Causes of Throat Lump Sensation (Globus)

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This video goes over many of the possible causes of globus (midline lump in throat sensation) that goes on for months or even years. Although this video is geared towards adults, some of the information may also apply to kids. The video is organized into 5 different main groupings of possible causes:

- esophagus (0:48)
- neck mass (1:43)
- nose (2:10)
- foods (2:40)
- stress (3:04)
- neuropathy (3:22)

What tests may be required to determine the cause of globus is also discussed.

This video produced by Dr. Chris Chang:

#globus #lumpinthroat #throatlump #throatlumpsensation #lumpinthroatsensation #medicalanimation
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Finally, i thought i was the only who have this feeling. Praying for us who's going it through.


Ever since the coronavirus pandemic, my anxiety has been out of control (praying to God to give me peace) I feel the lump in my throat but I know it’s because I won’t let myself relax, subconsciously my body just feels the worry and anxiousness I guess. Praying for anyone going through this. “So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
Isaiah 41:10
God will see you through anything.


September 7th 2020, today i woke up in the morning and i found out i have this, i suffered a panic attack and it made it worse, thought i was gonna choke to death, i just wanna say that for everybody that suffers from anxiety like i do, and is going through this you are not alone, and we will get through this. Much love to everybody who sees this ❤️


This comment section is very wholesome and reassuring. I have had anxiety problems throughout the pandemic on and off and they came back recently. Because of my anxiety, I have this similar feeling in my throat and it gets worse when I overthink it and think that it's something else besides anxiety. Praying we can all get through our own battles, we are not alone. :)


i was so confused on what was going on with me and was scared to search anything bc i thought it would make it worse, but after reading these comments it made me feel less alone with having a lump in my throat. ive been having this feeling all day and was feeling anxious. im definitely gonna try and drink tea and more water


Guys just take deep breaths, try to calm your muscles and don’t get nervous while thinking of it. Just try to act like it’s not there and eventually you will forget about it and it will stop. Also for me drinking water or eating food makes me feel better so you can try it. I had this one month ago but now it starting to go away because I don’t think about it. Good luck and just so you know you’re not alone❤️


Such an odd feeling, started one evening a couple days ago, I can breathe, eat and drink fine but the sensation of tightness around my throat is disturbing my mental especially, haven’t felt stressed lately but saw the Dr and they said it’s stress and even though I don’t feel stressed the Dr said stress has its ways of coming out the body. I pray everyone recovers from this quickly and will never have this feeling again 🙏🏽


Anyone suffering from this right now? I so want to get rid of this annoying feeling 😩


Feels like someone is choking me I can’t sleep at night and through the day I feel like my breath is short 😔


Knowing I'm not alone makes me feel so much better😌


My doctor diagnosed this in 30 seconds without all the testing. He simply asked me to yawn hard and it disappeared for about 20 seconds. He gave me the options of going to get my throat tested as an option for extra peace of mind, but he was 99.9% sure it was globus sensation. Over a year later and I still have it, but find it gets worse when I get stressed or mood is low. Don't take my doctors diagnosis for your own peace of mind, get it looked at. But for those that suffer, it's manageable. I find chewing gum helps. Strong mints, hard candy. Lay flat with your chin on your chest helps. Your not alone guys and girls.


Hi Guys. I experienced this same feeling for a month and it increased my health anxiety to next level. I though it was a cancer or some serious illness and this thought made me even more anxious. I googled my sympotoms and further increased my anxiety.
Now, I am fine. It went away on its own. I am here to tell you all that just don't worry, don't think about it. It's all because of anxiety and stress. It will go away on your own.


This has made me feel a bit better. For the past few weeks I have been very worried I have Thyroid Cancer. I have an appointment just in case. My wife made me watch this and check out the comment section to make me feel less anxious.


For me it feels like a ball of mucus just sitting in my throat and everytime I try to swallow it won’t go down


This throat feeling has been going on for a week and I was worried that my spine was coming though my mouth. Thank you whoever you are


I am a medico . I tried various techniques to find a solution for it . Finally, I found out something that will definitely help you
- taking deep breaths in and out with nose will decrease your symptoms for some time if you are having it because of stress . Do it whenever symptoms worsen .
- Take adequate sleep (9 hours approx.) without pillow below your head in supine position .
- gargling with salt water just before sleep and during day whenever possible .


I just felt it when Covid 19 started. And I thought I was positive then I searched about it and found out it was called Globus Sensation and I'm not alone and many of us experiences this. Its too hard to have this every evening. Praying we will heal. God Bless.


i used to have a bad case of this prayed to allah and stayed on a healthy diet and boom it’s gone for a year alxamdulilah. i hope everyone struggling with this feels better soon rather than later because it does get better stay healthy 🖤


Mine is gone thank you Jesus. After doing 5 days of neck stretches (neck exercises). Some guy on YouTube suggested it. I watched as he demonstrated and it actually worked. It's GONE. The instructions were to look up and stretch your lips up as if you were kissing the sky, then turn your neck to the right and smooch your lips up as if you were kissing the sky, then again to the left... Then put your chin down towards your chest in a resting position. He said you'll feel stretching, which I did while kissing up to the sky/ceiling it was quite uncomfortable which he said it would be ig you're doing it correctly. I did it about 5-7x's in the morning and 5-7x's in the evening. Do this about 5 times consecutively in the morning and again at night (meaning up kiss, up left kiss, up right kiss). I added about 5 head rotations in with this neck exercise on my own before bed time, because it stretches tensed neck tendons as well. It worked I couldn't believe it. After like the 4TH day the lump sensation was gone, it was GONE GONE. He said stress tenses up the tendons in the neck which causes tightness to the throat and after thinking about it, it completely made sense. I hope this help those who are experiencing this lump sensation due to stress.
