How to Make a Career Change at 30, 40, 50, and Beyond

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Is it ever too late for a career change? Absolutely not. In this MarieTV, you’ll learn three keys to a successful career change in your 40s, 50s, 60s, and beyond! Marie answers a question from Joanne who’s wondering how to make a career change from teaching to running her own writing business at 37.

Watch the video to learn these three keys to making a midlife career change:

1. Drop the “it’s too late” and “I’m too old” B.S. narrative.
2. Get educated about business.
3. Develop a bias toward action.

#MarieTV​ #CareerChange​

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This episode is packed with gems to get you moving on your next career.

Find ‘em here:
0:55 — The most effective way to deal with ageism.
1:15 — Shocking statistics that disprove those “I’m too old” or “it’s too late” myths.
2:20 — What you need MORE than experience to launch your new career successfully.
3:45 — One simple question to help you to overcome stress and overwhelm.


I’m 39 and I just left a company that I worked for for 9 years. I refused to give them a decade of my life when all it was doing was sucking the life out of me. But I was so comfortable there! I had tenure with them and excelled in every position I had. Problem was they weren’t paying me enough for the stress I had to deal with. My comfort level at that job made it VERY hard to leave and go start over. So the biggest lesson I learned from changing my career is: You must have the courage to step outside your comfort zone!!! Nothing ventured nothing gained!!! I’m so glad I decided to take that leap! I’m thriving, have more peace, have less stress and the higher pay doesn’t hurt either!!!


I made a big move towards my dream career when I was in my early 40s. I’m doing what I absolutely love now and my business is growing. I’m turning 52 in a couple of months!


OMG I’m 40 and I was just now literally sitting here trying to decide some critical things about the career change I want - even started to doubt my possibilities, then this video pops up on my phone. Impeccable timing Marie!


This is a great video reminder! 2 things that have helped me in this area are: 1) Done is better than perfect! and 2) Life responds to action!


Great info! Just started a new career and I'm 60. You're so right: take small steps every single day.


Marie, thanks to seeing your videos in 2013 when I was 47 years old, I joined B-School and quickly discovered that I could build a whole new career out of gifts and talents that I never gave myself credit for. I went from feeling like 'just a mother', to creating a whole online business helping other mothers. There ended up being a publishing bidding war over my book - I book I hadn't even written yet!!! It's been such a crazy, fun, exciting journey ever since. 53 years old now and feeling like the next chapter of my life is still only beginning! Forever grateful to you and B-School. xx


I am in my 50s. Made a career change from Sr. Design Aerospace engineer to web and graphic designer and marketing specialist. To help with the transition took classes in college and earned my certification in the above. Found better response applying to small companies when making career transition and my age. Be persistent and don't be afraid to seek help. Don't give up on your dreams.


Let me give you guys something that’s going to really motivate you I am an x-ray technologist at the hospital that I work we had to x-ray technologist one was age 55 and the the other was age 56, they both made it successfully through the program !! It’s never too late just like she said. At that same hospital there was an x-ray technologist who didn’t become a technologist until the age of 45 and at the age of 75 she is still working as an x-ray technologist if she did it so can you!


Your energy is contagious! :-) I've made a career change from working in Banker/Project Manager to Film Producer/Actor/Youtuber. The most important thing to remember (especially for big career changes) is to know that it's mostly up to ourselves to make it happen (there will always be naysayers and hurdles to jump over), and to realize that career change is a 'long game'. Many people give up early because they think that it might not work out or that it's impossible because they don't see immediate results. Being aware that career change may take years in most cases will help manage expectations and be more patient with the whole process. It's going to be worth it!


Age doesn't make a difference unless you tell yourself it does. Many people struggle with making a career change and this is a great video that can set someone in the right direction to make it happen. Thanks Marie.


I thought that I wanted to become a nurse, but now, I want to become a Reiki/Energy Healing Practitioner. One important lesson in my career change is to be flexible. Sometimes the Universe wants you to dream bigger and better. Just when you think you have your career change figured out, there's a twist and a turn.


My tip: internet has taken away the limitations of being old for crushing it. Here experience has advantage. Coz content rocks!


Great episode Marie, I left academia after getting tenure! That's unheard of- now I coach women in meditation, mindset and manifestation of their soul dreams! And it's totally rewarding.


I am 40 years old in this exact position right now trying to figure out how to start my own business from scratch and stop working behind a desk making someone else’s dream come true and start making my dreams come true 🙂


I did career change when am 30, from pharmacist to pencil drawing . Am feeling amazing about my new career am really enjoying it 😎


I’m 45 and finally going to nursing school. I’m scared but still doing it. Going to school with all these young kids is scary. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


When I started my business and switched from a job, the most important (and hard) lesson was self discipline. By far! Thank you, Marie xo


I’m 36 and quit my job as a lawyer (that I had been doing for a decade) last October. I am now freelancing in digital marketing, sales and copywriting, learning skills that I will need for my own business. I am slowly building up my own YouTube channel and would love any feedback/support/love from the community, as this self employed lark can be lonely and we can doubt ourselves sometimes.


I have missed your advice so glad you are back. I am 52 and I needed this so keep them coming for us mid life career changers.
