Original Sin Psychic Yuan Qi Exorcism Lunar Blue Light Goddess of the Sun Deep Listening Vagus snake

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Deep Listening is a term used in "mindfulness" meditation yet the extent of just how deep the listening can go is not quite appreciated. This is where Qigong as Neigong Neidan alchemy can help explain just how a psychic exorcism works via deep listening as a vagus nerve "snake" kundalini activation. Kriya Yoga explained this secret in the book, "The Holy Science" and Kriya Yoga, the oldest yoga taught in India, relies on the same "small universe" or "microcosmic orbit" meditation as does qigong Neidan alchemy. The 12 harmonic nodes of the music scale as the mind-body infinite spiral of fifths are then LISTENED to as a resonance of the spirit into higher frequency which eventually accesses the subharmonic of the future as the OM sound of light.
The "inner smile" in qigong meditation is actually a physiological process that goes back to our reptilian origins of the right side vagus nerve as a higher frequency deep listening activation. The middle ear muscles can be flexed to listen to the highest sound hear externally which then resonates the full brain as ultrasound which then resonates the microtubules into the blue light which then absorbs the nonlocal nondual noncommutative phase Yuan Qi energy of the 5th dimension - the quantum spin.
This creates a golden body externally from the blue light internally and then the red light yin qi lower emotional blockages are exorcised from the body-mind. So then the 12 harmonic nodes of the small universe meditation are from the lunar calendar with the sound of music as originating as the Jing energy or psychic healing energy. Eventually this Lunar psychic energy turns into Yuan Jing as an eternal Yang Shen on Earth - an immortal golden body from the Subharmonic of the Future being listened to and absorbed.
That is the secret of the Logos as the Snake original Sin Wisdom or "why is the OM" of the Universe - the Amun or Amen from the Aeon time as Ion or Aion - the kundalini as reverse time energy of the future. Pythagoras literally means "Snake Master."
So the hissing of the snake sound is thus aligned with the deep listening kundalini snake vagus nerve activation - as the left ear is the Yang Qi due to the full exorcism of the mind. The left eye is the yin qi while the right eye is the yang qi. So the light is turned around with the spirit going inwards and a deep internal listening to reverse spacetime.
So humans originated from the "Garden of Eden" - the forest where listening was our dominant perception and we can then "flex" our middle ear muscle to access the inner smile as the middle ear was previously our jaw bone. So the inner smile is the middle ear muscle smiling as we activate the pineal gland to emanate the Yuan Qi energy that is a spacetime vortex of the future. The Yuan Qi can not be seen but can be logically inferred as the source of the I-thought or the Logos as the OM of light - the listening to the source of matter from light through a spacetime relativistic mass transmutation from the future.
Dr. Olivier Costa de Beauregard did the best research on this precognitive relativistic quantum secret of the paranormal due to the Law of Phase Harmony as discovered by his mentor Nobel physicist Louis de Broglie.
So then just as a C.D. has a rainbow vortex of light when we look at the back - it is due to the various, as Dr. Andrew Parker detailed in his, "In the Blink of an Eye" evolution book, quantum refraction gradients. And so just as light is emitted by the electrons changing energy levels so also is matter itself originally comprised of light - even the proton - as Nobel physicist Gerard 't Hooft explains.
So then the ultimate exorcism is the vaporization of the matter of the body itself back into the rainbow body of light that resonates from the future of time as the Soul. And so the blue light is this activation of the soul light as Shri Dhyanyogi explains in his book, "This House is On Fire."
Master Nan, Huai-chin explains, as per Mahayana Buddhism, that even the rainbow body is still just a "game" of the spiritual ego and only the Emptiness as interdependent origination via the "Inner Ear" method of Buddhism is the true goal as the eternal process of listening to the Formless Realm.
This video upload is part of my upload playlist on the paranormal: Whispering the Unwhisperables
due to left brain-right hand dominance of modern humans on Earth then we need Deep Listening as a deep exorcism to preserve the left-hand dominated amino acids and proteins of life based on right-brain dominance as frequency of energy transformation, accessing the Schumann Resonance ELF "spin" subharmonic of nonlocal quantum entanglement. This is also why plants "spiral" to the Sun as the quantum nonlocal entanglement.
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Inanna, the Sumerian astral deity representing the planet Venus, was known throughout the Mesopotamian world. The Akkadians (and later the Assyro-Babylonians) called her Ishtar. For both the Sumerians and the Akkadians she was the principal goddess in their respective pantheons. Inanna-Ishtar's closest counterparts to the west are the Canaanite Astarte and the later goddesses of Greece and Rome, Aphrodite and Venus.

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The quote "Opened Her Ear to the Great Below" from Ianna is based on also a quote from a Tibetan medical doctor: Tibetan medical doctor listening secret
" The ear collect the spiraling energy from the cosmos, this energy gives life to man, and we see this vitality in the light which shines forth from our eyes. " Tibetan medical doctor. So in the West the music theory denies the subharmonics from listening - as in the throat singing and chanting of monks. Ironically it is from listening to the highest pitch heard externally - that our internal brain resonates as ultrasound. This is proven from Tinnitus research. So as Dr. Andrija Puharich figured out this ultrasound then activates the vagus nerve as deep throat relaxation, meaning that the deep subharmonics that we listen to are from the meditation. And even more so the quantum biology research of Stuart Hameroff et. al. has shown the ultrasound resonates the microtubules at 3000 times greater amplitude due to a noncommutative phase quantum coherence (a metamaterial). So that is the secret of the "inner ear" method of buddhism - so that the quantum nonlocal energy or spin energy of the 5th dimension is then access. And that spin is what creates the subharmonics as the Cosmic Mother Goddess going to the underworld - or the ELF "shaking medicine" as the yin qi of Earth (the 7 to 9 times per second). So a good treatment for depression is then the standing active exercises with the thigh muscles sore from the legs shaking. The Wim Hof breathing method as the Tummo breathing method then causes parasympathetic rebound. So the 30 deep breaths doubles the adrenaline but only holding the breath AFTER exhale is the vagus nerve activated so the adrenaline is triggered into activation as well.


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Saint Augustine (354-430) was the first theologian to teach that man is born into this world in a state of sin. The basis of his belief is from the Bible (Genesis 3:17-19) where Adam is described as having disobeyed G-d by eating the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden. This, the first sin of man, became known as original sin.

Many Christians today, particularly members of the Anglican, Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, and Presbyterian Churches, subscribe to this belief. They maintain that the sin of Adam was transferred to all future generations, tainting even the unborn. Substantiation for this view is found in the New Testament (Romans 5:12) where Paul says, "Wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned. By one man's disobediance many were made sinners."

Christianity believes that only through the acceptance of Jesus that the "grace" of G-d can return to man. A Christian need only believe in Jesus to be saved; nothing else is required of her.

The doctrine of original sin is totally unacceptable to Jews (as it is to Christian sects such as Baptists and Assemblies of G-d). Jews believe that man enters the world free of sin, with a soul that is pure and innocent and untainted. While there were some Jewish teachers in Talmudic times who believed that death was a punishment brought upon mankind on account of Adam's sin, the dominant view by far was that man sins because he is not a perfect being, and not, as Christianity teaches, because he is inherently sinful.


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" If you looked at the Future of that Region then you had a boundary that was compact - it closed in on itself and that was inconsistent with the initial surface being Non-compact. And I could develop a theorem.
There wouldn't be a universe if they're weren't conscious beings in it because otherwise there would be no one to see it.
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