Top Most Dangerous Blood Pressure Medications

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💉 Did you know some medications meant to protect you might actually pose risks? We're diving deep into the concealed risks of common hypertension drugs and what Big Pharma isn't telling you.

💊 Discover the safest blood pressure medications with the most benefits, and arm yourself with knowledge for an informed chat with your healthcare provider.

🍃 Plus, don't miss our natural strategies to lower blood pressure and possibly reduce your dependency on medications.

🚨 Remember, never alter your medication without a doctor's advice to avoid Rebound Hypertension risks.

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Disclaimer: All material in this publication is provided for information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this publication; instead, viewers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The information and opinions provided in this publication are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment available to the producers, but viewers who fail to consult with appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions. The material in this report has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The products discussed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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After years of taking statins and benazepril, my hypertension kept getting worse. When my BP hit 204/ 100, and I felt like crap, I decided I’d rather die than continue like that. I threw all the drugs away and waited for the end. With in a month, my BP was down to 130/60 with a pulse of 60. My last blood test, my cholesterol was 155 with the balance in the normal range. I feel thirty years younger.


Would help a lot if you also displayed the names of all these medications, not just some.


If a doctor doesn't ask what type of diet you are on, they don't care about your health. It's up to us to do our own research, doctors are in a club with politicians, seeing who can own the biggest house nicest car biggest boat of all their club members, I'm taking my chances with common sense. Like quitting smoking 14 years ago, stopping the beer drinking the 15th of last month, eating mostly red meat, cheese butter bacon and eggs. lost 22 lbs last wellness visit, bp generally normal to slightly low. Feel great, eye floaters are disappearing also. I will splurge this summer as I love a homegrown tomato sandwich, and stuffed bell peppers.


I ditched mine. Two years ago I switched to eating the zero carb Carnivore diet. Now no more T2 diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, brain fog, you name it. Im 75 and am thriving eating only meat, eggs, butter, salt, and water. I'll never go back to eating anything from plants!


My BP is high but I don't take drugs yet. I have an appointment in 2 weeks. I have been taking vitamins so far


What an important video. Definitely I will take advantage of what you said and talk to my doctor about my medicines for blood pressure. Thanks a lot as always.


Thank you for this informative share! My statin, rampril, and metformin totally drained my trace elements to critical neuromyopathy. Total dietary change was needed along with the correct balance of supplements. I am slowly in positive recovery! :P




Medications affect people differently. What works for Joe may not work for Mary.


I was literally nearly killed by Candesartan, an angiotensin receptor blocker. I now am taking Amlodipin with minimal side effects (slight edema) - but my hypertension is well under control. As for Candesartan, the first day I took it I got insomnia. The entire six weeks I took Candesartan i could only sleep one hour (!) each day, only after tossing and turning for six or seven hours, out of utter exhaustion! But what nearly killed me were severe choking fits which came ever more often after the third week of Candesartan. Neither two general practitioners nor a lung specialist nor a neurologist could diagnose the horrific fits of asphyxiation or sudden insomnia. None of the asthma/cortison sprays prescribed helped at all!. Not even the doctors at an emergency ward where I ended up after an especially severe fit where I had to call an ambulance suspected it was a side effect of Candesartan!! The fits were occurring ever more often (every couple of hours) and were becoming progressively severe. The fits stopped when I decided to stop taking Candesartan. The insomnia was another matter. It took six months for me to progressively start sleeping longer than an hour. At best I could go back to sleep for another hour four, five times in succession to get at least a total of 5 hours. Even today, five years later, the only reason I am sleeping five-six hours with one or two interruptions is because I am taking 200 mg of Pregaballin per day on account of neuropathic pains - a coincidence - never meant as a cure for my insomnia. What was scary was the fact that none of the five doctors I consulted could diagnose the choking fits or the insomnia - none of them, not even the GP who prescribed the Candesartan linked Candesartan to my debilitating and life-endfangering symptoms! How I finally decided to stop taking Candesartan? I googled it together with insomnia and got a load of hits pif people getting insomnia from Candesartan...


At 14.00 - that person taking his BP is all wrong! Your arm and cuff should be at the same level of your heart. Also, don’t hunch over, sit straight, feet flat on the floor. This picture is so wrong in so many ways, should not be shown in a BP video.


Pretty bad when the medications are worse than the high BP


Im 76 and never had high bp, I eat garlic every day 2-3 peaces chopping fine and drink with water


I hope this video doesn’t encourage people to stop medication they really need.
This information runs a fine line between health and harm.


Diet and exercise very important I was taking 5 pills a day lost 15 pounds now only 1 pill a day water fruit no alcohol is the key and good sleep 😴 😅


I probably won't even start any drugs. Im retirement age already. Most drugs make everything worse


I’ve been taking my Opelo and losartan. I’m having a lot of nausea it’s not going away, and the doctor said it’s nuts from the medicine. I wonder there is people like me feeling the same way


If blood pressure is high drink boil mint and little warm bp down if low drink lemonwater with salt and black peper +little suger call sikanji can immigate normal bp best for urgent


It used to be 140 over
80 you were fine
Now it's 120 over 80 so they can sell more medicine


Keeping a patient coming back is the main intention, a Lucrative Money Making Business like drug dealing even if it is to get another new RX due to the side effects of other meds. Holistic? Do they ever even mention Natural Remedies in Science?
