8-Month-Old Baby - What to Expect

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It's in the months to come that your baby will become more active in learning, seeking answers to the mysteries of the world around her.

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Welcome to the eighth month and the start of what could best be described as the Age of Discovery for babies. Your little one has already learned tons, of course. But it's in the months to come that she becomes more active in learning, seeking answers to the mysteries of the world around her: What's inside that cabinet? Exploring with a purpose: My favorite book is here somewhere. And beginning to make sense out of cause and effect: I drop my toy, it falls on the floor, and Mommy or Daddy picks it up and hands it back to me, over and over again.
But baby's not just boning up on brain-power; he's discovered his funny bone, and it's ripe for the tickling. Baby's budding sense of humor has you laughing out loud, and playing for laughs. Happily, it doesn't take much funny business to crack your cutie up; he's an easy giggle.
Moving on, your baby is on the move, in one way or another. Any effort is worthy of cheers, whether it's fast flipping, slow creeping and reaching, speedy scooting or full on crawling. Encourage this new-found mobility in any form; offer toys on wheels that baby can push or balls to roll. Tempt your little one with a toy that's just beyond her reach, and then, go ahead, move the goal post and see if she moves to close enough to make contact. Pull out musical toys that get baby rocking and rolling and activity tables or push toys that won't roll away when your little one tries to take a stand.
And speaking of standing, let your baby get all the practice she'd like. Pull her to stand on your lap or up from a sitting position on the floor. It won't be long until she'll be doing the heavy lifting herself. Your baby's mouth is moving, too, as he figures out, by mimicking you, how to make a variety of new sounds, and how to put them together in something that sounds like speech, at least to him. Super satisfying, super cute, and a sign that he's talking to you, and looking to you for back talk. So keep the conversation going.
Discovering the world is challenging work, especially when you're still working on getting around. To fuel that work, make sure your little explorer gets enough sleep by day, about 3 to 4 hours, divided into two naps, or two plus a late afternoon catnap, and by night, about nine to 11 hours, hopefully all in one stretch. Keep, as much as you can, to regular naptimes and bedtimes. And remember, the busier and more active your baby gets, the more unwinding she'll need before settling down for sleep, making that relaxing bedtime routine more important than ever.
Your busy beaver will also need food to fuel those daily adventures. Breastmilk or formula are still the mainstay, but solids are stepping up to the plate, too, and into baby's mouth. Still spooning up most meals? It's definitely time to introduce a new set of utensils to the feeding mix: baby's fingers. If it hasn't already, via baby-led weaning, self-feeding will become the name of the game, and ultimately, the only game in town.
Haven't introduced a cup to up baby's feeding game? An early start to sipping means your little one will be a cup pro by the time bottles go bye-bye, hopefully at about the first birthday. Here's to a happy month eight!
Рекомендации по теме

My daughter is 8 months n when I watch the videos I'm feeling waoh! Behaving exactly the same though she hasn't crawl but I'm just a happy mom to watch her development day in day out.


I’ve been watching these videos ever since my daughter was born. Every month it’s been exciting to see what’s next for her. Looking forward to 9 months now 🙂


This video is alot more realistic than others I've seen. I saw one that said baby is saying some letters and pointing at things they want, I got worried, smh


I love this woman and her description. Watched her videos for both my babies from conception and loved it the whole time. Still loving it. Mines almost 8 months and I can't believe how big they're getting.


My little girl is everywhere. Can't really leave her alone anymore


I LOVE THIS AGE! My baby is almost 8 months. She loves exploring everything. She's crawling all over the place, she has learned pull to stand on her own. We have to have eyes in our necks now, lol.


I love these videos. I watched these videos when I was pregnant every week. Now my baby is almost 9 months old and I’m so sad the time flew by. But thank you for these videos


My baby is already taking 4-5 steps! Standing and trying to walk to get around and I’m a nervous wreck because it’s so easy for him to fall and bump his head 🥺 he’s almost nine months and I think he’ll be full on walking by Christmas ❤️💚


My little guy is going to be 8 months tomorrow and he's already close to walking and he understands just about everything you say. He was also eating on his own at 6 months, it feels like I just brought him home from the hospital.


My baby is 8 months and so very active, can’t believe he’ll be one in 3 more months 😩🥺


My baby is going to 8mths soon, just love watching her grow up, She loves to dance


My boy is 8 months old. The kid is so cute I am beginning to think I am not the father. Joking of course. Mom is a Chinese queen and I am a proud LatinO. Love ya guys. Merry Xmas.


My daughter just turned eight months still isn’t crawling yet hopefully soon 😊🙂🥺


My baby girl is 8 months and she’s full blown walking effortlessly, she can take 10 + with me out falling and also change direction she’s walking in. At the rate she’s going Im sure she’ll be running by 1 years old. I’m trying to research what to teach her because she’s been doing all this stuff mentioned in this video for several months.


my baby was sleeping on her belly since 3 months and she slept thru whole night every night 9-10 hours


My almost 8 month old baby doesn’t sleep through the night yet 😭 it’s all good though, she’s in the process of learning.


My boy at this age! Hard to go to the toilet for long call lol. Hard to take a shower too unless he is sleeping or I wait for his father to come home first


I love your videos. Keep up the good work!


My 8 month old is trying to pull up already and he’s going fast


Very educative. It's always a delight watching you
