How To Be a Priority, Not an Option - 5 Powerful Tips That Always Work!

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In this video, you will learn 5 steps to becoming a priority in your guy’s life. So, if you’re dating a guy who makes you feel more like an option than a priority, then this is the video for you. 

Have you heard the saying.. don’t make someone your priority when you are simply their option?  It’s a powerful quote that hits differently because it is so relatable, yet it is profound.  That’s because when you’re a guys second option, rather than his priority, you're fooled into thinking you matter, except it's really not true.

Instead, You're just getting bits and pieces of his attention when it’s convenient for him, and just enough of his time and effort to keep you hanging on believing that things will change and he will make you a priority in his life.  And as you know, being in this state of limbo and being his option is a very frustrating and disappointing position to be in.   The good news.. you’re going to learn the 5 steps to turn things around and he will quickly recognize and prioritize you and your relationship.
oh and then I’m going to share the most important point of this whole video… so make sure you stick around and get the last and most important point.

I’m Dr Antonio Borrello, and I’m a psychologist and relationship coach. This channel is all about helping you build great relationships so you can grow happy with the people you love. So, if you’re interested in dating advice and relationship advice that is focused on making your love life the best part of your life, start now by subscribing here.

And Join our conversation on social media.

Are you interested in dating advice for women or advice on relationship problems? If so, you have found the dating coach for you. This channel is all about love tips, relationships and love, relationship problems and signs he likes you. Essentially, this channel is focused on love advice and helping you understand what men want.

Рекомендации по теме

1. Let go of initiating-stop
2. Become Scarce
3. Make him invest
4. Treat yourself as if your the most important person in the world
5. Settling is not an option

Be willing to WALK AWAY & Mean IT


I always think myself as a queen with an invisible crown! 👑 When I meet a guy, no matter how interested, If he doesn’t perform right, move on, next . A queen pick and never chase or beg anyone come to a queen’s world ! 👑


Have you had the experience of going from an option to a priority in someone's life? If so, how did you do it? Or, are you dealing with this situation now. Please comment and let's start a discussion.


"Think of yourself as a fine-dining restaurant - Your time is precious and valuable, and if he wants some of it, he must reserve it in advance. Don't be a drive-thru where he can quickly get cheap and fast food. You're not a convenience, you are the prize that he has to earn the privilege of being with". Going to borrow this!


To the one reading this " you deserve better❤"


This is what I need.I will put myself in pedestal and I deserve respect, value and worth.


Hello Antonio, I just wanted to thank you for what you do....I had to learn that if i just relax and be myself, My man would come! When we "look" we don't get the right one. When we work on ourselves great things happen! I have learned so much watching you and wanted you to know, that because i waited and worked on myself husband came! We have been married 9 months makes me his priority, treats me as his partner, will do anything for me, and plans our future. I am so happy and thank you so much for what you have listened and learned, Which has made me have more love your channel and all your tips. Your subbie Jazz 🥰🥰


Dr. B you’ve said all these things several times before- but this delivery was different and really hit the self care / what’s wrong with him/ make him do the work button!


He is not my priority either. I live my life and I enjoy his company when we are together. Living the moment. No future.


The main point- What's wrong with him? Totally agree!


The problem is when I walk away, I never get back with that man.
It's complicated for me to trust someone again


If your in a relationship you should be a priority, if your not your considered an option. It's up to him to decide where about's on his list you are!


This is the best video I've seen on how to be a priority. I love the explanations. thank you


Dear Dr Antonio
Yesterday morning I received Valentine’s message as “ happy Valentine’s Day to you and your bike “ from my boyfriend.

Hours later I asked my boyfriend if he feels like giving me kisses and hugs on Valentines Day after I finished work. He didn’t reply till next evening with “ hi, how are you? I forgot to check my messages “

I was not excited to know that my intelligence is underestimated.

In your episode “ why a man ignore you?”

In this situation, does “ he’s with someone on Valentines night “ and tried to force me out or phase out without saying a word?

What’s the high value response be?? Thanks!


my bf and i don't go on dates no more for years, he only calls if he needs me to do anything, and when i'm the one to ask lets date, i'm the one to pick a place and pay, and all the time, he says no to every place i pick. i have no hobbies because he thinks its a waste of time, and when i told him i want to have a separate apt the live he destroys that idea.


Doctor Antonio Am forever grateful for your Free services to us.

Blessings Always


trust in God he will give you the best and me too 😊🎉


Thank you for your videos they have helped me so much! Please continue to making them


I love all you say, ,you are so helping me


Ok does this apply for dating? How about it you are in a relationship with this person for years 😢
