Moments From Nope That Upset Fans The Most

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Jordan Peele's "Nope" left some audiences saying "Hell yeah!" Others, however, were ready to "Get Out" — of theaters.

#Nope #JordanPeele #Fans

The opening scene | 0:00
Otis Sr.'s death | 0:43
The digestion scene | 1:16
The screams | 1:46
Blood rain | 2:47
6:13 of havoc | 3:40
The praying mantis | 4:16
Holst's fate | 5:40
The saucer's death | 6:35
No E.T.s | 7:51

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Which scene did you find the most unsettling?


If the praying mantis upset people then it did exactly what it was supposed to do. For a movie primarily critiquing human desire for “spectacle”, something so little getting in the way of that, and people being upset about it, just proves peeles point.


When the first critic says “it makes you want to look away but the feeling of needing to know what happens next is curiosity taking over” that’s literally what Jordan peele was trying to do. That is the literal definition of “spectacle” which is referenced multiple times in the movie


The cinematographer needed to get that impossible shot going into the creature. He calculated that Jean Jacket will spit out the camera and footage. If the footage survived, he would become a legend. If you look back, you may notice he’s constantly viewing predators devouring their prey. He also acknowledged the wheel chair on the roof, so he knows what Jean Jacket will spit out.


The digestion scene was horrifying. Seeing and hearing everyone scream their lungs out was something I've never seen in a movie before. It legit made me feel scared. And then when the screams stopped before the blood rain.. chills. Proof that you don't need cheap jump scares for horror movies. Can't wait to see what Jordan has planned next, his movies are truly reinventing horror in the best way.


Honestly, the gordy scene and the digestion scene are so strong cuz they complement each other. They complement each other completely with their brutal horror. The double dose of horror and anxiety hit you, particularly in a way where you can't look away. Beautifully captured and imagined


The digestion scene hit different in a massive way. Up until then, I was still thinking it was a regular UFO and we were finally gonna see what's driving it. Then we see the people going up "tubes" and I was like, "OK. They're going through the tubes that'll lead to the aliens." But the tubes kept going, the camera kept panning, then we finally see the thing the people were going to and my jaw dropped. I was like, " that a stomach? Wait, isn't this a tube? IT'S A FUCKING THROAT?! This isn't a UFO! THE UFO IS THE FUCKING ALIEN AND EATING PEOPLE!" Give it up to Peele for thinking of something like that.


The scenes that were the most terrifying, was the scenes where JJ sucked up the people, and you can still hear them screaming, as it is still flying around. All of a sudden, there is silence. Crazy!


I feel like the praying mantis was an example of how capturing the perfect spectacle is nearly impossible, they bought high tech cameras just for it to get spoiled by something so little. yes it makes no sense on how the mantis got there but it also makes a lot of sense.


What really solidified the horrific nature of Jean Jacket’s method of killing for me was the scene where a fountain of blood poors onto OJ and Em’s house. My reason for this is because of the implications it brings out. It implies that those people were up there getting melted alive for hours, then suddenly they were crushed and had every drop of blood squeezed out of them like a orange in a juicer.


Changing the alien into an organic space ship was genius!!! I really liked that concept


The scariest part about Jean Jacket is that it isn’t relatively evil, its just an animal trying to survive and get its daily grub. It doesn’t have evil intentions, its only running on primal instinct.


The scene that made me go “oh this is why JOrdan Peele had this story locked in his mind for so long” was the reveal of the One eye one horn people eater. I’m sure that song struck some sort of chord with Peele and he made an absolutely terrifying film.


I’ve known a few cinematographers and Holtz’s actions made perfect sense. The passion and the pressure that most of them have for getting the perfect shot is incredible. They want it no matter what it takes.


I liked the part where Jordan Peele made a cameo in the movie and said it’s peelin time and then he peeled the alien into pieces. Truly wonderful horror elements


Based on social media chatter, I am convinced the people who don't like this movie fall into one of two categories: those looking for scary jump scares, or those who don't like movies with metaphors and symbolism you have to dissect


Nope is pretty damn great. That opening scene is wonderfully bizarre and creative. The sight of that blood stained shoe standing up on its own? Surreal AF.


That self-sacrifice (or fatal mistake) Holst made was not stupid but insane. As was his obsession with the footage of wild creatures devouring each other. _He just had to film it_ . The guy literally had a fetish for animal voracity.


I remember the screams in the trailer were the most chilling part. I thought it was sounds of horse terror, but it's brilliant how it just sounds like disturbing wind/engine noises until you know what it is.


I went through all the stages of grief watching those people getting sucked up into JJ and knowing they are going to die a horrible death. So tragic.
