Stoicism: Become Undefeatable

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Stoicism helps us steer through past and present storms into calmer and more peaceful waters. And if our ship sinks and we all drown, we can take peace in the fact that we lived a good life, albeit not as long as we had hoped. Because remember, everything has an end.

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Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times.


So basically stoicism is " *It do be like that sometimes* "


Can people like this so I can come back and rewatch? I need to periodically remind myself of this.


"Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one."
- Marcus Aurelius


“We suffer more often in imagination than in reality.”
— Seneca


“The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem. Do you understand?” -Captain Jack Sparrow


"A man who suffers before it is necessary, suffers longer than is necessary." - Seneca


"'Man cannot remake himself without suffering for he is both the Marble and the Sculptor''
-Alexis Carrel


Stoicism describes in one meme:

"Oh no! Anyway..."


Stoicism: suffering isn't a bug; it's a feature.


Key principles of Stoicism:

Dichotomy of Control: Stoicism teaches that some things are within our control (our thoughts, choices, and actions) while others are not (external events, other people's actions, and circumstances). Stoics believe that focusing on what is within our control leads to inner tranquility, while accepting what is beyond our control helps us avoid unnecessary suffering.

Virtue as the Highest Good: According to Stoicism, the ultimate good in life is the development of moral and intellectual virtues. These virtues include wisdom, justice, courage, temperance, and moderation. Stoics believe that by cultivating these virtues, individuals can live a good and fulfilling life.

Acceptance of Nature: Stoicism encourages individuals to align their will with the natural order of the universe. This means accepting the impermanence of things, embracing change, and recognizing that suffering and setbacks are inevitable parts of life.

Negative Visualization: Stoics practice negative visualization, which involves contemplating the worst-case scenarios to develop gratitude for what one currently possesses. By imagining the loss of something or someone, individuals can learn to appreciate and value them more fully.

Amor Fati: Amor fati, or "love of fate, " is a Stoic concept that encourages individuals to embrace and love their fate, whatever it may be. Stoics believe that everything that happens, even hardships and misfortunes, is part of a larger plan and should be accepted without resistance.

Tranquility of Mind: Stoicism aims to cultivate inner peace and tranquility by freeing individuals from negative emotions such as anger, fear, and anxiety. By practicing self-control, self-discipline, and detachment from external outcomes, Stoics strive to maintain a calm and balanced state of mind.


I am a very good trader, and I can confirm my boat did sink.


Back then I mistook apathy as stoicism, but stoicism isn't ignoring emotion. Stoicism is a way of managing emotions.


"Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back."
-- Marcus Aurelius, Emperor-Philosopher


I watched this video 2 years ago when I was struggling to get sober for what felt like the 9 millionth time. This video got me into stoicism, and I fully attribute my sobriety to finding stoicism and the tools that it gave me. I was 2 years sober in May. Thank you for this video.


Unironically, I may have adopted stoicism unintentionally. Being a person born in the fine line of poor and middle-class, I've learned how to accept the life I was given. I recognize my situation and instead focus on the gifts rather than the misfortunes we had. It is not as if I don't feel sad about it, I do. But I don't dwell on it and I just wish for the best. I am also a very timid person, often times I get dragged to my friends and other people's shenanigans. I can't do anything about it, I may feel annoyed or pissed off, but I don't let it affect me. In a way, it is kind of the same as the voluntary discomfort exercise. And to be clear with you all, I am not saying I can't feel emotions, I can feel just as much pain, anguish, sadness, happiness, etc. as all you guys. It is just that my standing in life has led me to learn how to control my emotions better than others. I remember being a kid frustrated about other kids having things that I don't, I had a talk with my dad about it, we cried and reconciled. My point being, is the fact that I unknowingly adopted a similar mindset to Stoicism might just prove that Stoicism really works.


"The desire for more positive experience is itself a negative experience. And, paradoxically, the acceptance of one's negative experience is itself a positive experience." -Mark Manson


"Ask yourself at every moment, Is this necessary." - Marcus Aurelius


This gives me so much hope and destroys my anxiety. It's truly incredible how much of my suffering comes from my distorted view of the world


As someone who struggles with anxiety, I found this video incredibly helpful. The stoic practice of imagining worst-case scenarios and preparing for them has already helped me feel more empowered and less overwhelmed by my worries.
