Quantum Underground Nonlocal Yuan Qi de Broglie Phase Harmony blue light Stuart Hameroff music zone

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So Gurdjieff talked about modern humans as being in a controlled machine state and as Dr. Stuart Hameroff points out - this is what the other scientists are claiming that consciousness actually is - merely a mechanical emergence of biological material matter. According to mainstream science we are all zombies as biological machines! But through the collaboration with Nobel Physicist Sir Roger Penrose then Hameroff argues that our consciousness is from the future in contrast to cognition and so by increasing the frequency of our consciousness, as per de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony, we have external time slowing down as in the "zone" for super-athlete or for intense meditation. So our internal conscious moments are increased through an increased absorption of proto-consciousness from the future or nonlocal time-frequency noncommutative phase. The consciousness is due to the delocalized protons or Yang Qi then achieving critical mass to cause the spontaneous localization effect of spacetime or gravity - in our brains. So the Yuan Qi is this nonlocal virtual photon absorption process while the brain cognition is a much slower "external" reality perception and then consciousness is the protons of matter having an orchestrated collapse. The Quantum Underground then is a state of pure consciousness with no or very little "cognition" as the external slower perceptions created from the filtering of the thalamus.
So as per the Law of Phase Harmony as an external matter goes up in frequency it's based on quantum momentum towards the speed of light (as wavelength x frequency). But due to relativity then time also slows down as the particle enters into the 5th dimension as a black hole (which is quantum entanglement as nonlocal reality or proto-consciousness). So that means logically, as per the music theory of Pythagoras, there HAS to also be a "reverse time" future that is secretly guiding the particle going up in frequency - as a negative frequency from the future with the time getting bigger. So then external time is getting bigger or slowing down DUE to the absorption of reverse time precognition from the future as virtual photons with negative frequency.
So then the internal reaction time is faster due to a higher frequency of consciousness that is able to absorb more virtual photons from the future - as reversal of a black hole into a white hole. The external time is slowing down as longevity - and for immortality - the external person appears to not move at all - in nirvikalpa samadhi meditation.
So then in terms of Daoist Alchemy Neidan then the consciousness is the Shen or spirit light and the Ling or Soul is the protoconsciousness that stores our memories in the nonlocal black hole-white hole of the Universe. The jing is then our subconscious as the slower processing of external reality. Hameroff gives the example of being pricked at the finger. The conscoiusness reaction is faster then the subconscious brain signal. So the subconscious perceives the before and after of the pricking - similar to how when you look at food then your mouth starts watering. This is the realm of synesthesia with the prefrontal consciousness then inhibiting the subconscious as a reverse time learning process based on a subharmonic of the future as proto-consciousness.
Stuart Hameroff on Free Will
So Free Will is then controlling our reaction times to otherwise subconscious mechanical perceptions that then trigger moments of mechanical cognition. So the higher our frequency of consciousness then the faster we can have a precognitive processing of protoconsciousness which then enables a quicker cognition reaction (or NO reaction) as the otherwise subconscious external time brain processing as cognition.
"If it's there it's going to be there all the time. If biology could evolve a mechanism to use quantum effects and to use backward times effects which would be absolutely beneficial in survival and evolution, wouldn't it do so? If a tomato or rutagaba can use quantum coherence, wouldn't our brains?" Stuart Hameroff.
So the depressed person has the same noncommutative phase reversal all the time as protoconsciousness but LESS or lower frequency of consciousness as per the emotional awareness of the indole pi resonance serotonin or tryptophan molecules regulating the tubulins in the microtubules. Also qigong meditation then increases the level of serotonin in the brain by transferring the lower body neurohormone blood serotonin into the cerebrospinal fluid serotonin via increased pineal gland third eye activation.
The collagen microtubules are vertically aligned as ultrasound piezoelectric sound or mechanical wave activation.
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blue light pulses were then proven to increase dopamine levels in the neurons. whereas Yellow Light will Shut OFF neurons to activate sleep. Red light is less absorbed by blood and other tissues - that's why blood looks red - so red light goes deeper into the body to ACTIVATE neurons. This can be used to treat blindness.


the electron tunneling happens at the level of the tubulin inside the microtubules. So it's a noncommutative phase with the subharmonic of consciousness then having a quantum coherence pumping effect on the tubulin. This can be done at ultrasound of the microtubules. So collagen is piezoelectric and the most common protein in the body and vertically aligned. This is why Tai Chi and yoga, etc. actually stimulate the microtubules to then a higher frequency of consciousness. The protons are the critical mass that localize into spacetime via the delocalized relativistic magnetic moment between the protons and electrons. So our microtubule conscoiusness can then react as free will based on a faster processing of the future as the nonlocal entanglement of relativistic quantum coherence. The subconscious is then the continual processing as the potential energy that can be cognition but not consciousness - so like a motor consciousness that is cognition of the brain without a conscious reaction or choice of non-reaction as perception.


