Two-Month-Old Baby - What to Expect

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Welcome to the second month! While life with baby may be settling into a more predictable routine, there's probably still plenty to keep you guessing.

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Welcome to the second month! Chances are, there have been plenty of changes around your house in the last month: changes in your baby, who's steadily progressing from precious but a little lump like to adorably alert and increasingly active, and changes in you, as you evolve from rookie to semi-seasoned pro. While life with baby may be settling into a more predictable routine, there's probably still plenty to keep you guessing, so let's dive right in.
Smile! This month you'll get your reward for all those sleepless nights: baby's first social smile. You'll smile at her, she'll smile at you, and she'll win you over for good. Look for it, and melt accordingly, at about six weeks.
He may also start vocalizing in ways other than crying, making sweet, breathy cooing sounds that you'd like to think are his way of saying, "I love you, Mom and Dad." Truth is, he delights in hearing his own melodic coos, and throaty gurgles, almost as much as you do.
And next to self-expression, self-reflection may be her favorite pastime. She won't have the slightest idea who that sweet little face is grinning back at her in the mirror you've propped beside her, or on her changing table, but she'll thrill to watch it.
All hands on deck. Your little matey has discovered his hands and feet, and is completely fascinated with what he's found. Playing with his fingers and toes helps your baby learn how to control his movements. He'll use those still unfamiliar fists to grasp onto and shake rattles, and bat at and reach for everything in sight, a good reason to be mindful of everything that's in his reach.
Tummy time may be less like torture time now that she's able to lift her head out of that awkward face plant position to a 45 degree angle when on her belly. She may even be able to raise her chest, or hold that once-wobbly head steady. In between tummy time sessions, make sure she gets lots of other chances to flex those little muscles, by mixing up her positions and her point of view.
As the weeks start to fly by, and they will, don't forget to take a moment to follow my favorite Mommy and Daddy mantra of all: stop and smell the babies. Snuggle your bundle and savor that sweetness every chance you get. You've got this, Mom and Dad, but don't forget, I'll be here to help you this month, and every month. Enjoy the second month.
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I'll never forget that first social smile. She smiled so big at me and I teared up and said kinda loud and started crying bc it caught me off guard lol. It scared her I think cause she saw my face change so she started to cry too. It was the sweetest and funniest thing lol


When I was pregnant I kept on watching this kind of video at office on Monday morning. Every single week I never missed any videos of her updates. Now she just turned 2months old and I finally can watch it again since last 2 months I couldn’t really watch anything in order to adjust with my new life. I never thought I’d get so emotional and even cried when I watched it again. Baby is no longer inside my tummy yet it feels just yesterday I was excited to watch the videos.. time is a thief 😢


Ladies why are you all comparing your babies? Every baby is different you are all doing great <3


To all the parents saying "my kid laughed/smiled before two months", those are reflex smiles not social smiles like the lady said. The difference is that reflex smiles aren't intentional, the baby is just experimenting with new facial expressions, its the reason you might see them smirk in their sleep and then immediately switch to a frown. Social smiles on the other hand are intentional, you're baby understands your expression and wants to respond back.


I got so emotional at the end because it was like she was there for my whole pregnancy through the app and then she says “You got this mom and dad… etc.” I teared up. ❤️ Baby will be 2 months on the 7 th


The 1st smile is the absolute sweetest joy❣️🚼❤️


I remember his first smile...It was the most beautiful thing ever. And his little cooing noises, so adorable 😭😭😭🥹🥹


My baby smiles, laughs and says a bunch of words that i don't understand but i just mimic him too n we laugh together 🤣🤣


My baby is getting 8 weeks tomorrow ❤️To all the mothers out there ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


My heart is so happy going from watching the week by week pregnancy updates to this❤️ thank you so much


My baby smiled when he was a month old. It was on my baby talk to him. He never stopped smiling after that. He was also lifting his head from his birth. I am thinking possibly because he was last 3 months in the womb turned on his head. My baby grew 9 cm in first 6 weeks and gained 1.5kg. He started with his baby voices when he was 3 weeks old. I am not using a pacifier and I am constantly engaging with him. He was born in his 42 week. I am so happy he is doing really well


My baby is 8 weeks in 2 days. We had that beautiful social smile at 6 weeks and it was beautiful 😍 shes also discovered her hands and puts them in her mouth.


My baby was 2 months old yesterday and celebrated with her 1st social smile ❤️


Omg.My little Angel starts laughing and talking at 1.5 months.


I'm *so* glad I watched this because I totally forgot about mirrors. Will be starting that today. Thank you!


Can't wait to see that 1st smile❤😊


I got the first smile. Then realised it was a huge fart.


My baby isn't holding rattles yet or playing with her feet. I hope she starts soon.


What a blessing my daughter is!! Thank you so much for all your help and advice. This is awesome 🌈💎❤️


This was lovely. Thank you. Our sweet little daughter started giving us an abundance of smiles and giggles everyday since she turned exactly one month :) I melt into a puddle every time. We're approaching 2 months in a few more weeks.
