8 Toxic Behaviors You Should NEVER Tolerate In Your Relationship

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Should you compromise in a relationship where toxic behaviors are displayed? In this video, we cover some common signs of a toxic relationship, so that you can protect your sanity and mental health. These red flags of relationships can be so detrimental that they even destroy a supposed healthy relationship. If you're planning to get into a relationship anytime soon, be sure to watch out for these relationship red flags.

Writer: Philip Clarke
Script Editor: Rida Batool
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
Animator: Julie Ma
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong


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You and your partner should be Yin and Yang. You should be a part of each other while maintaining your sense of self. You should remain balanced in exchanging affection in your own ways. You need trust and care respectively. But you need to remember that you are not an extension of your partner, and they aren't an extension of you. You should never be the only person giving or the only person taking, or the only person telling the truth or the only person listening. Your partner is your equal, and you are theirs.


*Toxic behavior #9:* They threaten to leave the relationship often, or often tell you that you can leave the relationship if you don't see it their way on an issue. Always letting you know that you're replaceable.


0:33 1# Lack of Trust
1:03 2# Extreme Clinginess
2:07 3# Avoiding Responsibility
2:37 4# Gaslighting
3:08 5# Constant Lying
3:43 6# Super Flakiness
4:24 7# False Accusations
5:00 8# Cheating


I endured a relationship with a narcissistic person and I’m glad it’s over.


I see it, in myself. Lack of trust, a bit too clingy, sometimes lying (mainly about past bc I feel like I ruined myself and hated myself), and false accusations.

Tho I gotten better. I given my partner space, trust them more, and learnt to love myself bc it’s the sole cause of it.

To anyway who’s like me, learn to love yourself and remind yourself your partner isn’t like your ex or a partner. If the trauma or your depression is extremely bad, talk to a therapist. And remember, don’t use your issues as the excuse every single time you f up. Take responsibility of your actions and learn from your mistakes. It’s hard but remember, you’re not alone. Your partner and friends can help but don’t take frustrations on them. And if you have a choice to get therapy then i suggest you get it.


Relationships aren't 50/50, they are 100/100. I need to be at my 100%, and be happy with the life I have before I try to share it with someone.


The bad thing about toxic relationships is that once you begin to allow the little compromises, toxic people will keep exploring you and exhibiting more toxicity till it has gone full blown and out of hand. This is why it is important to always pay attention and nip toxic behaviours in the bud anytime you notice them in your relationship.


Girl, I've been single my whole life GUYS, THIS MIGHT BE AN UNPOPULAR OPINION, BUT BEING SINGLE IS GOOD TOO. Nothing is wrong with being Inner peace>toxic ppl


When I'm single I have this strong, independent personality that makes me feel confident and safe. Things change whenever I'm in a relationship :( I kind of become this insecure and lost person that needs a constant reassurance from the other person. I fear abandonment, I'm kind of clingy and my identity feels threatened by getting lost in my significant other.


I can't tell you how much I appreciate this video. I've felt like I've been in a toxic relationship for a while, but was surprised to see some ways that I was contributing to the toxicity after watching this video. It's definitely bolstered my determination to look inside myself and clean up my side of the street, so to speak.


#1 lack of trust 0:35
#2 extreme clinginess 1:05
#3 avoiding responsibilities 2:06
#4 gaslighting 2:37
#5 constant lying 3:10
#6 super flakiness 3:45
#7 false accusations 4:25
#8 cheating 5:01


Important caveat: this doesn’t just apply to romantic partners. These traits can take many different forms and can apply to relationships with parents, children, even friendships.


1) A lack of trust
2) Extreme clingyness
3) Avoiding responsibilities
4) Gaslighting
5) Constant lying
6) Super flakiness
7) False accusations
8) Cheating


Something i have been struggling with lately is that I feel that im annoying/clingy. Im a very physical person, so I like to hug people and just in general touch them (hold hands, lean on them etc). My problem is that with certain people i just feel like I’m being clingy and I don’t know what to do. If you could make a video on this topic it would be extremely helpful, thank you.
Have a good day everyone!<3


The last relationship I had which was in 2019 contained numbers 1, 2, 5, 7 and 8... I should have left much earlier than I did but I'm free now and feeling a lot better.


This is the exactly what happened with my ex, at first he was fine but after awhile it got worse and worse, today you need to keep in mind abusers are really good at putting on a fake face and acting good at first, the only way to really avoid this is to get to know the person really well first and see how he/she/they act towards other people, and ask the persons friends how they act to them to find any red flags like in the video, stay safe and be careful who you choose


You also need to be weary of a partner who is dismissive, someone who always plays the victim, someone who would rather not bother bringing up things that are pushing the relationship to a breaking point because bringing them up always upsets the other person so "it didnt seem worth it", someone who acts like their way is the right way, someone who isn't patient with any mental or emotional struggles their partner has, someone who always claims that their partner is being emotionally manipulative (yes sometimes it was true but other times it was just a very bad response to dealing with certain feelings developed from a childhood trauma) and someone who says their partner hasn't made any progress after years of therapy (because a person apparently can't have generalized anxiety and social anxiety and fear of failure and fear of disappointing others and depression and freezing when they don't know what to do in a situation and the constant feeling that since nothing bad has happened to them yet, they are due for something bad, etc, etc)


"Reaching out for help" is not that easy or simple especially when you have too much to say that triggers others so easily so you have to hold it all in.


I think a lack of trust is how every relationship starts and trust is built from there. You should have a lot of trust before you are exclusive with them in my opinion.


the lack of trust and clinginess sections I think should be renamed. There's a difference between genuinely not knowing whether to trust someone vs what is described, same for clinginess. Wanting to hang out with your friend, especially if you're really close, isn't "clingy", what is is constant monitoring and obsessing from the start.

I say this because people HAVE thrown "you just don't trust me and are clingy" when they DELIBERATELY broke my trust and became secretive to toxically test my loyalty, and when I naturally freaked out and started checking to make sure I wasnt going crazy they threw it back in my face to make me out to be THE big problem.
Videos like this need to be careful, and I know it is triggering for me.
I am not untrusting or clingy for having needs.
I am not lacking trust and toxic for someone breaking that trust.
I am not clingy for checking if my friend was lying to me after a month of healthy breaching of the topic so we could work on it together.
