How to Recognize Signs & Symptoms of Bulimia

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Step 1: Spend time with the suspected sufferer
Spend time with the sufferer. Listen to what they – they may refuse to participate in normal daily activities, seem depressed, or complain about their weight.

Step 2: Monitor food
Check the refrigerator at night, then again early morning to see if large amounts of food are missing. Binge eating is often done in secret, at night.

Step 3: Pay attention to time spent in restroom
Notice if the person spends a lot of time in the restroom. Most purging – self-induced vomiting – is done in secret.

Laxatives, enemas, water, and diet pills are also methods used by bulimics.

Step 4: Look for physical signs
Look for complaints of a sore throat, foul breath, decaying teeth, or sores on the backs of hands. These are signs of repetitive manual purging.

Step 5: Seek professional help
Seek the advice of a doctor or mental health professional for information on how to approach the individual. Symptoms of bulimia may vary from person to person but a true diagnosis must come from a licensed professional.

Did You Know?
In ancient Rome people used to vomit up food in the period of feasting.
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Yeah... 'cause we all scarf our food rapidly out of bowls like a dog. lol


I don't do it only at night. I just only eat when I am in the place where I can throw it up right after


You don't become bulimic or purge to EAT MORE! Its emotional.Food becomes the only way to deal with problems and you can only deal with these by controlling something in your life.It may start with weight loss.You start to feel good, like you've defeated some kind of monster....and then your hooked....The high and feeling of accomplishment .Life is hard and people are horrible....only food is neutral...TO EAT OR NOT EAT IS THE QUESTION....LOL get the joke?


the best part is that FUNFACT at the end :D


@BubbleGumBubbleGirl Seriously...people with EDs (especially bulimia) tend to be really ninja. Hence we can get away with it for YEARS. That's why we're often described as "sneaky" and "good deceivers".


لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له، له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيءٍ قدير.


people didn't used to throw up their food during feasts. people only think that because there was a place called a purgatoriam (not quite sure how it was spelled) which people associate with purging


there's so many ''how to'' videos on youtube that it seems that people cant do anything by themselves nowadays. Now everyone just looks on the internet how to do it instead of using their own brain.


Im not bulimic i dont want to be bulimic but i might be i cant hold food down anymore i try to eat normally but lately in 2 months ive managed to lose 5 kgs total (i did excercise a lot though)


@bevon17 the sores r caused by the teeth strapping against the knockles when inducing vomiting


I can't believe they would make it out to be as something funny. Like with the part where she is gorging on cereal in front of the other girl! How insensitive .


@cotton2222 The ancient Romans would feast, eating as much as they possibly could. Then they would puke it all out so that they could feast some more, etc.

However, that seems to be waaaay different than bulimia....


I am 30 year old guy I was fat i was 110 kgs then I did strict harsh diet now I Weigh 73 kgs but anything I eat I vomit 🤮 straight cuz I’m scared to gain the weight that I lost after I eat I feel the urge to vomit evrything I can’t handle the thought of food in my body I’m scared to gain weight I need to vomit anything I eat to relax again and don’t gain weight am I consider bulimic and can I live like this ??


@ihatenumbers987 It's called Binge-Eating Disorder. It's similar to bulimia nervosa, but it is different in the fact that binge-eaters don't vomit up their food, and they don't go to drastic measures with exercise to try and burn off the food. If you've friend purges or excessively exercises after these binges, then she might be bulimic.


OMG I've gone a bit fat and keep telling myself to stop eating crisps and sleep too much but I cant HELP it...atleast I am not anorexic


actually I ve been bulimic for more than 10 yrs and this is not so effective, bulimics are really good actors in hiding their behaviours, I am actually a friendly-social person, people point how positive I am all the time, but inside I feel really sick and crappy, but I dont hide binges on the fridge or kitchen cause I know someone might notice it.I hide it in secret places and puke when no one is around or public toilettes, sometimes is really hard to catch a bulimic cause most are not even skinny.


maybe off topic but why did they choose a guy that looks like Sigmund Freud to represent mental health professionals? Most of his theories have been debunked over time so why give the impression therapy/counceling is ancient science.


@cotton2222 They puke during a feast so they can eat more food.


god its horrible that the comercial is for dieting -_-


@cotton2222 becuase durring thaat time, they would have a very large meal instead of just one plate as w have today. and it was considered extremely rude if all the food wasnt i knw, but that is what it was like...
