What causes feeling of lump in throat or something stuck in throat? - Dr. Satish Babu K

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"Feeling of lump of actual small small occurring in the throat is a very common thing nowadays, these are actually, harmless unless they are progressively enlarging in size, becoming more symptomatic like pain, redness, ulcerating, burning sensation, unable to eat, then only these need to be looked at. Normally, if you look at a person’s throat, the surface of it has small small bulges, which are sometimes bigger, may be they grow up to 5mm – 7mm in size, they are actively infected. They are similar to the tissues found in tonsils, they are spread all over the wall of the throat, right at the back, where you can open the mouth and see them directly. If they are remaining in the same size and not painful, they can safely be left alone. During an infection, there are going to be much more swollen and painful, but after treating infection, they will probably take a couple of weeks to shrink to their normal size, and lot of times disappear also. Lymph nodes that can happen around the neck when you’ve a tonsillitis, outside you see a bulge happening. These bulges are lymph nodes, they disappear as they are treated.
Same lymph nodes structure are there in the throat, which can be seen as a lumps in the throat. Feeling of stuck in throat can happen due to variety of reasons including acid reflux. Acid reflux leads to the acid coming up into the throat through the foodpipe from the stomach, to a certain level, foodpipe can tolerate the acid. If the acid keeps coming above that level, then there is a little burning happening, the upper valve, in the foodpipe will start becoming tighter, making you feel stuck sensation, little difficulty in swallowing. The other common cause would be because of little dryness happening, which can occur in certain seasons more if the person is not taking enough liquids regularly or there was an infection and person is recovering from it, the throat gets dried up leading to some sensation, irritation, aching and coughing. "
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Thank you a million times for this have wasted money in hospital and never got enough help as this, thank you so much


How many people watching this in quarantine?


It feels like my throat is closing but I can still breath fine. It goes away when I don’t think about it. It’s really annoying.


I feel something in my throat but there is nothing


Mine started about 5 days ago and it sucks. I’m a u.s. army veteran who has been diagnosed with ptsd and I have anxiety attacks all the time and obviously when mine started my immediate thought was the worst possible outcome (throat cancer) and now I can’t stop thinking about this shit.


The cure is to stop worrying get your mind off of your throat, read,go to a movie, or listen to music do something to keep your mind off of your throat its anxiety i go thru the same stuff now about 5 years the dr. Said its anxiety and i realized everytime i start thinking about anything to much my throat swells like i got a ball stuck in it, i have to syck myself out for it to go away....i hate it too.i be worrying to much about everything and it messes with my body, i worry befor i know im worried .


I’ve had anxiety last few days and now feel like I have lump in my throat like I’m being strangled it’s such a horrid feeling


Oh don't worry its harmless, YOUR STUCK WITH THAT SENSATION FOR YOUR LIFE if it was acid reflux but YOUR FINE.


HOW CAN I TREAT THIS THING I CANT STAND IT ANYMORE. i have it for 2 years and i cant concentrate on anything. Heeeelp


Excellent explanation - simple, detailed, and extremely helpful.
Thank you, doctor.


It is Friday 13 September 2019, I am 10 years old and I suffered with heartburn. After the heartburn, my throat felt weird...some sort of lump in my throat? I went to the doctors and they said I’m alright (nothing wrong with me), I thought...how? Then I went to the chemist to get some medicine for it and that actually worked! I went back home and searched on my phone: “why is my throat feeling lumpy?”. They said nothing at all for me, all they said was to: try ginger, eat liquorice, stand up straight, sleep with ur pillows up and to eat soft mints when u need them. Yes, I do use the mints now still and they help, even chewing gum does. If you suffer with the things I have said, then chew chewing gum for half an hour, trust me, it works. Thanks for reading my story, I’m getting better now, bye


I have this lump on my neck throat please heal me lord 🙏


I literally cant sleep at night because its so uncomfortable


The comments gave me more relief than the dr's advice itself


It’s not a feeling. It is stuck in the throat


I've had a feeling that a lump is in my throat for like a month now and it's not gone ik nothing is there because I can swallow and breath


Sometimes this is caused when you have depression or don’t talk about things, you bottle them up until you feel a lump in your throat, it’s an irritating feeling, it can be scary coz sometimes feeling like you can’t breathe well...


He didn't mention Globus sensation which Is a huge culprit of hard to swallow. If you are highly stressed or dealing with anxiety this is usually the cause of this. You are relieved with eating food or drinking with the Globus sensation.


I can feel like a thing stuck in my throat And i was starting to cry im only 13


I had chocking episodes. Went to ENT. Ears, nose, throat doctor. Rhinocort spray, do vocal cord dysfunction speech therapy (youtube), drink Alkaline water and diet. Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR). You should go to doctors to get medical advice. Chocking is very scary.
