What can cause lump in throat Can it occur due to Pharyngitis or Acid Reflux?-Dr. Satish Babu K
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A feeling of a lump in the throat is one of the very common symptoms in the throat. It is just like how we have extreme emotions of sadness or when we are crying, we feel that there is some ball rolling in the throat, inside the depth of the throat. You feel like some constriction there. Most of the times, this is a single symptoms without any additional problems like difficulty in swallowing or any change in voice or breathlessness. So most of the times it is again harmless because the person is able to eat his food comfortably, means this is only a simple issue which wouldn’t really hamper in any way. The most common causes for these would be like emotional disturbances, emotional stress and the next common problem would be acid reflux or heart burns where this acid in the stomach with or without food can reflux into the food pipe and thereby causing a little discomfort in the throat. There are many smaller causes but these two are the most common issues that can produce a feeling of a lump in the throat. Like I said, it is benign. It is not anything to be worried too much about it.