do what is best.


My uncle was told he had 6 months to live after a heart attack with 15% ejection fraction rate. He was 60.
He is in his 80’s now and has lived a normal life. Even survived covid. 🤷‍♀️
