Messianic Rabbi Gets REAL About the Trinity @RadarApologetics

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Bio: Ruslan KD is a Christian YouTuber of Armenian descent who was a refugee from Baku, Azerbaijan, before moving to the United States as a child. He started his YouTube channel in the mid-2010s, which has since grown into a popular platform for discussing faith, lifestyle, and music. Known for his insightful commentary on Christian living, culture, and personal development, Ruslan has built a community of followers who value his thoughtful approach to contemporary issues. In addition to his YouTube presence, Ruslan is a speaker, author, and advocate for godly ambition, often addressing topics related to leadership, mental health, and the integration of faith in everyday life.

Our mission is to encourage, empower, and inspire people to live a life that Blesses God, in accordance with His word. As the Psalmist proclaims, "Bless God in the great congregation, the Lord, O you who are of Israel's fountain" (Psalm 68:26 ESV), and "Every day will I bless Thee; and I will praise Thy name forever and ever" (Psalm 145:2 KJV). Just as Simeon, after encountering Jesus, "took him up in his arms and blessed God" (Luke 2:28 ESV), we seek to lead others in a life of stewardship, relevant engagement, and practical living that honors and blesses the Lord.
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Isaiah 9:6 regarding Yeshua, "For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."


get this dude on again, bro is set apart for sure


Rest in Peace Dr Michael S Heiser. Truly Hope he’s having these one on one with our Lord in the unseen realm.


Great conversation, lads. We need so much more of this.


Great interview, he is a smart brother!


Solid convo, Will be checking out the extended forsure!


I run a Women's Ministry, and I can absolutely agree that the divide is happening between true Christ followers and those who have made an idol of God and call themselves Christian.


If a person really wants to know, and is like really hungry for the Wisdom of God. Let them ask God. As the scripture says, if any man lacks wisdom let him ask God.
If the person is genuine and consistent the Lord will reveal it.
I don't understand why there would be a need for tribalism or sects.


I was oneness Pentecostal for 34 years and grew up UPCI, I just recently started to believe the trinity and it is extremely biblical. I have studied the godhead for years and years to come to this conclusion after reading many books on the topic as well as many debates and reading through the scriptures. Modalism is extremely deceiving as they know how to twist certain scriptures, but Glory to God I have finally seen the truth. And I would debate anyone (in love) with the scriptures that prove God is triune


I’ve learned a lot from Dr. Michael Heiser about the Trinity in the OT especially the Two Powers of Heaven thinking and where we see it in scripture like the Genesis story about Yahweh come down with 2 angels who ate with Abraham and then later on called down fire and burning sulfur from Yahweh in the Heavens as well as many parts of scripture where “The Angel of the Lord” is actually God in human form on earth since many times the ones who meet this “Angel/Messenger” and they always say I saw God face to face yet my life was spared or things like that. It’s amazing how much the Trinity is in the OT!


Can you tag these guest’s channels and URLs in the description?


John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:14 The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.

John 10:30 "I and the Father are one.”

John 8:58 "Truly, truly, I tell you, " Jesus declared, "before Abraham was born, I am!"


i like convos but can we get someone like David Benard or a Lee Stoneking, a few that have more years behind them studying oneness not arguing or hating just asking?


That Rabbi is awesome; and so knowledgeable


Malachi 2:10

Have we not all one father? hath not one God created us? why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother, by profaning the covenant of our fathers?
Ehad is used twice in this verse.
What does one do with this text honestly?


When Rabbi Ed from Radar Apologetics said a lot of what Protestantism has to do with is cultural and not theological, i felt that. I don't think that he's invalidating protestant christians. He's just impyling that our understanding might not be strongly rooted as we're the branch that has spent the least amount of time in brushing up our theology. I speak as a protestant, I'm a Trinitarian Pentecostal believer, and I see the deficit in my church. There's definitely belief and faithfulness, but knowledge and understanding isn't always a focus.


I'm an Christian Arab. A Messianic Jew is a Christian Jew (Messiah=Christ). Jew her refers a national identity, just as American, English, Arab, European, Asian are all either national or supranational identities. So it's the identity not the religion. It's not a Christian who holds on to his Judaism as a faith, but an ethnic Jew finding fulfillment of God's revelation in Jesus Christ.


The problem is not like "God can't be", but how He would destroy us by being here. Yeshua is someone who executed the order of Adonai, our Father and his Father. This why Bereshit says: Create our IMAGE


The difference between Christianity and Messianic Judaism is not theological but is cultural AND contextual. The Church pays little or no notice to the JEWISHNESS of Christianity, Yeshua and the Gospel.


i think we should avoid any depiction which misrepresent the triune God.meaning pagan tri theism which is often what is depicted. the triune nature of YHWH is beyond any human words ideas or philosophies but we know it is how YHWH revealed himselfthrough the word. my fear is a unitarian or non Christian or new Christian will see these depictions and think that we believe in 3 Gods like the Mormons or the tritheistic pagan's. we believe in 1 God YHWH who is 3 persons each fully God and Co eternal And coequal. there is no art or human analogy or depiction which can in Any way accurately represent our glorious God who is forever blessed Amein!
