You've Found A Lump In Your Breast? Don't Panic!

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It's natural upon feeling a lump in your breast to think, "Ahhhh. I have breast cancer!" Dr. Richardson suggests you try not to panic as there are several healthy explanations for breast lumps.

Before assuming the worst, take a deep breath, and call your doctor. Using ultrasound, they'll be able to thoroughly examine the breast tissue and make a proper diagnosis.

To prepare for your appointment, conduct a breast self-exam, noting how the lump feels and its location. You'll want to share with your doctor what you're experiencing.

Dr. Richardson's final word of advice? Stay away from the internet. The last thing you'll want to do is flood your brain with scary, negative thoughts.

You've got this!

📍 Bedford Breast Center
436 N. Bedford Dr, Suite 105
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
📱 310.278.8590


From Prevention to Detection to Treatment, Bedford Breast Center is LA's leading breast care clinic providing services such as mammography, breast ultrasounds, genetic testing, biopsies, mastectomy, lumpectomy, non-surgical lump removal, and breast reconstruction. Founded by women for women, the practice is led by the surgical team of Dr. Lisa Cassileth, Dr. Heather Richardson, Dr. Leslie Memsic, and Dr. Kelly Killeen.

Breast Ultrasound

Breast Self-Exam

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Рекомендации по теме

I have multiple breast cyst but I believe in Jesus. God healed me and got normal reports. Thanks Jesus


Omg the only Dr who talked too good about it, i had the pain and went for mammogram though it was only benign fluid cyst but the internet have made me sick all the time seeing cancer cancer cancer when you type breast cyst.


I’m a man and having this issue I was relieved to see this video because I was kinda in panic mode only because it’s a month or more to get in to see the Dr. Plus my mother had breast cancer


The lump use to be a scratch from my pack of German shepherds. They had no idea they were puppies with puppy claws. It has been there a year. I tried to remove it but it stayed the same. I don’t want my breast removed. And life has been far from good as far as never feeling any more then subhuman. It is painful the emotional aspects of it. It is ok I accept my fate.


I have a lump beside on my nipple and if i touch they remove remove.what is that😥im breast feeding and im using pills for family planning.


Im eleven and I'm looking this up because either have a 😭


Hey! So, when i touch/press my boobs i feel something in them that i think its that tissue or idk what that every boob has. But i can move them but they are hard idk how to explain.. its just a huge thing in both of my boobs but like only in the middel of them and its the same for both. I don't know how to make a difference between the normal thing in your breast and cancerous nodules. I would tell my mom bc she had multiple lumps at her breast and she only told me this Thursday that she had that for 2 years or more. She went to a doctor 2 year ago and i didn't eve know. She did an ultrasound but i didn't ask her if it was cancerous (bc we were going to a store a we just arrived)she never said its cancer so i think they were un cancerou noduls but she told me to tell her if i feel nodules at my boobs or arm pit (i have nothing at my arm pit) but isk how to make a difference between the tissue and cancerous nodules. And im embarrassed to tell my mum!


Do we have that technology or tools
Just like a pregnancy test or covid kit

A test kit for cancer?


Hi doc i dont have a lamp but my nipple is in pain plz help


I have had one for two years by my nipple and I squeeze under it then on top and I get a steady stream of fluid that shoots about ten feet!


I'm scared asf idk my right breast is bigger than the left boobs i feel something hard in my right breast whenever i press them i feel pain in them 😫 i also have white nipple discharge from both of my boobs.


What if my doctor says im just aging? Im 49 yrs old...


Hello, I am a very young girl (13) I have lumps under my both nipples. When I press, it hurts. I’ve been hoping it’s not cancer and I’ve been telling myself it’s puberty. Someone pleaseee respond!! I’m so scared and stressed.


I have pain on my left breast. It has kinda large mass in the middle. It is sudden like just 3days. I notice the pain just yesterday
