Access 2019 Advanced Tutorial

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Access 2019 Advanced Tutorial

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Who it's for: Beginners through experienced, everyday users looking to sharpen their skills and increase efficiency in Microsoft Access.

What it is: Access is Microsoft’s relational database application used to organize and store data. Access also has reporting capabilities.

What you'll learn: We start with navigating a completed database while exploring the concept of relational databases and the objects they contain. We’ll move on to learning the Access interface, so you can become comfortable in the working environment. Then, we dive into how to plan, design, and create database tables. We’ll continue by importing table data from Excel, as well as manually entering table data. Sorting and filtering techniques will be explored before we move on to exploring table relationships, the key to a successful relational database. We will create database queries, forms, and reports. We’ll spend time on learning how table relationships affect queries, how to automate queries, and how to create action queries. Our advanced training starts with Advanced Report and Form Design techniques. We will learn how to create switchboards, write macros, and use Access Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) for complex automation. We will end by covering database security and customization options.

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Start 0:00
Introduction 0:03
Form Wizard and Form Design 7:07
Form Design By Yourself 10:38
Data Entry with Forms 16:54
Creating Reports for Data Output 21:27
Forms Recap 31:30
Adding Relationship Security 31:54
Testing Referential Integrity 41:20
Controlling Query Results with Join Types and Controlling Query Results with Join Types 43:23
Creating Complex Queries with Multiple Criteria 52:26
Calculating Data with Queries 58:23
Advanced Query Calculations 1:03:43
Summarizing Data with Grouping 1:09:57
How Relationships Affect Queries Recap 1:15:47
Introduction to Automated Queries, Action Queries, and Advanced Report Design 1:16:21
Automating Queries with Parameters 1:16:53
Using Query Wizards 1:26:28
Action Queries - Making Tables 1:33:02
Action Queries - Appending Queries 1:41:10
Action Queries - Updating Queries 1:44:46
Action Queries - Deleting Queries 1:47:32
Advanced Report Design Techniques 1:50:58
Using Property Sheets for Report Design 1:57:59
Adding Button Controls to a Report 2:07:55
Conclusion 2:11:45


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This Microsoft 2019 lesson is right up my niche. I probably promoted from Access 2019 to Access 2022. Your narratives are clear and thorough, and not hard to understand.


Unfortunately I had the same problem the relationships of the boards do not work and hit.
It is a pity while so much work has been done in the video and in the lessons for Access 2019. As a suggestion I think that the Office Suplies database should be included as a sample as you did correctly in the lessons for Access 2016. However, apart from the small problems of the samples, you have a very good job in explaining and learning Access 2019 and I look forward to doing something similar with Access 2021. Thanks again


I'm learning a lot BUT there were several issues early on in the course that prevented me from working along with your demonstrations. I think it all started with some import issue(s).


There are issues with field setting 'data type'. Its sad after coming this far, things are not going smoothly and have to start from the begining. Good stuff though for beginners like us


48:00 am I missing something here? We have a relationship between of CustomerID between tblCustomers and tblOrders where we have a number tblCustomers and text in tblOrders. This returns a type mismatch data error. After I align the types, the column is cleared in tblOrders and so the query returns nothing


Thank you for your video. It is intensive and cover a lot of greate points. If you can issue another video about Reportd explaining how we can create a report to peint it on a hard copy template. the template has a small squares to extract date from the DB and print each character in a square, R I C H A R D and a date 1 0 1 0 2 0 2 1 and so on.
Thank you again for this excelent Video.


Hi. Thank you for such good tutorials. On this video at 15:05 you say to go to form view. When I do that, i get a type mismatch error. The data from the Orders table came from the Excel file. There, in the excel file, in the orders sheet, the CustumerID field is filled with names, not numbers (Astro Advertising, Grappling grapes, etc). So in Access, when we do the relationships triying to match numbers with text doesnt work. Is that the error?


"this expression was entered incorrectly or is too complex" that error appears exactly there : 2:48 after i "finished"
What does that mean? what can i do to correct that?


I keep getting "type mismatch in expression" when doing FrmOrders at the 15:00 mark. What am I doing wrong?


Dark screen is making this tutorial 👎👎👎👎
