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My channel is to help inspire, motivate, and help anyone looking to change their lives! We have fun here, ain't nobody got time for negativity ^_^ Keep it cool :)

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This Monday I paid for a gym membership and then spent 15 minutes awkwardly waiting for 2 girls to finish with the power rack so I could do squats. I was fidgeting with my phone because I didn't want it to look like I was creeping on them. Turns out there was a squat rack right next to them, and I had no idea what it was so I was just sitting there like a doofus. A guy doing bench presses on the only flat bench asked if I was waiting for him to be done, and I just told him I was a little lost, knew the exercises but not the equipment. He helped me out, showed me how to use some of the machines, and helped me make sure I hit all my major muscle groups.


I'm not scared of people judging me, I'm scared of not knowing where to start


A quick message for those who are afraid of going to the gym...

Those super fit people that are intimidating you because of their workout routine are not judging you. They're too focused on what they have to do.


It’s intimidating at first, but after a week or so, you get familiar with the layout of the gym and when you start meeting people you realize that the buff/ripped people are the nicest


I’m 16, hella fat and I just wanna say I have never felt so invincible and “ignored” as I have in the gym, it’s so surprising how much people are focused on them self in the gym


I’m young, only 18, and 270 pounds. It’s time for a change


I saw this video the week it came out and I was 400 pounds and now I'm 378 thank you you have change my life my goal is 250 then I can get my heart surgery :)


Went to the gym for 2 months straight almost everyday, ate incredibly healthy, and lost thirty lbs. Then at the end of the summer I was in a head on car collision that broke both my legs and left me in a wheelchair for 3 months. Even now with leg and knee recovery times, I am still not able to run or use the treadmill, because of the hardware in my legs and knee. It's is unfortunate and my biggest qualm with the injury as of now. I have to use the elliptical and focus on muscle development of the upper body region, and I still love the gym. Ever since I fell in love with it last summer I have not been able to let go of how happy it makes me, even if I'm limited. Don't give up no matter what. No matter the pain you feel or anything, you can do it, I promise. Just takes dedication, motivation, and heart. If some cripple can get his messed up legs back to the gym and try his heart out, I know you can all too. :)


Dude I remember watching a few of your vids like 3 years ago when I was 300+ pounds

Then today stumble upon your channel again by random a few years later at 160

Just wanna thank you so much for the inspiration and the guidance


"no one is a professional on day one" That kept me going on my first few weeks.


I have really bad social anxiety and the gym is one of few packed places I feel 💯 comfortable.


I said screw it and made a home gym. Only person judging me is me lol. But seriously it really makes me hit it everyday cause it's right here at my house.


I just lost 40 pounds in 3 months from simply eating less and now I'm thinking about getting in shape. Thanks for the advice. I'll be joining a gym by next paycheck 💪


When I married my wife, back in 2000, I weighed about 140 pounds. My goal was to increase my weight to around 160 pounds, as my height is 5'9". Over the course of about 10 years, my weight shot up to about 216 pounds (what can I say... my wife is an amazing cook). That's when I decided to start losing weight. By watching food portions, I dropped down to my stable weight of about 183 pounds. I wasn't satisfied, so I started working out. Over the course of a few months, I dropped 16 pounds, just by doing a 45-minute routine on the weights. I've started to increase the weights, in my workout, and my weight is continuing to slowly drop... and I'm feeling better than I had ever felt. My goal is to reach my original target weight of 160 pounds, but to do so in a manner that promotes actually toning my body (I don't care if I look totally bulked out, I just want to look like I take care of myself). The important thing, though, is that in the process, my blood pressure has gone from averaging around 150/90 to averaging around 117/78, while my resting pulse rate has gone from around 85 bpm to around 68 bpm. Those numbers, alone, are a victory, in my book!


I recently gave up drugs and alcohol... I need a life change and watching this has definitely given me more confidence to start with my health and fitness. I’m starting from ground zero and watching your journey definitely took me from frightened to excited to start my own journey to a new lease on life. Truly inspirational and I’ll definitely be following your channel as I begin my journey starting tomorrow. Keep up the great work.


I'm 146 right now, started at 175. My goal is 130 and getting rid of the last 15 pounds has proven to be very difficult, so I'm starting weight training. Thank you for all of the information!


I remember talking myself out of going to gym for ages because I was scared people would be looking/laughing at me. Turns out literally no one cares who you are or what you look like when you’re in there.

Apart from saying hello etc, people only talk to me to give advice or keep me safe, which is amazing.


Being intimated by the gym is normal but I hope people remember everyone was a beginner at some point and most people in the gym are gonna be encouraging and understand where you're coming from


I find the dieting the hardest bit as well as moving off the sofa to go to the gym


I basically quit working out about 16 years ago because I took on a second full time job. Over time, I worked less, but never got back in to exercising. There were a few false starts along the way toward getting back, but today at 54 years old, I am going to do it.
