Mark Van Raamsdonk: Spacetime from quantum nonlocal music Yuan Qi paranormal de Broglie phase ER=EPR

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So as Dr. Fred Alan Wolf points out about Schroedinger - he wondered from where does the Light Subharmonic originate? Because Schroedinger has to ignore de Broglie's critique of relativity but then later Schroedinger realized that is the secret of Negative Entropy - from the negative frequency of reverse time energy. You have also rediscovered this truth. thanks
"This correlation consists of three parts: a classical gravitational
correlation,[5−6] a non-commutative correlation, and a quantum effect-induced correlation. It is shown that the noncommutative
and quantum effects increase the correlation among radiation, and the information conservation is still
hold in noncommutative quantum black holes."
and so
"The origin of entropy would be hidden behind the quantum microstates associated with the black hole horizon."
"However, I did make the association of wormholes to Einstein-­‐Rosen-­‐Podolsky quantum entanglement back in 1975 in the book “Space-­‐Time and Beyond” (E.P. Dutton) that has been recently reborn in the more formal
setting by Lenny Susskind and others as ER = EPR in an attempt to solve
the firewall problem for black holes." and Jack Sarfatti again about his book with Fred Alan Wolf (I discovered this book around 2006)

"in addition to ER = EPR there are precognitive remote viewings ? of
modern string theory, & hologram universe
But there is also a lot of nutty, not even wrong, goofy really beyond the
fringe stuff as well - mostly inspired by non-physicist artist Bob Toben.
There is even Dennis Sciama’s Mach Principle in there! ;-)
It was 1974 when written under the influence so to speak mostly in Paris."
So then Fred Alan Wolf ponders the Music subharmonic light of Schroedinger's quantum jumps....
Fred Alan Wolf (p. 94, Taking the Quantum Leap)
"The movement of the electron from one orbit to another lower energy orbit was a simple change of notes. As a violin string undergoes such a change, there is a moment when both harmonics can be heard. This results in the well-known experience of harmony, or as wave scientists call it, the phenomenon of beats. ...The light was a beat, a harmony, between the lower and upper harmonics of the Schroedinger-de Broglie waves. When we see atomic light, we are observing an atom singing harmony....They had no medium to wave in, and they had no recognizable form in physical space."
That is precisely what Mark Van Raarmsdonk is explaining in his quantum "standing wave harmonics" music video.
So math professor Louis Kauffman gave a recent talk on the secret noncommutative origin of ER=EPR. He just called it "nonBoolean" but it's also noncommutative -as anyone know from studying Kauffman and Eddie Oshins on paranormal Neigong training.
"This difficulty was overcome in [22] where by means of a nonlocal equation of state a noncommutative mini black hole model was developed in which the pressure is positive in the interior of the droplet. Furthermore, [23] gave the maximal singularity-free atlas for the noncommutative geometry inspired Schwarzschild metric [18]. This atlas describes an infinite lattice of asymptotically flat universes connected by black hole tunnels. "
So there is a positive Pressure Yuan Qi energy of the Universe as "dark energy."
"Thus energy whose scale corresponds to the uncertainty in momentum is localized in the system within a region corresponding to the uncertainty in position. When the separation is small enough, the Schwarzschild radius of the system is reached and a black hole is formed, which prevents any information from escaping the system."
Louis Kauffman on ER=EPR
Kauffman at SLAC worked with Eddie Oshins on quantum psychology noncommutative Neigong qigong
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