Ranking Jane Austen’s Six Novels, Plus The ‘Are You Like Jane Austen?’ Tag #areyoulikejaneausten

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I finally finished Austen’s big six! And I have ranked them after a lot of deliberation - so hard! I also answer the questions from Shelly Swearingen’s original tag quiz to find out if I am like the great woman herself!

0:00 Intro
1:49 The Tag
12:03 Jane Austen Ranking

Original tag video from the wonderful Shelly - do check out her channel and subscribe to her:

2) Austen was born to a large family. She had a total of 7 siblings: one sister and six brothers. Give yourself a point if you have three or more siblings family.
3) Austen did not enjoy her formal education. Give yourself a point if you did not care for school.
4) Dark humor is woven throughout Austen’s writing. Give yourself a point if you have a grim sense of humor. You must share a dark joke in order to get this point.
5) Jane broke off two engagements and died a spinster. Give yourself a point if you are single.
6) Austen experienced low periods or spells of depression. Give yourself a point if you have struggled with mental health.
7) Jane moved away from her childhood home in her 20s. Give yourself a point if you’ve lived away from your childhood hometown or region.
8) Jane was not vain. Give yourself a point if you have very little interest in vanity.
9) Hair was of little concern to Austen. Give yourself a point if you cannot be bothered with your hair.
10) Austen expressed her distaste for hot weather. Give yourself a point if you dislike the heat.

How did you score?
10-11 - The spirit of Jane Austen lives in you. She’s with you day in and day out.
9-8 - In another life Jane Austen and you could have been siblings or at least good friends. You want to spend time with one another and work to make that happen.
6-7 - You and Austen are friends. You two could enjoy a long walk in the country and chat about all of the things you all have in common.
4-5 - Though you have less in common with Jane than some, you could probably spend an afternoon with her chatting about your similarities and differences.
2-3 - You and Austen may not share much in common, but you two would be delighted to see one another at a local social gathering exchanging pleasantries on your different lives.
0-1 - You and Austen could learn a lot from one another considering how different you are. This could be shared over a cup of afternoon tea.

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Awe! Thank you for the kind words! And thank you for doing the tag! A booktuber that didn’t enjoy school! Shock. Horror. ☺️ I also struggle with anxiety. I’m learning to be more practical and leaning more toward comfort. 3 years without a haircut! That’s impressive. I dislike humidity as well and I live in a place with lots and lots of humidity! Loved your dark joke!!

I love the film of Sense and Sensibility, but haven’t read the book yet. Next year I’d love to read Emma and reread Pride and Prejudice. You’ve sold me on Emma!


I did not expect you to have a dark sense of humor haha. But that is great. 😂 Really great list, too! I think, if I didn't have a personal connection with Northanger Abby, I would have a list very similar (from what I have read--I haven't read all of her novels).


SMUSH that hair up on that head--me too, Jack! I want the OPTION to do something with it, but in the meantime, get it outta my way! LOL. I thought I had a record for women's hair with 2 years with no cut, but you beat me no contest! 😊


Emma is my favorite of Austen’s novels, and P&P is my second fave! Love hearing all your thoughts about these books!


Glad to see Persuasion ranked so high- I'm listening to a good one!


that is so funny! being a teacher and not liking school xD one point is good because you will change the things you did not like.
comfy clothes are the best 🥰🥰
great break down of all the books :D clary Pride and Prejudice seems to be the favourite


I have read all six Jane Austen novels, but I can’t really rank them, because I read some of them too long ago. I could rank my reaction to each book, which is not the same as ranking the books themselves.


I have read your #1, #2 and #4 Jane Austen novels and would probably rank them in the same order as you did. I think maybe for next Jane Austen July I will read your #3 choice.


I am glad you didn´t put Persuasion in first place. It always upsets me when poeople do as I think it almost borders on the mawkish. You are absolutely right about Pride and Prejudice and Emma, and I hope you would put Northanger Abbey in third place after a rereading. Anyway, I enjoyed your video.


My top two is exactly the same as yours. I think I need to re read north anger abbey next year as I didn’t take to it the first time I read it ☺️


My favorite Jane Austen is Persuasion followed by Pride and Prejudice and Emma. And my least favorite is Mansfield Park for now. I guess we think similiarly ;)