So then with psychedelics you increase the frequency of the cognition reaction time by going into the quantum underground - actually there is NO reaction at the microtubule ultrasound frequency - instead you remain in the quantum underground with direct awareness of the consciousness entangled with the future as the nonlocal pi resonance via the blue light of the serotonin. So it's a kind of quantum zeno effect - and this is also achieved via meditation so that the virtual photons can then be absorbed from the future. This is called "virtual information healing" by qigong master Yan Xin and the "golden key" as "superluminal yin matter" by qigong master Zhang Hongbao. So just as with the element gold there is quantum chemistry of spin so that the blue light is seen internally by absorbing virtual photons as a relativistic lowering of the negative frequency wavelength from the future or reverse time precognition. This enables precognitive visions. So the external time as perceived from the blue light is then slower then the internal precognitive visions. Whereas in terms of a relativistic "rest frame" someone else in different spacetime would see the golden light called the "yin matter" - as it originates from the future. This is also called the golden yang shen or bilocation in parapsychology (see Dr. Jack Tuszynski quantum biologist citing a Kriya Yoga Nirvikalpa Samadhi master teacher of Sri Yukteswar).


yes in meditation the lecithin is ionized just as with an electric eel storing charge. So that is why celibacy is necessary to store up the energy. The lecithin myelinates the neurons. So the small intestines are the 2nd brain that stores the charge by swallowing the cerebrospinal fluid that overflows out of the sinus cavity - after it is charged up by "turning the light around" through meditation. thanks


So qigong master Yan Xin says it is crucial to ACT at the moment of the cognition thought - this is the "fast" microtubule ultrasound reaction based on the precognitive nonlocal resonance from the future. So then through meditation we directly ACT on our otherwise normally subconscious 500 milisecond processing of sensations. So that otherwise subconscious motor neuron cognition then becomes SUPERconsciousness actions via the ultrasound resonance as free will from the "inner ear" listening or concentration that is also a subharmonic of the future. This is then in the EEG as a stronger amplitude delta and theta brain waves while awake yet also a higher frequency cognition of the 40 hertz into the 80 hertz due to the neurons being activated as cognition at a faster rate.


40, 000-Hz ultrasound wave = 40 millisecond = microtubule consciousness reaction time = Free Will as noncommutative phase with nonlocal tubulin Pi-resonance "collapse". While 500 miliseconds or 1/2 second is the potential signal as subconsciousness motor neurons or other thalamus neuron signals. So the brain sensation motor neuron takes 500 miliseconds directly while the Evoked potential of Action at the tip of the finger is at the ultrasound frequency that is FASTER than the motor neuron subconsciousness potential energy signal.


So then driving the brain at 40 hertz was proven to heal Alzheimers - by causing the brain neurons to be activated by LIGHT - due to the "magical frequency" of the 40 Hertz. "flicking lights and clicking sounds" - to treat and heal Alzheimers - using effectively Movies - to try to see if the brain can be healed.


When a US [ultrasound] burst (2.1 MHz, 1-mm focal diameter, 0.1–1 MPa) was focused on a motor axon of the crayfish neuromuscular junction, it consistently produced a fast hyperpolarization, which was followed or superseded by subthreshold depolarizations or action potentials in a stochastic manner. "


So then intuition is based on listening to the subconscious directly as it resonates from the protoconsciousness of the future and then translating that information into external sound as speech or talking. So then the person is hearing themselves speak before they actually are thinking as a normal cognition.


I urge you to study quantum mechanics more as per Roger Penrose. Donald Hoffman is a computer scientist and so he doesn't really understand quantum mechanics. Hoffman is only working with the amplitudes AFTER the so-called "collapse" of the measurement. Penrose is working with the "sub-observables" or noncommutative phase of nonlocality that is relativistic. You can also study Yakir Aharonov for more details or Professor Basil J. Hiley. I took quantum mechanics from Professor Herbert J. Bernstein who designed the noncommutative phase quantum teleportation signal system that is being tested by NASA. So Professor Bernstein emphasizes that everyone should take quantum mechanics as their FIRST physics course since QM is the foundation of reality as per science. Unfortunately most scientists either never take quantum mechanics or take it much later after they've already been hard-wired with a cognitive bias against the truth. thanks


"Inside the [ALGAE] eyespot are proteins, the very microbial optsins - when you hit them with light they open up a small pore and let charged particles, Ions, to cross the pore. Those particles cause electrical depolarization across the membrane. That's exactly what we want to do with the neurons to turn it on."


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