Robert Waldinger ON: If You STRUGGLE To Find Happiness In Life, WATCH THIS! | Jay Shetty

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Today, I am talking to Robert Waldinger, a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development, and co-founder of the Lifespan Research Foundation. Dr. Waldinger received his AB from Harvard College and his MD from Harvard Medical School. Dr. Waldinger is a practicing psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, and he directs a psychotherapy teaching program for Harvard psychiatry residents. He's also a zen master and teaches meditation in New England and around the world. And he is the co-author of the book, The Good Life: Lessons From the World's Longest Scientific Study of Happiness.

Robert shares his expertise on adult happiness. We go back and forth with our thoughts on the effects of chronically stressful relationships on our physical body as well as our mental and emotional health, why we should stop minding what people think about us and instead start checking in with ourselves, and the pros and cons of engaging in personal development and being open to changes.

What We Discuss:
00:00:00 Intro
00:03:23 The pros and cons of remote conversations
00:05:16 This 75-Year Harvard Study
00:13:10 The three flavors of happiness
00:17:45 Turn to activities that are enlivening
00:20:18 We’re not trained to look inward
00:26:23 Take note of the things that are evolving
00:35:32 When you’re living with people that causes you stress
00:40:14 Active re-imagining of life from a different time
00:47:03 Chronically stressful relationships break down the body
00:53:30 Looking at the long view when dealing with relationships
01:01:00 Socio-emotional learning
01:02:57 How do we keep our relationships in shape?
01:06:02 Security of attachment for introverts and extroverts
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To everyone reading this Keep going. No matter how stuck you feel, no matter how bad things are right now, no matter how hopeless & depressed you feel, no matter how many days you have spent wishing things were different. I promise you won't feel this way forever. Keep going.


It’s my first comment on YouTube. So I’m improving my English right now watching interviews with Jay Shetty and I want to thank Robert Waldinger for clear and understandable pronunciation of speech. It motivates me to develop my understanding of English! it’s incredible!


Jay, I'm in Zimbabwe and have been following your podcasts on Podbean for 6 months now. I've stumbled on this in a search for meaningful content and I've been blown away by the conversations you've had. This one with Bob Waldinger is no exception. Even though we live in different continents and view the world through different lenses, it's amazing that, as people, we are so similar. Thanks for living out your purpose in a way that benefits millions.


I feel like he kept missing the point about some family members being consistently toxic and grating. Most of the time it’s better to step away from those and not keep trying to fix them if it’s only hurting you. That was the biggest obstacle in my life and I wish I didn’t let it go on so long as it took extreme tolls on my mental and physical health and general quality of life. Crazy but true. I loved this episode 😅


Jay Shetty.. Seeing and listening to your podcast is the most Rivetting experience of my life.. Yeah of course one can change the course of one, s life seriously for the better if you want so .. but of course it is the desire behind it that must work else it can turn out to be a futile project... spirituality can help each one of us towards that goal. .. no matter what your age may be.. Sweetheart i am turning 80 in just a few months and i am looking at life with a new Perspective and i am sure in my heart that i will be able to show the world where there is❤ will there is a way.. Kudos to your efforts helping us change our lives and not waste away this last chance to live our beautiful remaining days embellished with all the love❤ warmth and all that goes with it. Sending you a big hug all the way. .. ❤


The “Toxic Family” it’s a horrible label yet an absolute reality for so many us. Which makes sense as the world itself is reaching toxic levels. Humanity plays a massive part in this.

Naming it for what it is brings awareness. Allowing for understanding, shift and change which will affect others and our environments. Healing… operating out of Love instead of Fear.

Feeling and living from a place of connection instead of auto pilot.

So, even though it feels wrong and family is family some will say. To walk away from environments that harm us physically and psychologically is in essence creating a better world.

It’s creating a better you. That is worthy of being loved, respected, nurtured, adored, so that you can grow ❣️

Stay strong you are not alone 🌟


Jay Shetty will end up with a perfect life from all he is learning from all his interview. 🤩🤩🤩


Love is safety...and understanding...that resonates so deeply.


Bob is such a wonderful psychiatrist with Zen ground.I love this conversation.This reminds me of so many important things that I takes for granted.Thank U for this


Yes the first line is classic.♥️ We too often shape our lives on trying to please others and are often worried about what other people think👏🏾.


I’m thoroughly enjoying this talk. I’ve gained new perspectives on different levels of my current relationships; it was very impactful. Thank you for having this conversation.


I caught your channel and I have been struggling for a while now, but this was such an eye opening experience and I ordered the book. Everyone has been saying I really negative and I didn’t realize I was, but in hearings this I realized I played a critical role in growing up. It was truly negative and it is a related behavior and I want to Stop, while painful as hell Thank you for helping me grow


Life-changing insights! Robert Waldinger's wisdom is a must-watch for anyone struggling with finding happiness. Jay Shetty always knows how to bring the best out of his guests. Thanks for sharing this incredible video.🙏


Your interviews teach me so much about my relationships with other people and just as important is the relationship with myself. Your work is inspiring Jay, Thank You!


What a beautiful conversation to listen to and to watch! Thank you Jay & Robert for these deep insights on connections and happiness!


Such an absolutely delightful and insightful conversation Your shared energy, love of life, peace and joy are evident. A wonderful podcast, what I would call "soul food". Thank you both xoxo


Exactly, sometimes you must walk away from certain family members. Blood is not always thicker than water.


This is true we can help solve other peoples problems and not our own 😢I feel I can help other people and see what might be happening to their situation but I don’t have the courage for my own 😢💔


I love all of your podcasts. I loved what you said about people changing


Hey Jay. You, and your fellow mentors, are saving MILLIONS of lives. Thank you Sir. D
