How to Get Better Gas Mileage out of your Toyota and Lexus Hybrid

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A Toyota Master Diagnostic Technician discuses ways to how to get better gas mileage out of your Toyota and Lexus Hybrid.

In these times of high gas prices everyone is looking to get out of their gas guzzling car into an efficient hybrid that gets better gas mileage. But what if you wanted to get even better gas mileage out of your Toyota and Lexus hybrid?

In this video we'll go over the theory and ways of getting better gas mileage out of hybrids.

Also in this video I'll share with you additional things that you need to take into consideration to get the best gas mileage.

During a routine inspection at the shop for a customer I find a MAJOR accident on this Highlander and some really badly dry rotten tires.

I'll share with you some tips on inspecting cars for accidents. Think of it as an investigation. Once you find a small piece of evidence you have to follow through with a full inspection to find the what and why.

Many folks are over paying for used cars these days and nothing sours a car purchase than finding out later that you have issues caused by previous accidents that didn't show up on the report or were hard to find.

And make sure tires are checked closely not just the tread depth. I see many folks disregard dry rot as an issue with tires.

Hope this video helps you.

TCCN Automotive Inc.
Toyota and Lexus Specialist Repair

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0:00 Intro
0:52 The Theory
1:56 How to get better gas mileage
7:41 What about Regenerative Braking?
11:20 Additional Things
Рекомендации по теме

I bought a 2023 Corolla Hybrid about 3 months ago. I drive with COMPLETE focus on maximizing gas mileage. With the warm weather and moderate use of my A/C, I'm averaging 68-69 MPG over the short life of my car. Depending on my A/C usage, I've had individual tanks that averaged between 65 and 74 MPG. My manual MPG calculations align very closely with the Corolla's MPG monitor. Needless to say, I'm VERY happy with my fuel economy.


This February I got a new '22 Camry Hybrid and typically get 46-47 mpg in Eco mode. I was a bit disappointed and even asked my local dealership about this. They recommended me to try driving in Normal mode but not much else. Then I saw this video! Today, I tried the methods in this video while driving to work in Normal mode. I got about 65 mpg! This is gamechanger.


As a Camry Hybrid driver since 2007, I just want to weigh in on the pulse and glide advice if I may. While being a more efficient driving technique, it does tend to irritate the driver behind you, particularly on the highway. This makes it more likely for the driver behind to want to pass you and this sometimes affects the stability and safety of vehicle grouping at speed. Fellow drivers, I think you know what I mean. Having said that, thank you AMD for great content, and congratulations on achieving your dream of self-employment.


Great advice! When I'm looking ahead and see that I'm coming to a red light, I let off the pedal and coast. People race by me and then I watch them hit the brakes hard. I try to not come to a complete stop if possible. My '22 Corolla Hybrid gets 55.8mpg


Owner of a 2021 RAV4 Hybrid here in Australia.
Followed all your driving tips. And pumped tyres up to 36 psi,
Full tank of fuel ( so max fuel weight) two adults in car, reset all gauges,
The return test run for a weekend lunch in countryside on the Sth west coast of Western Australia. The all round return run was 175 km ( 108 miles) on gentle rolling landscape mostly travelling at 90 to 100 km/hr
“ drum roll :::;”
The fuel consumption was 4.9 litres per 100 km or in the USA medieval language : 48 miles per US gallon .
Thanks for the tips 👍
Enjoying your shows


I just got my first Hybrid AND first Toyota. I love watching the energy monitor... it's like playing a game while driving. My car isn't broken in yet, but I look forward to the savings in fuel. I've been watching your videos for months, in anticipation of acquiring my first Toyota. You are a great resource. Thank you for sharing so much of your knowledge.


Great video and advise that there's one more tip that was not mentioned. Keep your hybrid battery fan filter clean or replace if needed to ensure it does not over heat which causes shorter battery cycles. Check the filter every 2 months.


I own two Highlander Hybrids (2010 and 2017). One thing that is often overlooked in a hybrid is that a failing 12V battery will cause your ICE to remain on in an attempt to top off a battery that will never finish charging. I bought my 2010 used and it had this problem off the lot. I was initially only getting around 16mpg. After researching this issue, I had the 12V battery tested, and sure enough it was bad. After replacing the 12V battery, my mpg immediately shot up to the rated value.


I'm currently getting about 58-61 MPG out of my 3rd Generation Prius. Great car and always reliable


Tire pressure is very underrated when it comes to gas mileage. The best way to explain it to people is tell them to think about riding a bike with tires that are half inflated. How much harder do they have to pedal? Same thing with your car. It’s using more energy to move when the tires aren’t properly inflated.


This channel just keeps getting better and better… THANK YOU!


I really like that you didn't just tell us how to do it but why it works, having that knowledge really helps when you try to implement some of the things that were suggested.


I love how you end your videos with "May the Lord bless you and keep you", it's so hopeful and inspiring. Thank you, brother!


I’ve found I get better mpg using the normal mode opposed to the Eco. The less time you spend accelerating and getting up to a good glide speed the better mpg you’ll get. That is the case with my Hybrid Corolla at least. I’ve got to where using Power mode doesn’t bring down my MPG.


Very good advice. The only thing I see missing is to anticipate stops, so that you can utilize regenerative braking. I have been living by these kind of tips for many years. My 2011 Prius was getting almost 70 mpg, in mixed traffic. It had 155k miles when I had to sell it, and move overseas.


I love my new RAV4 hybrid! I went from almost 400 horsepower in my last car, to 40 mpg! It’s obviously not as fun, but damn its nice to get 500 miles or more out of a tiny tank of gas.


I avg 57 mpg in my 22 corolla hybrid in Portland Oregon. Loving this car.


Just bought a one-owner 2009 Camry Hybrid with 100, 000 miles as a gas saver… it’s our first hybrid. Thanks for all these tips! Love the channel.


Thank you Mr. Car Care Nut for looking out for us (newbies to hybrid technology) and for your suggestions. I really appreciate your videos. Keep on doing your thing. I have learnt so much from you.


I'm really starting to dig this channel for a number of reasons. This is also important to me as I just recently transitioned from a 2016 Tacoma TRD Off Road to a 2022 Avalon Hybrid Nightshade. I've been able to squeeze 57 mpg out of it when it's only really rated at 43 mpg. I'll continue to follow the advice here too! Good stuff!
