How to Graduate at the Top Of Your Class #shorts

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Here are some key tips to remember if you want to graduate at the top of your class in high school! 🏆

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How to be the top of your class: Get rid of the competition


to the tops of classes: don’t take your intelligence for granted, be proud of it. Im in classes with some of the smartest kids in my school, but that’s because I study hard and play to my brain (I have learning issues so for example writing is the inly way I remember) as best I can. I work very hard, as do many of my peers, but like some of my class’s like top 10 are arrogant because they don’t know what it’s like to struggle for their intellect. Be proud of all of the intelligent people (best friend is like top 8) who work/empathize with others and be proud of those who work hard regardless of grade.


Dude, I’m still 14 but your advice still really helps, really like your content and hope you go far


How to be top of your class in high school:

*Be the top of your class in high school*


If you current grade can't take AP courses, ask for an exemption to this rile from a councilor. They might say yes. Give a good reason, but don't lie. Keep watching this dude's videos! They're amazing.


Just know that there are ways to kinda cheat the system. Take college classes that don't have strict grading or are based around something you are already skilled in, like an art or Spanish class. They give you the same credit as an AP calculus or AP phyc class, just way easier to get an A in.


As I’m going to high school in 2 months, I see watching this video as an absolute win


A recommendation that my brother gave me was to like he said, take tutoring classes in the subjects your struggling at, there are usually free ones at high school and honestly... it feels so good beating my struggles


I love your videos Gohar, but for others living in different countries the education system works so differently so I can’t even begin to start with these techniques


Step one: do IB
Step two: sacrifice your soul


Biggest myth in high school is that you junior year is the most important and that your senior year doesn’t really matter. Firstly, every years matters equally, it’s not like your junior year is weighted differently in your GPA; secondly, your senior year matters a lot, I’ll give a personal example. Throughout high school I had a great GPA and weighted GPA, I was top of my class by the end of my junior year, one of my top schools I applied to was Georgia Tech for CS(I was out of state), but I ended up getting waitlisted; this wouldn’t have been a big deal, however, because I was under the impression that my senior year didn’t matter, I was getting sub-par grades in my classes, so when I submitted my letter of continued interest, along with my transcript, I already knew a rejection was coming my way, and it did. I’m happy at my current school, Purdue, it’s great for CS, but if you want to avoid stupid mistakes like mine, give academics your all, 100% of the time. Even after you graduate high school, you still need to give it your all in college; the difference is that you are majoring in something you(hopefully) enjoy, so the academics are more enjoyable in a certain regard.


I tried applying to IB but didn’t make it in but I’ve applied to AP and now I’m waiting for the results. Your videos really help me, thank you 🙏


How be top:
1. Study with others. It helps if you're with people better than you (they help you put) but if you're with people who are worse you can try teaching them from your memory. If there's anything you're stuck at you can look at it.
2. Go to the library. Or basically somewhere that is not your house and is quiet. At home, there are usually too many distractions. Meanwhile, at a library, you don't have access to much more than books.
3. Use a different account for studying. This way, when you check your email (regarding school), you won't be tempted to email your friends about random stuff because everything is strict on this account. On top of that, you can use another Microsoft account (if you're using Windows). It is a big pain to have to change accounts back and forth.
4. Listen to quieter, more calming music. This might not apply for everyone, but I can't study while listening to loud rock music blasting in my ears at top volume.
5.Take breaks in between, but not too often. A problem I face is taking too many or too little breaks. While breaks are essential, it is important not to procrastinate. I find that a 5 min break every 1.5 hrs work best for me, but it depends for everyone.
6. Ask your teacher on advice. If your essays are bad, find out why. if there's a part in your paper that you're weak at, seek help from your teachers.
7. In class, don't talk to friends. Focus in class. If you are very sure you know everything, don't disturb others. They might disturb you in future.

I hope these will help!


what kinda high school lists their valedictorians in a font like that? animal jam highschool? babahshdhdhshherhjfjsj


I am not even at high-school but I still note down his tips XD


as a 13 year old about to enter freshman year, and has an AP class second semester, this advice helps


get into honors classes as early as possible


Honestly at my school it is so competitive that being valedictorian isn’t even worth it anymore because you can still get into a good college without even ranking but the bit of advice at the beginning is really what people need to hear


Or just don't worry about. Obsessing over every point possible is how you end up with no friends and an anxiety disorder.


My school eliminated valedictorian because the top 10 kept sabotaging each other. Now they only announce the top 10 in alphabetical order.
