How To Be A Womans Priority, Not An Option

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How To Be A Womans Priority, Not An Option

Inside, you’ll find the secrets, methods, and step-by-step actions to attract and keep the woman YOU want. No fluff. No filler. And to make it even better, I'm including powerful bonuses that you won't find anywhere else.🚨
Do you ever feel like you're just the backup plan in a woman's life? If so, you're not alone. In this video, we explore the common problem of being someone's Plan B and how to turn the tables. From setting boundaries to becoming the prize, these steps will help you go from being optional to being indispensable. Don't settle for being an afterthought, subscribe now and learn how to become her priority.

Subscribe for insights on building a dynamic where you're the main focus, not the backup plan. 🎥🚀
#PriorityInLove #RelationshipGoals #NotJustAnOption #EarningAffection #StandOutInLove #BecomeIrreplaceable #CherishedNotChosen #DatingDynamics #EmotionalInvestment #DesirabilityFactors #BeThePriority #LoveAndRespect #WinningHearts #AttractingCommitment #RelationshipPriority #LovePsychology #NeverSettle #ValuedPartnerships #DatingWisdom #BecomeThePriority #How To Be A Womans Priority, Not An Option
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Hi Guys... I've been making content like this since 2015 and I want to thank all of my supporters. Especially the ones who have been there from day one.


I speak for all men, prioritize pursuing your purpose and becoming the man you desire to be. Leave the situation for good if a woman disrespects you. Long as you prioritize your purpose and bettering yourself you will eventually attract the right woman. It’s all about your dignity and respect.


I'm 70 now. When I was around 12 or 13 my mom told me, " Never let a girl know how much you like her." I didn't follow her advice and I suffered for it. Ouch!


If they don’t want your attention don’t fight to give it to em’. More than likely you’ll be spending time and money and they wouldn’t even appreciate it.


“Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.” Maya Angelou


1. Read the room
2. Reciprocate
3. U come first
4. Novelty factor
5. Be a puzzle
6. Be the prize
7. Mental engagement
8. Tactical brilliance
9. Be mysterious


Make them feel your absence! This definitely works.


Any woman who puts her friends above the person that they supposedly want to have a relationship with is someone that you should not waste your time with and I learned this personally the hard way and I cannot stress this enough. My ex-girlfriend was changing plans just so she could spend time with her friends and some of those friends were guys. I eventually got fed up with it and immediately it was turned around on me which was another sign that the relationship was not going to work out. I found out later on that she was actually cheating on me with one of those guy friends and the worst part was that her best friend knew about it and didn't care at all that she was lying and being unfaithful to me. Another lesson from this for all of you is always pay attention to the company that you're partner keeps because that is also a clue as to the kind of person that they are..


The first time a woman says she's unavailable, stop calling her and ice her out. If she calls and wants to get together, say you're busy and ask her to call back in a few days. This will put her in her place.


And the single most important thing to remember for men is to never be afraid to lose that woman. Keep this in mind and act in accordance with that mindset and things will get better. Respect yourselves.


Want her to be crazy about you? Act like you don't want her and you're better off without her. Take care of yourself. Get cleaned up, fix your outfit, your smile etc and go work out and she'll get concerned. Treat her like the option instead and she'll be crazy for your approval, but you gotta be a man, don't be a doormat stand confident in yourself and make yourself unavailable.


I like the way this lady explain things. She is like a good mother who teaches her sons how to handle women


To simply, focus on yourself, level up and only give your time to those who truly like you/deserve it 💯


Do not ever become plan b. If you see they put their phone or work first yet find time to take off work to do the things they want, but never the things you want, don't try to win her. Dump her. It's on her to figure out why she's f'd up. Trust me. You'll become Plan A immediately. Just stay the course. Either she'll confess her idiocy and apologize or she'll just whine over you being gone. The only true apology is, I will never do x again.


This is why it seems like people aren't getting married and divorce is at a high rate. These games are child's play. From what I've seen, women don't do well with too many options... all that said, I can sum up what Olivia said in one sentence.... if you're not a priority, don't even make that person an option...cut them out completely. Not appreciating people that show you care is a character flaw...


She is right. I have been ignored and ghosted before so I know the feeling.


If a chic is making excuses she clearly is not interested in you. You must have common sense. I guess a lot of people just don’t have it. How could you not know that a chic ain’t feeling you? Dating isn’t supposed to be hard. It’s supposed to be easy as hell. If a chic is too difficult it’s better to quickly move on to the next chic until you find the one who actually likes you back.


Guys NEVER let a woman know you're down for her. Let her know she's always competing to keep her spot. Also, NEVER pay to play, if you're paying to get affection you're a SIMP and she will walk all over you. I let them treat me first before I open up my wallet. Remember you're the prize as a man you add value to their life as a woman they take value from your life. Get your skills and talents in place, I work on cars, I worked construction, I build guns, engines and know financial aptitude... I have a retirement, I'm 30 and I retire in 2 years. I know my worth and value, but I don't chase. I disassociate when someone shows me signs that in not a priority, if they can't see it I won't show em.


I made a female a priority in my life & got played like a fiddle 😂. I'm grateful to have God's 3rd eye mentality. I quickly moved on with my life, I didn't argue or go back & forth with her, I just told her about it & how I felt. It's ashame when folks, women & men can have something decent who will bend for them & they take it for granted. She did apologize, and I accepted, but that's all. Now she out here lookin' goofy asf hopping around with that different man baggage & a bad reputation. I don't wish this on anyone, but we as a society need to stop embarrassing ourselves & others on quick come ups cause it always ends badly ✌🏾


I broke up with my ex. We had several fights along the way...but i always felt as though i was a place -holder. She told me she felt the same way coz i still have a plethora of girls following me on social media and access to exes. We then drew lines on boundaries, but i still felt from her side she was not honest about things and was always Advertising herself for male validation. She has the tendency of coming late from clubs and would not call to let me know she's home safe --I figured, a lday that makes you question her every move is not a lady to build a family with. So i ended things.
