Pregnancy 31 weeks in months | Week by Week and What to Expect in Your Third Trimester

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Online Birthing Class.

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Cooling Towel
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Pregnancy Belly Band
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Other useful products you could use.

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My baby's bassinet

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The videos posted by Dianainthepink are for educational or informational purposes only, and we are not liable for any harm or side effects if caused. You may use the remedies at your own risk.
The Channel / Author does not provide medical advice. Consult with your doctor or other health care provider before using any of these tips or treatments.

About: A quick overview discussing week 31 weeks of pregnancy. In the third and final trimester of your pregnancy, you probably have a lot of questions. What will your 31-week ultrasound look like? We will talk about symptoms you'll experience during week 31 how the baby is developing, what to" expect at your next prenatal doctor's appointment, varicose veins and leg swelling. I will also discuss how to do kick counting. Everything you would want to know about what happens during pregnancy at 31 weeks, we are going to talk about. You might ask "is 31 weeks third trimester?" "How many months are you if your 31 weeks?" or "What position is my baby in at 31 weeks?" We will talk about all that too.
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I'm 30 weeks & 1 days pregnant but always watching one week ahead😂🥰


31 weeks..Can't wait to see my rainbow baby after an ectopic pregnancy in January and loss of my left fallopian tube. There is a God in heaven who answers prayers.


I started crying when you asked how i am… it s tough emotionally and i really needed some kind words.
God bless everyone, safe delivery and thank you for your warm videos, they help a lot


31 weeks today! So excited for my baby girl to come! I have been watching this channel since week 18 when finding out I was pregnant. So much great info that some doctors don’t discuss. To the pregnant mothers I hope you all have a wonderful and peaceful delivery !


My boy is the opposite, he moves around when I’m active and when I’m relaxed he’s also relaxing 😌


I’m 31 weeks pregnant today. I had a full blown crying session yesterday because I am so tired or being pregnant. I can’t sleep, sit, lay down, or stand. I can’t wait for baby to be here and start feeling myself again.


31 weeks today. I I look forward to these videos every week. Can’t wait to meet my little princess in February 💕


31 weeks today🤩, first time mom, the whole process still feels unreal and I'm so looking forward to meeting my little knight


I’m currently 31 weeks pregnant with my first baby. 💙 Recently I been getting more tired than usual. I still do my chores but sometimes I don’t feel getting up. Other than that everything seems ok.


Just turned 31 weeks with my 1st and I have been watching your channel since 6 weeks! So excited to meet my baby girl in 2 months🥰


I’ve been following these videos since I was 18 weeks and have absolutely loved them! Now 31 weeks and I’m so ready for my baby girl to be here. This past month, i’ve been experiencing a lot of pelvic pain (sciatic nerve), round ligament pain, and exhaustion! Hasn’t been a lot of fun but we are almost at the finish line ❤️


I would say the vericose veins are the least of my problems at this stage. The worse is short of breath, insomnia and hot flashes ! Not to mention the painful baby movements


I have been following from week 6 to 31st week for my wife. Feels good not easy for new fathers to cope but the husband is someone who stays when when things are tough. We will finish this beautiful journey together


Having a hard time walking around and breathing. Also hard time sleeping


31 weeks and feeling great! Everyday I love her more, her kicks are so strong and I love bonding with her. I am so blessed to have this gift from god. Hope I continue to feel good and wish all mamas the best too❤


I made it to 31 weeks!! 🎉🎉 I can’t wait to hold my baby girl!💕🙏🏾🙌🏾


My baby was born at 31 weeks on 5/31/21 💙 we have been home for 2 weeks now!!


So happy & grateful glory to God I’m 31 weeks 🥰❤️


On time Thank you DR.I’m 31 weeks today happy happy 😃
Wishing you all mom’s safe delivery and healthy both of you 🙏🏽


I'm on my 1st pregnancy and at 31 weeks and my little guy has been kicking my whole pregnancy. He's very active all the time. I have a lot of vercrose veins on my legs from every time I've bumped my legs.
Other than that, this pregnancy has been awesome. I had no swelling, no extra weight gain (just him growing). The only pain is when my belly starts to expand every couple weeks or when he gets a little too crazy with his baby karate skills and gets me in the rib or same spots repeatedly, but I love being able to feel him moving in my belly. I'm going to miss it! I never thought I would love the pregnancy part as much as I do. I always thought it would be really tough for me since I'm tiny. I wish we could push a button and just see into our belly lol there's times I wonder what the heck he is doing in there.
