The wait is almost over! 👀 Here's what to expect in THE LEGEND OF RUBY SUNDAY... #DoctorWho

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The wait is almost over! 👀 Here's what to expect in THE LEGEND OF RUBY SUNDAY... #DoctorWho
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That TARDIS groan is actually quite unsettling. What’s wrong with her?!?


I'm glad Rose and Mel are back. I can't wait to see the episode but I'm sad the season is almost over, it has been great so far


*sees Ruby crying* thanks I didn't need my heart anyway 😢


Last time I saw a time window was in The Sarah-Jane Adventures episode Lost in Time, with the mysterious shopkeeper; are we finally going to get closure on who he is!


Wish this series had more than two more episodes!!


Never met my mom or Dad except i wasn’t adopted by loving people not by any means so I know how poor ruby feels it leaves a hole nothing will fill believe me I have tried my whole life this one hits so close its hard to watch but still loved it


I have a knot of nervous anticipation in my stomach now… Ruby sobbing… a Time Window… the Truth revealed… Mysterious threads are being woven together! Can’t wait for Friday!!!


Oh, so is a Time Window some technology from Triad technology? Very very excited for this episode!!


I can't wait So happy they have Rose back. I felt like her only being in the special was too short


Oh noooo.. Ruby's upset... I can't handle her crying.. :(


Time has Tides and Hollows and secrets…

And corridors…


Could you imagine the story of Ruby's mom is actually just super tragic and not rooted in any sci-fi whatsoever?😢


We need longer seasons, 8 episodes just isn't enough. I'm so sad it's almost over


"time window" it's Sutekh


Random thought:
I am wondering which incarnation of the master was trapped in the toymaker's tooth and i have a theory on the basis of this assumptions:
- Toy maker made a jigsaw of the doctor's past.
- The Master knows the full history of the doctor.
- The doctor knows Missy is the Master.

I believe Missy is the one trapped in the tooth. on the verge of death, the toymaker saw her and due to his obsession with games and a Timelord at his mercy, he baited Missy to play a game for her life (This has actually been done once before in classisal series with 5th Doctor's companion and the Black guardian). Missy took the Bait.

Anyway after the agreement, Missy plays the game. During the game the Toymaker tells her of what he did to the Doctor's timeline (Same way he told the doctor about the Master's fate). After Missy loses, he traps her in a tooth.

But.... remember this has ALSO been done before (Trapping the Doctor in the Pandorica). How did the Doctor escape then? The future Doctor (who was free) went to the past and gave Rory instructions to free him.

Missy made the same plan, but she wasn't allowed to just go to the Doctor and say toymaker is back (Remember how the Future doctor had to go back with a MOP because that's how Rory saw it happen in the past). Missy also made herself regenerate into the recent Master (Maybe due to her imprisonment or so that Doctor won't recognize him Immediately). Then went of doing the things he did (maybe because that's how Doctor saw it happen in the past)

After this the master slowly shifted the plot to ultimately make her confront the toymaker (The quote: "Every thing you know is a lie", The Destruction of Galifrey to make his story more believable (The Master would actually do it if it ensures his survival, plus he needed their forced regenerator so obviously he can't take it without a fight), Timeless child arc (Where master explains why he destroyed Galifrey), Then finally messing with his regeneration). Due to this he got his face back, met Donna, invoked a superstition, and then faced the toymaker.

The master bet it all in the Doctor defeating the master and he turned out right, the tooth was free, Missy escaped, and the circle completes itself


Ruby cries thank you didn't need to worry the entire episode


I can’t wait to see Rose’s reaction to the Doctors new face!


The time window seems reminiscent of the glowing column from “The name of the doctor” episode.


So many questions need to be answered - Who or what is Ruby Sunday? Who or what is her mother? Who is the Boss/The One Who Waits? Who is Mrs Flood? Who is Susan Twist? What did Future Ruby say to everyone that got them so scared that they left Ruby??


The truth revealed... Sure.
You're DEFINITELY not going to leave us with 7 new questions for each answer, and barely answer any questions at all.
I believe you guys.

Seriously though, this episode is going to be amazing!
